568 research outputs found

    A study on postpartum symptoms and their related factors in Korea

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    AbstractObjectiveThis study was aimed to identify the physical and mental state of women after delivery, to investigate the factors that influence those, and to examine the effects of postpartum care performance, which is traditionally believed to be appropriate care in Korea, on women's physical and mental status.Materials and MethodsA total of 148 women who visited our hospital for postpartum check-up on the 2nd week or 6th week after delivery were selected. We researched postpartum care methods using a questionnaire and had the women self-evaluate their postpartum symptoms. Depression was evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory.ResultsThe average points of the 27 postpartum symptoms was 2.70 points (from 1Ā =Ā very good to 5Ā =Ā very bad). Seventy-two women had depression. Factors related to postpartum symptoms and depression were smoking before pregnancy, low marital satisfaction, bad mood during and after pregnancy, lack of support from husbands, and bad quality of sleep during puerperium. Treating the joints of hands carefully when milking breasts, and avoiding squatting down, demonstrated a negative correlation with the average points of postpartum symptoms. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that mood during puerperium and Beck Depression Inventory points were significant factors related to the average points of postpartum symptoms and that the degree of support from husbands and mood during pregnancy were statistically related with depression.ConclusionMany women complained of postpartum discomfort. Although, while some postpartum care methods which are traditionally believed to be appropriate care in Korea can be helpful to women's recovery, most of them are not. We confirmed that physical symptoms and depression are closely related to each other

    The Origin of Star Formation in Early-type Galaxies Inferred from Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy

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    We investigate the origin of star formation activity in early-type galaxies with current star formation using spatially resolved spectroscopic data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We first identify star-forming early-type galaxies from the SDSS sample, which are morphologically early-type but show current star formation activity in their optical spectra. We then construct comparison samples with different combinations of star formation activity and morphology, which include star-forming late-type galaxies, quiescent early-type galaxies and quiescent late-type galaxies. Our analysis of the optical spectra reveals that the star-forming early-type galaxies have two distinctive episodes of star formation, which is similar to late-type galaxies but different from quiescent early-type galaxies with a single star formation episode. Star-forming early-type galaxies have properties in common with star-forming late-type galaxies, which include stellar population, gas and dust content, mass and environment. However, the physical properties of star-forming early-type galaxies derived from spatially resolved spectroscopy differ from those of star-forming late-type galaxies in the sense that the gas in star-forming early-type galaxies is more concentrated than their stars, and is often kinematically misaligned with stars. The age gradient of star-forming early-type galaxies also differs from those of star-forming late-type galaxies. Our findings suggest that the current star formation in star-forming early-type galaxies has an external origin including galaxy mergers or accretion gas from the cosmic web.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Submerzni uzgoj i karakterizacija polisaharida iz gljive Grifola frondosa ā€“ primjena u kozmetičkoj industriji

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    Grifola frondosa (maitake) is traditionally called \u27the king of mushrooms\u27 and \u27the hen of the woods\u27. Both the fruiting bodies and the mycelium of maitake have been reported to have antitumor and antiviral activities. Recently, submerged culture processes have been developed, with the intention of providing opportunities for increased economic exploitation of maitake. Commonly the aim of these processes is to produce extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), mostly glucans, and to explore their applications, particularly in the cosmetic industry. A wide variety of EPS with different molecular chain length and chemical compositions are produced under different culture conditions. In this article, various biological and physicochemical properties of the EPS of G. frondosa (GF-EPS) are described, with a view to applications in the area of functional cosmeceuticals. The GF-EPS, together with GF mycelial extract (GF-MPS), showed antioxidative activity, stimulation of collagen biosynthetic activity, cell proliferation activity, and inhibitory activity of melanogenesis, without significant cytotoxicity. These diverse functionalities suggest that both GF-EPS and GF-MPS can be promising cosmetic ingredients.Gljivu Grifola frondosa (maitake) u Koreji tradicionalno zovu kraljicom gljiva i Å”umskim bogatstvom. Dokazano je da plodiÅ”te i micelij gljiva maitake imaju antitumorski i antivirusni učinak. Ekonomsko iskoriÅ”tenje te gljive omogućeno je submerznim uzgojem. Uobičajeni je cilj uzgoja proizvodnja ekstracelularnih polisaharida (EPS), uglavnom glukana i istraživanje mogućnosti njihove primjene u kozmetičkoj industriji. Pri raznim uvjetima proizvodnje dobivaju se ekstracelularni polisaharidi različitih duljina lanaca i kemijskoga sastava. U ovom su radu opisana razna bioloÅ”ka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva ekstracelularnih polisaharida gljive Grifola frondosa (GF-EPS), te primjena u proizvodnji kozmetičkih preparata s povoljnim utjecajem na ljudsko zdravlje. Ekstracelularni polisaharidi i ekstrakt micelija gljive Grifola frondosa (GFMPS) imaju antioksidativni učinak, stimuliraju biosintezu kolagena, bujanje stanica, sprečavaju nastanak melanoma i nemaju jače citotoksično djelovanje, zbog čega su prikladni za primjenu u kozmetičkoj industriji

    Suvremena primjena gljive Phellinus baumii ā€“ od fermentacije do proteomike

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    Phellinus baumii is a mushroom used as a folk medicine for a variety of human diseases in several Asian countries. Recently we have reported for the first time about the antidiabetic effect of the crude exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced from submerged mycelial culture of P. baumii in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The diabetic rats study revealed that orally administrated P. baumii EPS lowered the blood glucose levels and stimulated insulin excretion in diabetic rats, and consequently restored the functions of pancreas, liver, and kidney, suggesting that the EPS might be useful for the management of human diabetes mellitus. We undertook proteomic analyses for plasma, pancreas, liver, and kidney of the rats to search for novel biomarkers for monitoring diabetes before and after EPS treatments. In this article, we describe the production of EPS in submerged culture of P. baumii and studies of their hypoglycemic activity. We also explore the issue of proteomic analyses for mining biomarkers of diabetes.Phellinus baumii je gljiva koja se koristi kao narodni lijek za liječenje raznih bolesti u nekoliko azijskih zemalja. Nedavno smo po prvi put objavili da nerafinirani egzopolisaharidi (EPS), dobiveni submerznim uzgojem micelija gljive P. baumii, smanjuju razinu Å”ećera u krvi Å”takora s dijabetesom induciranim streptozotocinom (STZ). Istraživanje je pokazalo da egzopolisaharidi gljive P. baumii, dodani oralnim putem, snizuju razinu Å”ećera u krvi Å”takora, stimuliraju lučenje inzulina i time obnavljaju funkcije guÅ”terače, jetre i bubrega. Zaključeno je da bi se mogli primjenjivati i u liječenju ljudi od dijabetesa. Autori su proveli proteomsku analizu plazme, guÅ”terače, jetre i bubrega Å”takora za određivanje novih biomarkera za praćenje dijabetesa prije i nakon obrade egzopolisaharidima. U ovom je radu opisana proizvodnja egzopolisaharida u submerznoj kulturi gljive P. baumii i studija njihova utjecaja na razinu Å”ećera u krvi. Također je provedena proteomska analiza radi određivanja biomarkera dijabetesa

    Dual priming oligonucleotide system for the multiplex detection of respiratory viruses and SNP genotyping of CYP2C19 gene

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    Successful PCR starts with proper priming between an oligonucleotide primer and the template DNA. However, the inevitable risk of mismatched priming cannot be avoided in the currently used primer system, even though considerable time and effort are devoted to primer design and optimization of reaction conditions. Here, we report a novel dual priming oligonucleotide (DPO) which contains two separate priming regions joined by a polydeoxyinosine linker. The linker assumes a bubble-like structure which itself is not involved in priming, but rather delineates the boundary between the two parts of the primer. This structure results in two primer segments with distinct annealing properties: a longer 5ā€²-segment that initiates stable priming, and a short 3ā€²-segment that determines target-specific extension. This DPO-based system is a fundamental tool for blocking extension of non-specifically primed templates, and thereby generates consistently high PCR specificity even under less than optimal PCR conditions. The strength and utility of the DPO system are demonstrated here using multiplex PCR and SNP genotyping PCR

    Aberrant phenotypes of transgenic mice expressing dimeric human erythropoietin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dimeric human erythropoietin (dHuEPO) peptides are reported to exhibit significantly higher biological activity than the monomeric form of recombinant EPO. The objective of this study was to produce transgenic (tg) mice expressing dHuEPO and to investigate the characteristics of these mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A dHuEPO-expressing vector under the control of the goat beta-casein promoter, which produced a dimer of human EPO molecules linked by a 2-amino acid peptide linker (Asp-Ile), was constructed and injected into 1-cell fertilized embryos by microinjection. Mice were screened using genomic DNA samples obtained from tail biopsies. Blood samples were obtained by heart puncture using heparinized tubes, and hematologic parameters were assessed. Using the microarray analysis tool, we analyzed differences in gene expression in the spleens of tg and control mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A high rate of spontaneous abortion or death of the offspring was observed in the recipients of dHuEPO embryos. We obtained 3 founder lines (#4, #11, and #47) of tg mice expressing the <it>dHuEPO </it>gene. However, only one founder line showed stable germline integration and transmission, subsequently establishing the only transgenic line (#11). We obtained 2 F1 mice and 3 F2 mice from line #11. The dHuEPO protein could not be obtained because of repeated spontaneous abortions in the tg mice. Tg mice exhibited symptoms such as short lifespan and abnormal blood composition. The red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and hematocrit levels in the tg mice were remarkably higher than those in the control mice. The spleens of the tg mice (F1 and F2 females) were 11- and -21-fold larger than those of the control mice. Microarray analysis revealed 2,672 spleen-derived candidate genes; more genes were downregulated than upregulated (849/764). Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were used for validating the results of the microarray analysis of mRNA expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, dHuEPO tg mice caused excessive erythrocytosis that led to abnormal blood composition, short lifespan, and abnormal splenomegaly. Further, we identified 2,672 genes associated with splenomegaly by microarray analysis. These results could be useful in the development of dHuEPO-producing tg animals.</p

    Antiosteoporosis Activity of New Oriental Medicine Preparation (Kyungokgo Mixed with Water Extract of Hovenia dulcis

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    Protective effect of new oriental medicine (Kyungokgo mixed with water extract of Hovenia dulcis, KOGHD) was assessed on the bone loss induced mice by ovariectomy. In the in vivo experiments, antiosteoporosis effect of KOGHD was investigated using ovariectomized osteoporosis mice model. After 6 weeks of treatment, the mice were euthanized, and the effect of Kyungokgo (KOG) and KOGHD on body weight, spleen weigh, thymus weight, uterine weight, serum biochemical indicators, bone weight and length, immune cell population, bone morphometric parameters, and histological stains was observed. Our results showed that KOGHD prevented the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture caused by ovariectomy, which were accompanied by the lower levels of bone turnover markers and immune cell population as evidenced by the inhibition of RANKL-mediated osteoclast differentiation without cytotoxic effect on bone marrow derived macrophages (BMMs). Therefore, these results suggest that the Hovenia dulcis (HD) supplementation in the KOG may also prevent and treat bone loss
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