62 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: Windmill softball pitching is a highly skilled sport combined with coordination and explosive force. Besides many kinematic and kinetic analyses relative to it, its mechanics can also be understood through the EMG analysis of a pitcher’s leading foot and throwing arm. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the activated throwing arm and leading foot of a pitcher contribute to his strength while pitching


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    During the tennis forehand stroke, the displacement of body center of mass (COM) changes with the body movement. The COM movement influences the recovery from one stroke to the next. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of COM movement and joint kinematics between high and low-impact positions on different skilled players. This study adopted a 3-D motion analysis system for recording and tracing the advanced (n = 5; level 3-4) and intermediate (n = 7; level 5-6) athletes’ motion of whole body during high and low-impact positions in tennis forehand stroke. The results showed that significant difference was not found between both impact positions and level groups in ball velocity. Advanced group showed greater anterior/posterior displacement than the intermediate group in low-impact position that increased the kinetic energy

    Robotic Thumb Grasp-Based Range of Motion Optimisation

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    With the thumb serving an important role in the function of the human hand, improving robotic prosthetic thumb functionality will have a direct impact on the prosthesis itself. So far, no significant work exists that examines the ranges of motion a prosthetic thumb should exhibit; many myoelectric prostheses arbitrarily select them. We question this design practice as we expect a significant functional volume reduction for performing certain activities vs. the maximum obtainable workspace. To this end, we compare and contrast four anatomically-accurate thumb models. We quantify their angular ranges of motion by generating point clouds of endeffector positions, and by computing their alpha-shape bounded volumes. Examining the function of the thumb for several grasps, we identify a 76% reduction of the required workspace volume vis-a-vis the maximum volume of a ”‘generic”’ human thumb


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relative muscle activation of the start movement and the Mach Drills training program. 5 in-line skating players participated in the study and 9 Wireless EMG sensors were placed over the rectus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, peroneus longus, adductor magnus, tensor fascia lata, and gluteus maximus. Results showed that significantly lower gastrocnemius IEMG value in skating. However, it also showed that RF, TA, and PL had higher IEMG value in skating and significant difference was found for TA. Another muscle activation didn’t have significantly difference. It suggested that athletes had to increase more specific training program for rectus femoris muscle and peroneus longus muscle which play an important roles for start movement in skating

    A Comparative Study Between the Conventional and Virtual Channels of the Impacts of Customers Bonding Strategies on Customers’ Trust, Commitment, and Propensity to Leave

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    [[abstract]]關係行銷為近年來中外學術界及企業界的主要興趣之一,但過去的關係行銷研究極少探討顧客保留策略對顧客之信任、承諾、及離去傾向的影響,而比較傳統通路及虛擬通路上不同關係保留策略之相對影響的研究更是付之闕如。 有鑑於上述的研究缺口,本研究有以下研究目的: 分別探討並比較傳統通路與虛擬通路中企業之不同顧客保留策略(財務性連結、社交性連結、結構式連結)對顧客之信任、承諾、與離去傾向之影響,以及探討該兩通路中信任、承諾、與離去傾向三者間之關係。本研究以問卷方式收集有效423份同時擁有傳統通路與虛擬通路之購物經驗的消費者資料,並利用相關分析、迴歸分析等工具來驗證假設,此外以多變量變異數分析來區別產品及服務類別在所有變數上的差異性,結果發現產業別為一重要干擾變數,故本研究進一步將樣本區分為產品類及服務類而對所有假設再做檢驗。 主要研究發現為:(1)不論就全部樣本或區分為產品類及服務類而言,在傳統通路中以社交式連結方式最能提高顧客的信任及承諾,並最能降低顧客的離去傾向,結構性連結次之,財務性連結的效果最小。(2)不論就全部樣本或區分為產品類及服務類而言,在虛擬通路上則是以結構性連結對信任、承諾、及離去傾向的影響最顯著、社交式連結次之,財務性連結的影響最小。(3)在比較傳統與虛擬通路中企業之不同顧客保留策略的效果上,僅發現社交性連結對顧客信任的影響在傳統通路比在虛擬通路顯著。(4)在服務類中,社交性連結對顧客之信任、承諾、與離去傾向的影響在傳統通路皆顯著大於在虛擬通路。(5)在產品類中,結構性連結對顧客的承諾與離去傾向之影響在虛擬通路顯著大於在傳統通路。(6)信任及承諾均與離去傾向有顯著負向關聯。 本研究最後並依據實證發現提出對業界及學界之建議,以及提供若干未來研究方向。本研究雖為一初探性之研究,但在針對通路型態別與產業別的關係保留策略效果的比較研究上已作出初步貢獻,在學術上能協助建立更為周延完整的關係行銷理論,而在實務上能使業者更加了解在傳統與虛擬兩通路上關係保留策略實施的差異性效果,並幫助彼等在資源分配、行銷策略制定、及保留顧客實施上皆有更進一步的透視與省思,以進而增加企業本身的競爭力。[[abstract]]Relationship marketing has recently been one of the primary interests of the academicians and practitioners. Most past studies, though seldom explored the impacts of different customers bonding strategies on customers’ trust, commitment, and propensity to leave, and particularly lacking were the comparisons of these relationships between conventional and virtual channels. On the basis of the above research gaps, the purpose of this study are : (1) to separately explore , and then compare and contrast the effects of different customers bonding strategies on customers’ trust, commitment, and propensity to leave in conventional and in virtual channels, and (2) to explore the relationships among trust, commitment, and propensity to leave. This study surveyed 423 consumers having purchase experience in both conventional and in virtual channels, and employed correlation analysis, t-test, and regression analysis to test its hypotheses. Also, this study used multivariate analysis of variables to compare the impacts of product versus service industries on all variables, and found that industry types should be an important moderating variable. Based on this finding, all hypotheses were further examined by using the product industry sample and the service industry sample separately. The major findings of the study are as follows:(1) For the different customers bonding strategies used in the aggregate sample, the product industry sample, and the service industry sample, social bonds are the most effective for enhancing customers’ trust and commitment, and for decreasing customers’ propensity to leave in conventional channels; structural bonds are the second-best ones and financial bonds are the least of all. (2) In all the three samples, structural bonds are the most effective for enhancing customers’ trust and commitment, and for decreasing customers’ propensity to leave in virtual channels; social bonds are the second-best ones and financial bonds are the least of all. (3) In the aggregate sample, the positive impact of social bonds on customers’ trust is more significant in conventional channels than in virtual channels. (4) In the service industry sample, the effects of social bonds on customers’ trust, commitment, and propensity to leave are significantly greater in conventional channels than in virtual channels. (5) In the product industry sample, the effects of structural bonds on customers’ commitment and propensity to leave are significantly greater in virtual channels than in conventional channels. (6) Trust and commitment are both significantly and negatively correlated with propensity to leave. Based on our research findings, we provide several suggestions to both academicians and practitioners, and indicate some directions for future research. This study has led initial support for considering channel types and industry types as moderating variables in exploring the effects of customers bonding strategies, which may assist researchers in building a more complete theory of relationship marketing .The findings of the study may also provide practitioners with insight into understanding the relative effects of customers boning strategies in conventional channels versus in virtual channels, which may further help them in making such decisions as resource allocation, marketing planning, and the application of customer bonding strategies, and ultimately in enhancing their competitive advantage

    Strengthening of Back Muscles Using a Module of Flexible Strain Sensors

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    This research aims at developing a flexible strain module applied to the strengthening of back muscles. Silver films were sputtered onto flexible substrates to produce a flexible sensor. Assuming that back muscle elongation is positively correlated with the variations in skin surface length, real-time resistance changes exhibited by the sensor during simulated training sessions were measured. The results were used to identify the relationship between resistance change of sensors and skin surface stretch. In addition, muscle length changes from ultrasound images were used to determine the feasibility of a proof of concept sensor. Furthermore, this module is capable of detecting large muscle contractions, some of which may be undesirable for the prescribed training strategy. Therefore, the developed module can facilitate real-time assessments of the movement accuracy of users during training, and the results are instantly displayed on a screen. People using the developed training system can immediately adjust their posture to the appropriate position. Thus, the training mechanism can be constructed to help user improve the efficiency of back muscle strengthening

    Association between the Development of Hospice and Palliative Care and Government-Funded Research Priority: Taiwan-Based Example

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    In recent years, hospice and palliative care (HPC) has grown, developed, and changed in response to the humanistic and social needs for supporting those with incurable illnesses. As a relatively new discipline, research is needed in HPC, and the priority setting of research is essential to help direct finite resources to support research. To promote creative research in different fields including HPC, the Taiwan government subsidized institutions to conduct research. In this study, we obtained data from the Government Research Bulletin, an open-source online system containing complete information about government subsidized studies since 1993 to investigate the development of research priority in HPC in Taiwan. In total, 552 studies were recorded during 1993–2021, with a continued upward trend. An association was found between research priority and the promulgation of new HPC regulations. The type of diseases in research extended from cancer to all advanced chronic conditions. The increased diversity in out-of-hospital settings of palliative research was also observed. Numerous studies have focused on education, and the theme gradually shifted from “training and education for healthcare professionals” to “public education”. Here, the results may serve as a basis to understand the commonalities of research and enhance dialog in HPC research

    Characteristics of the Motor Units during Sternocleidomastoid Isometric Flexion among Patients with Mechanical Neck Disorder and Asymptomatic Individuals.

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    Mechanical neck disorder is a widespread and non-neurological musculoskeletal condition resulting from modern lifestyles. Presently, the fundamental electrophysiological properties of the motor units of the sternocleidomastoid muscles and the characteristics of the short-term synchronization of the motor unit in patients with neck pain are ambiguous. This study therefore aims to clarify the fundamental electrophysiological properties of the motor units of the sternocleidomastoid muscles in patients with mechanical neck disorder and in asymptomatic individuals. We further investigated whether alterations in the degree of motor unit short-term synchronization occur. The surface electrophysiological signals of the bilateral sternal heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscles of twelve patients with mechanical neck disorder and asymptomatic individuals were detected at 25% of the maximum voluntary contraction during cervical isometric flexion and then decomposed into individual motor unit action potential trains. We found that the patients with mechanical neck disorder showed significantly higher initial and mean firing rates of the sternocleidomastoid muscles and displayed substantially lower motor unit short-term synchronization values compared with the asymptomatic subjects. Consequently, these convincing findings support the assertion that patients with mechanical neck disorder display altered neuromuscular control strategies, such as the reinforcement of motor unit recruitment firing rates in the sternocleidomastoid muscles. The motor units of these patients also revealed neural recruitment strategies with relatively poor efficiency when executing the required motor tasks

    Impact of hospice care on end-of-life hospitalization of elderly patients with lung cancer in Taiwan

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    Background: This study investigated the impact of hospice care on end-of-life elderly patients with lung cancer in Taiwan. Methods: Data were collected from deceased inpatients with lung cancer who were at least 65 years old, using the National Health Insurance Research Database of 2004. Results: A total of 1282 patients were enrolled, of whom 277 (21.6%) received hospice care (hospice-care group) and the other 1005 (78.4%) received general acute ward care (control group). The patients' age, gender, and institution of hospitalization did not differ significantly between the two groups, and most of the patients had chosen medical centers and their affiliated hospices for terminal care. The hospice-care group had a significantly shorter hospital stay and lower costs of hospitalization than the control group, with patients cared for primarily by family physicians and radiation oncologists (all p<0.05). The hospice-care group had an elevated incidence of co-morbid diabetes mellitus, higher scores on the Charlson Comorbidity Index, fewer acute lower respiratory conditions, and fewer invasive procedures than the control group (all p<0.05). Natural opium alkaloids were the most commonly prescribed drugs in the hospice-care group, whereas parenteral solutions were most frequently requested in the control group. Conclusion: Hospice care has provided a humane and cost-efficient pathway for end-of-life elderly patients with lung cancer. Parenteral nutrition/hydration should be limited for terminal care patients. Opioids should be promoted for the relief of pain and dyspnea in acute ward care. Family physicians and radiation oncologists play important roles in hospice care. Compared with the prevalence of hospice care in the United Kingdom and other developed countries, hospice care in Taiwan is in the position to be expanded

    Nurses’ Experiences and Factors Related to Their Attitudes Regarding Discussions with Patients and Family Members about Do-Not-Resuscitate Decisions and Life-Sustaining Treatment Withdrawal: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    This study aimed to evaluate nurses&rsquo; experiences and factors related to their attitudes regarding discussions of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (LST) with patients and their families. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Taiwan. Nurses aged &ge; 20 years who were in charge of acute inpatient care were randomly recruited. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to evaluate participants&rsquo; experiences and attitudes regarding discussions of DNR and LST withdrawal for terminal patients. Logistic regression with adjustment for covariates was used to analyze factors related to participants&rsquo; attitudes toward discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients and families in the future care of terminal patients. The participants were 132 nurses. They had significantly more discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients&rsquo; families than with patients. Regression analysis showed that participants who had past experiences in actively initiating DNR discussions with patients or patients&rsquo; families were significantly more likely to discuss DNR with patients in the future care of terminal patients, but participants aged 40.0 to 60.0 years were significantly less likely to have DNR discussions than those aged 20.0 to 29.9 years. Experiences of actively initiated DNR or LST discussions with patients&rsquo; families were significantly more likely to discuss DNR with patients&rsquo; families, but those aged 40.0 to 60.0 years were also significantly less likely to have DNR discussions than those aged 20.0 to 29.9 years. Experience in actively initiating discussions about LST withdrawal with patients&rsquo; families, being male, and possessing an education level higher than university were significantly related to LST withdrawal discussions with terminal patients or their families in the future. In conclusion, there need to be more discussions about DNR and LST withdrawal with patients. To protect patients&rsquo; autonomy and their rights to make decisions about their DNR and LST, measures are needed to facilitate DNR and LST discussions with patients to ensure better end-of-life care