114 research outputs found

    Fabrication and Sensing Applications of Special Microstructured Optical Fibers

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    This chapter presents the fabrication of the special microstructured optical fibers (MOFs) and the development of sensing applications based on the fabricated fibers. Particularly, several types of MOFs including birefringent and photosensitive fibers will be introduced. To fabricate the special MOFs, the stack-and-draw technique is employed to introduce asymmetrical stress distribution in the fibers. The microstructure of MOFs includes conventional hexagonal assembles, large-air hole structures, as well as suspended microfibers. The birefringence of MOFs can reach up to 10−2 by designing the air hole structure properly. Fiber Bragg gratings as well as Sagnac interferometers are developed based on the fabricated special MOFs to conduct sensing measurement. Various sensing applications based on MOFs are introduced

    The viscosity of silica fibres

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    The viscosity of an optical fibre over 1000 to 1150 {\deg}C is studied by inscribing an optical fibre Bragg grating that can withstand temperatures up to 1200 {\deg}C and monitoring fibre elongation under load through the Bragg wavelength shift. This optical interrogation offers high accuracy and reliability compared to direct measurements of elongation, particularly at lower temperatures, thus avoiding significant experimental error. An excellent Arrhenius fit is obtained from which an activation energy for viscous flow of Ea = 450 kJ/mol is extracted; addition of an additional temperature dependent pre-exponential does not change this value. This value is less than that idealised by some literature but consistent with other literature. The log plot of viscosity is overall found to be consistent with that reported in the literature for silica measurements on rod and beams, but substantially higher to past work reported for optical fibres. The discrepancy from an idealised activation energy Ea ~ 700 kJ/mol may be explained by noting the higher fictive temperature of the fibre. On the other hand, past optical fibre results obtained by beam bending with much lower values leave questions regarding the method of viscosity measurement and the time taken for structural equilibration. We note that because regenerated gratings already involve post-annealing to stabilise their operation at higher temperature, the structures are much more relaxed compared to normal fibres. This work highlights the need to stabilize components for operation in harsh environments before their application, despite some mechanical compromise. Given the increasing expectation of all-optical waveguide technologies operating above 1000 {\deg}C, the need to study the behaviour of glass over the long term brings added significance to the basic understanding of glass in this regime.Comment: Submitted to Acta Material

    CMOS-compatible 2-bit Optical Spectral Quantization Scheme Using a Silicon-nanocrystal-based Horizontal Slot Waveguide

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    All-optical analog-to-digital converters based on the third-order nonlinear effects in silicon waveguide are a promising candidate to overcome the limitation of electronic devices and are suitable for photonic integration. In this paper, a 2-bit optical spectral quantization scheme for on-chip all-optical analog-to-digital conversion is proposed. The proposed scheme is realized by filtering the broadened and split spectrum induced by the self-phase modulation effect in a silicon horizontal slot waveguide filled with silicon-nanocrystal. Nonlinear coefficient as high as 8708 W21 /m is obtained because of the tight mode confinement of the horizontal slot waveguide and the high nonlinear refractive index of the silicon-nanocrystal, which provides the enhanced nonlinear interaction and accordingly low power threshold. The results show that a required input peak power level less than 0.4 W can be achieved, along with the 1.98-bit effective-number-of-bit and Gray code output. The proposed scheme can find important applications in on-chip all-optical digital signal processing systems

    Ultrasonic hydrophone based on distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser

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    Reflective tilted fiber bragg grating refractometer based on strong cladding to core recoupling

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    A novel in-fiber structure for power-referenced refractometry with the capability to measure surrounding refractive index (SRI) as low as 1.33 is proposed and demonstrated. A short optical fiber stub containing a weakly tilted Bragg grating is spliced to another fiber with a large lateral offset. The reflection from this structure occurs in two well-defined wavelength bands, the Bragg reflected core mode and the cladding modes. The cladding modes reflect different amounts of power as the SRI changes, while the core-mode reflection from the same weakly tilted FBG remains unaffected by the SRI. The power reflected in the core mode band can be used as a reliable reference to cancel out any possible power fluctuations. The proposed refractometer with improved sensitivity for low SRI measurement together with the tip-reflection sensing feature, is a good candidate for sensing in chemical and biological applications

    Programmable long period grating in a liquid core optical fiber

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    A programmable fiber long-period grating (LPG) is experimentally demonstrated in a liquid core optical fiber with a low insertion loss. The LPG is dynamically formed by a temperature gradient in real time through a micro-heater array. The transmission spectrum of the LPG can be completely reconfigured by digitally changing the grating period, index contrast, length, and design. The phase shift inside the LPG can also be readily defined to enable advanced spectrum shaping. Owing to the high thermo-optic coefficient of the liquid core, it is possible to achieve high coupling efficiencies with driving powers as low as a few tens of milliwatts. The proposed thermo-programmable device provides a potential design solution for dynamic all-fiber optics components

    Bragg Gratings Inscription in TS-Doped PMMA POF by Using 248-nm KrF Pulses

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] We demonstrate the Bragg gratings inscription in the 850-nm spectral region by using trans-4-stilbenemethanol-doped poly methyl methacrylate step-index optical fiber and a 248-nm krypton fluoride (KrF) excimer laser system. The gratings inscription only takes 0.4 s. A detailed study of the grating fabrication process using different pulse repetition rates is also reported. In addition, temperature, humidity, and strain sensitivities are measured to demonstrate the potentiality of these components for different sensing applications.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT)/MEC national funds and when applicable co-funded by FEDER-PT2020 Partnership Agreement under Project UID/EEA/50008/2013. This work was also supported in part by the Research Excellence Award Programme GVA Prometeo 2017/103 Future Microwave Photonics Technologies and Applications, and in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Heilongjiang Provincial Universities under Grant KJCXZD201703. The work of C. Marques was supported by FCT through the Fellowship SFRH/BPD/109458/2015.Min, R.; Ortega Tamarit, B.; Hu, X.; Broadway, C.; Caucheteur, C.; Pun, CJ.; Tam, H.... (2018). Bragg Gratings Inscription in TS-Doped PMMA POF by Using 248-nm KrF Pulses. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 30(18):1609-1612. https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2018.2863741S16091612301

    Demonstration of intermodal four-wave mixing by femtosecond pulses centered at 1550 nm in an air-silica photonic crystal fiber

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    In this paper, we demonstrated experimentally the intermodal four-wave mixing effect by launching femtosecond pulses centered at 1550 nm into deeply normal dispersion region in the fundamental guided-mode of an air-silica photonic crystal fiber with two zero dispersion wavelengths. When intermodal phase-matching condition is satisfied, the energy of the pump waves at 1550 nm in the fundamental guided-mode is converted to the anti-Stokes waves around 1258 nm and Stokes waves around 2018 nm both in the second-order guided-mode. When femtosecond pulses at input average power Pav of 90 mW are propagated inside 22 cm long photonic crystal fiber, the conversion efficiencies ηas and ηs of the anti-Stokes and Stokes waves generated are 8.5 and 6.8%, respectively. We also observed that the influences of the fiber bending and walk-off effect between the fundamental and second-order guided-modes on intermodal four-wave mixing-based frequency conversion process are very small

    Highly Sensitive Twist Sensor Based on Partially Silver Coated Hollow Core Fiber Structure

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    Interferometer based on multiple beam interferences inside a hollow core fiber (HCF) structure (also known as an antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide) has been attracting interest of many researchers due to its periodic transmission spectrum containing high quality factor spectral dips. Functionalized HCF structures have been demonstrated for a wide range of applications in humidity, magnetic field, and biosensing. Here, we report a new application of the HCF-based structure with a partial silver coating layer for sensing of twist. It is configured by a fusion splicing a section of 4.5-mm long HCF between two standard single mode fibers (SMFs), followed by a sputter-coating of a very thin layer of silver on one side of the HCF surface. It is found that the spectral response of the partially silver coated HCF structure is very sensitive to the changes of input light polarization. An increase in sensitivity of the fiber structure to twist after deposition of the silver coating when the twist is applied to both the SMF and HCF sections is demonstrated by comparison with an uncoated HCF fiber structure. Experimental results show that twisting of the HCF section results in much greater changes in a selected dip\u27s strength compared to that in the case of twisting the SMF section of the structure. The proposed HCF fiber sensors with 4.5-nm and 6.7 nm-thick silver layers show the highest sensitivities of 0.647 dB/°and 0.717 dB/° in the twist angles range of up to 10°. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest twist sensitivity reported for intensity modulation-based fiber sensors. Moreover, the proposed sensor offers excellent measurement repeatability