1,215 research outputs found

    Emerging roles of desumoylating enzymes

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    AbstractPosttranslational modification by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) controls diverse cellular processes including transcriptional regulation, nuclear transport, cell-cycle progression, DNA repair, and signal transduction pathway. Sumoylation is a highly dynamic process that is reversed by a family of Sentrin/SUMO-specific proteases (SENPs). Thus, desumoylation process must be important for regulation of the fate and function of SUMO-conjugated proteins as well as SUMOylation process. SENPs catalyze the removal of SUMO from SUMO-conjugated target proteins as well as the cleavage of SUMO from its precursor proteins. Since the first report of yeast desumoylating enzymes, many studies have revealed the structural and cellular biological properties of SENP family. This review focuses on the specificity of the SENPs' catalytic activities with regard to SUMO isoforms and their emerging roles as cellular regulators

    Anti-anxiety effect of methanol extract of Pericarpium zanthoxyli using a strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor model

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    Purpose: To determine if the methanol extract of Pericarpium zanthoxyli exerts anti-anxiety effects and also to explore any probable anti-anxiety mechanism in vivo.Methods: The staircase test, elevated plus maze test, rota-rod treadmill test and convulsions induced by strychnine and picrotoxin on mice were tested to identify potential mechanism of anti-anxiety activity of the plant extract.Results: The plant extract (10 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced rearing numbers in the staircase test while it increased the time spent in the open arms as well as the number of entries to the open arms in the elevated plus maze test, suggesting that it has significant anti-anxiety activity. Furthermore, the extract inhibited strychnine-induced convulsion. However, it had little effect on picrotoxin-induced convulsion, suggesting that its anti-anxiety activity may be linked to strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor and not GABA receptor.Conclusion: These results suggest that the Pericarpium zanthoxyli extract may be beneficial for the control of anxiety.Keywords: Anti-anxiety, Pericarpium zanthoxyli, Glycine Receptor, GABA Recepto

    Hierarchical burst model for complex bursty dynamics

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    Temporal inhomogeneities observed in various natural and social phenomena have often been characterized in terms of scaling behaviors in the autocorrelation function with a decaying exponent gamma, the interevent time distribution with a power-law exponent alpha, and the burst size distributions. Here the interevent time is defined as a time interval between two consecutive events in the event sequence, and the burst size denotes the number of events in a bursty train detected for a given time window. To understand such temporal scaling behaviors implying a hierarchical temporal structure, we devise a hierarchical burst model by assuming that each observed event might be a consequence of the multilevel causal or decision-making process. By studying our model analytically and numerically, we confirm the scaling relation alpha+gamma = 2, established for the uncorrelated interevent times, despite of the existence of correlations between interevent times. Such correlations between interevent times are supported by the stretched exponential burst size distributions, for which we provide an analytic argument. In addition, by imposing conditions for the ordering of events, we observe an additional feature of log-periodic behavior in the autocorrelation function. Our modeling approach for the hierarchical temporal structure can help us better understand the underlying mechanisms behind complex bursty dynamics showing temporal scaling behaviors.11Ysciescopu

    Concurrent Magnetic and Metal-Insulator Transitions in (Eu,Sm)B_6 Single Crystals

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    The effects of magnetic doping on a EuB_6 single crystal were investigated based on magnetic and transport measurements. A modest 5% Sm substitution for Eu changes the magnetic and transport properties dramatically and gives rise to concurrent antiferromagnetic and metal-insulator transitions (MIT) from ferromagnetic MIT for EuB6. Magnetic doping simultaneously changes the itinerant carrier density and the magnetic interactions. We discuss the origin of the concurrent magnetic MIT in (Eu,Sm)B_6.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, final version to appear in Appl. Phys. Lett

    Radar-based nowcasting by combining centroid tracking and motion vector of convective storm

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    Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    PCT-CycleGAN: Paired Complementary Temporal Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks for Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasting

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    The precipitation nowcasting methods have been elaborated over the centuries because rain has a crucial impact on human life. Not only quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) models and convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM), but also various sophisticated methods such as the latest MetNet-2 are emerging. In this paper, we propose a paired complementary temporal cycle-consistent adversarial networks (PCT-CycleGAN) for radar-based precipitation nowcasting, inspired by cycle-consistent adversarial networks (CycleGAN), which shows strong performance in image-to-image translation. PCT-CycleGAN generates temporal causality using two generator networks with forward and backward temporal dynamics in paired complementary cycles. Each generator network learns a huge number of one-to-one mappings about time-dependent radar-based precipitation data to approximate a mapping function representing the temporal dynamics in each direction. To create robust temporal causality between paired complementary cycles, novel connection loss is proposed. And torrential loss to cover exceptional heavy rain events is also proposed. The generator network learning forward temporal dynamics in PCT-CycleGAN generates radar-based precipitation data 10 minutes from the current time. Also, it provides a reliable prediction of up to 2 hours with iterative forecasting. The superiority of PCT-CycleGAN is demonstrated through qualitative and quantitative comparisons with several previous methods.Comment: CIKM 202

    Arithmetic properties of orders in imaginary quadratic fields

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field. For an order O\mathcal{O} in KK and a positive integer NN, let KO,NK_{\mathcal{O},\,N} be the ray class field of O\mathcal{O} modulo NON\mathcal{O}. We deal with various subjects related to KO,NK_{\mathcal{O},\,N}, mainly about Galois representations attached to elliptic curves with complex multiplication, form class groups and LL-functions for orders

    Class fields arising from the form class groups of order O and level N

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field and O\mathcal{O} be an order in KK. We construct class fields associated with form class groups which are isomorphic to certain O\mathcal{O}-ideal class groups in terms of the theory of canonical models due to Shimura. By utilizing these form class groups, we first derive a congruence relation on special values of a modular function of higher level as an analogue of Kronecker's congruence relation. Furthermore, as an application of such class fields, for a positive integer nn we examine primes of the form x2+ny2x^2+ny^2 with some additional conditions.Comment: 30 page