601 research outputs found

    Ray class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field of discriminant less than or equal to -7 and K(N)K_{(N)} be its ray class field modulo NN for an integer NN greater than 1. We prove that singular values of certain Siegel functions generate K(N)K_{(N)} over KK by extending the idea of our previous work. These generators are not only the simplest ones conjectured by Schertz, but also quite useful in the matter of computation of class polynomials. We indeed give an algorithm to find all conjugates of such generators by virtue of Gee and Stevenhagen

    Ray class fields generated by torsion points of certain elliptic curves

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    We first normalize the derivative Weierstrass \wp'-function appearing in Weierstrass equations which give rise to analytic parametrizations of elliptic curves by the Dedekind η\eta-function. And, by making use of this normalization of \wp' we associate certain elliptic curve to a given imaginary quadratic field KK and then generate an infinite family of ray class fields over KK by adjoining to KK torsion points of such elliptic curve. We further construct some ray class invariants of imaginary quadratic fields by utilizing singular values of the normalization of \wp', as the yy-coordinate in the Weierstrass equation of this elliptic curve, which would be a partial result for the Lang-Schertz conjecture of constructing ray class fields over KK by means of the Siegel-Ramachandra invariant

    A modularity criterion for Klein forms, with an application to modular forms of level 1313

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    We find some modularity criterion for a product of Klein forms of the congruence subgroup Γ1(N)\Gamma_1(N) and, as its application, construct a basis of the space of modular forms for Γ1(13)\Gamma_1(13) of weight 22. In the process we face with an interesting property about the coefficients of certain theta function from a quadratic form and prove it conditionally by applying Hecke operators