42 research outputs found

    The miR167-OsARF12 module regulates grain filling and grain size downstream of miR159

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    Grain weight and quality are always determined by the grain filling. Plant miRNAs have drawn attention as key targets for regulating grain size and yield. Yet the mechanisms underlying the regulation of grain size are largely unclear due to the complex networks controlling this trait. Our earlier studies proved that the suppressed expression of miR167 (STTM/MIM167) substantially increased grain weight. In a field test, the increased yield up to 12.90%-21.94% due to the significantly enhanced grain filling rate. Biochemical and genetic analyses reveal the regulatory effects of miR159 on miR167 expression. Further analysis indicates that OsARF12 is the major mediator of miR167 in regulating rice grain filling. Expectedly, over expressing OsARF12 could resemble the phenotype of STTM/MIM167 plants with respect to grain weight and grain filling rate. Upon in-depth analysis, we found that OsARF12 activates OsCDKF;2 expressions by directly binding to the TGTCGG motif in the promoter region. Flow cytometric analysis in young panicles of plants overexpressing OsARF12 and cell number examination of cdkf;2 mutants verify that OsARF12 positively regulates grain filling and grain size by targeting OsCDKF;2. Moreover, RNA-seq result suggests that miR167-OsARF12 module is involved in the cell development process and hormone pathways. Additionally, plants overexpressing OsARF12 or cdkf;2 mutants present enhanced or reduced sensitivity to exogenous auxin and brassinosteroid (BR) treatments, confirming that OsCDKF;2 targeting by OsARF12 mediates auxin and BR signaling. Our results reveal that miR167-OsARF12 module works downstream of miR159 to regulate rice grain filling and grain size by OsCDKF;2 through controlling cell division and mediating auxin and BR signals

    Jasmonic Acid Seed Treatment Stimulates Insecticide Detoxification in Brassica juncea L.

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    The present study focused on assessing the effects of jasmonic acid (JA) seed treatment on the physiology of Brassica juncea seedlings grown under imidacloprid (IMI) toxicity. It has been observed that IMI application declined the chlorophyll content and growth of seedlings. However, JA seed treatment resulted in the significant recovery of chlorophyll content and seedling growth. Contents of oxidative stress markers like superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and malondialdehyde were enhanced with IMI application, but JA seed treatment significantly reduced their contents. Antioxidative defense system was activated with IMI application which was further triggered after JA seed treatment. Activities of antioxidative enzymes and contents of non-enzymatic antioxidants were enhanced with the application of IMI as well as JA seed treatment. JA seed treatment also regulated the gene expression of various enzymes under IMI stress. These enzymes included respiratory burst oxidase (RBO), Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO), NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (NADH), carboxylesterase (CXE), chlorophyllase (CHLASE), cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450). JA seed treatment up-regulated the expressions of RUBISCO, NADH, CXE, and P450 under IMI toxicity. However, expressions of RBO and CHLASE were down-regulated in seedlings germinated from JA seed treatment and grown in presence of IMI. Seed soaking with JA also resulted in a significant reduction of IMI residues in B. juncea seedlings. The present study concluded that seed soaking with JA could efficiently reduce the IMI toxicity by triggering the IMI detoxification system in intact plants

    Exogenous spermidine improved drought tolerance in Ilex verticillata seedlings

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    Winterberry (Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray) is a recently introduced ornamental tree species in China that has not been closely investigated for its drought resistance. In this study, we used two-year-old cuttings from I. verticillata (L.) A. Gray and two representative varieties derived from it, I. verticillata ‘Oosterwijk’ and I. verticillata ‘Jim Dandy’, as materials to investigate how this plant responds to drought stress and whether exogenous spermidine (SPD) can alleviate the negative effects caused by drought stress. The results showed that as the degree of drought stress increased, the leaves of winterberry seedlings became chlorotic, and their edges became dry. Similarly, the relative water content, specific leaf weight, chlorophyll content, leaf nitrogen content, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were significantly reduced, whereas the content of malondialdehyde continuously increased with the degree of drought stress. The activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase increased under moderate drought stress and then decreased under severe drought stress. The levels of soluble sugar and abscisic acid continued to increase, while those of auxin and gibberellic acid decreased. When compared with individual drought stress, an increase in the amount of external SPD clearly alleviated the effect of drought stress on winterberry seedlings. The combined phenotypes and physiological indices of the winterberry leaves under drought stress conditions revealed that the drought resistance of the native species was significantly higher than its two varieties. This finding serves as an important theoretical foundation for the popularization and application of I. verticillata (L.) A. Gray and the two varieties

    Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of AUX/LAX family genes in Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) Under various abiotic stresses and grafting

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    Auxin is essential for regulating plant growth and development as well as the response of plants to abiotic stresses. AUX/LAX proteins are auxin influx transporters belonging to the amino acid permease family of proton-driven transporters, and are involved in the transport of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). However, how AUX/LAX genes respond to abiotic stresses in Chinese hickory is less studied. For the first time identification, structural characteristics as well as gene expression analysis of the AUX/LAX gene family in Chinese hickory were conducted by using techniques of gene cloning and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR. Eight CcAUX/LAXs were identified in Chinese hickory, all of which had the conserved structural characteristics of AUX/LAXs. CcAUX/LAXs were most closely related to their homologous proteins in Populus trichocarpa , which was in consistence with their common taxonomic character of woody trees. CcAUX/LAXs exhibited different expression profiles in different tissues, indicating their varying roles during growth and development. A number of light-, hormone-, and abiotic stress responsive cis-acting regulatory elements were detected on the promoters of CcAUX/LAX genes. CcAUX/LAX genes responded differently to drought and salt stress treatments to varying degrees. Furthermore, CcAUX/LAX genes exhibited complex expression changes during Chinese hickory grafting. These findings not only provide a valuable resource for further functional validation of CcAUX/LAXs, but also contribute to a better understanding of their potential regulatory functions during grafting and abiotic stress treatments in Chinese hickory

    Development and Characterization of 25 EST-SSR markers in <i>Pinus sylvestris</i> var. <i>mongolica</i> (Pinaceae)

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    Premise of the study: A set of novel expressed sequence tag (EST) microsatellite markers was developed in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to promote further genetic studies in this species. Methods and Results: One hundred seventy-five EST&#8211;simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were designed and synthesized for 31,653 isotigs based on P. tabuliformis EST sequences. The primer pairs were used to identify 25 polymorphic loci in 48 individuals. The number of alleles ranged from two to eight with observed and expected heterozygosity values of 0.0435 to 0.8125 and 0.0430 to 0.7820, respectively. Conclusions: These new polymorphic EST-SSR markers will be useful for assessing genetic diversity, molecular breeding and genetic improvement, and conservation of P. sylvestris var. mongolica

    Simple Genetic Distance-Optimized Field Deployments for Clonal Seed Orchards Based on Microsatellite Markers: As a Case of Chinese Pine Seed Orchard.

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    Chinese pine seed orchards are in a period of transition from first-generation to advanced-generations. How to effectively select populations for second-generation seed orchards and significantly increase genetic gain through rational deployment have become major issues. In this study, we examined open- and control-pollinated progeny of the first-generation Chinese pine seed orchards in Zhengning (Gansu Province, China) and Xixian (Shanxi Province, China) to address issues related to phenotypic selection for high volume growth, genetic diversity analysis and genetic distance-based phylogenetic analysis of the selections by simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and phylogenetic relationship-based field deployment for advanced-generation orchards. In total, 40, 28, 20, and 13 superior individuals were selected from the large-scale no-pedigree open-pollinated progeny of Zhengning (ZN-NP), open-pollinated families of Zhengning (ZN-OP), open-pollinated families of Xixian (XX-OP), and control-pollinated families of Xixian, with mean volume dominance ratios of 0.83, 0.15, 0.25, and 0.20, respectively. Phylogenetic relationship analysis of the ZN-NP and XX-OP populations showed that the 40 superior individuals in the ZN-NP selected population belonged to 23 families and could be further divided into five phylogenetic groups, and that families in the same group were closely related. Similarly, 20 families in the XX-OP population were related to varying degrees. Based on these results, we found that second-generation Chinese pine seed orchards in Zhengning and Xixian should adopt a grouped, unbalanced, complete, fixed block design and an unbalanced, incomplete, fixed block design, respectively. This study will provide practical references for applying molecular markers to establishing advanced-generation seed orchards

    A new derivatization approach for the rapid and sensitive analysis of brassinosteroids by using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry

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    In this work, a new labeling reagent, 2-bromopyridine-5-boronic acid (BPBA), was introduced to derivatize brassinosteroids (BRs). The BPBA not only provided a very simple and rapid labeling procedure, but also remarkably increased the detection sensitivity of BRs. Based on this new labeling reaction, a rapid and sensitive method for BRs' analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana was established by using the ultra high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-QqQ-MS). The extraction and purification procedure of the plant sample was also simplified and improved in this work. Good linearities were obtained for three BRs with the determination coefficients (R-2) about 0.9999. The limits of detection (S/N=3) for three BRs were found to be 2.00-8.00 ng/L while the limits of quantification (S/N=10) were 6.00-23.0 ng/L The RSD % for all three samples are lower than 8.67% (n=5). The recoveries of three BRs spiked in A. thaliana samples were from 76.9% to 86.1%. Using this method, the endogenous 0.055 ng/g fresh weight (FW) 24-epiBR and 0.070 ng/g (RN) 28-epihomoBR were successfully detected from only 2 g A. thaliana plants. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A High-Density Genetic Map of Tetraploid Salix matsudana Using Specific Length Amplified Fragment Sequencing (SLAF-seq).

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    As a salt-tolerant arbor tree species, Salix matsudana plays an important role in afforestation and greening in the coastal areas of China. To select superior Salix varieties that adapt to wide saline areas, it is of paramount importance to understand and identify the mechanisms of salt-tolerance at the level of the whole genome. Here, we describe a high-density genetic linkage map of S. matsudana that represents a good coverage of the Salix genome. An intraspecific F1 hybrid population was established by crossing the salt-sensitive "Yanjiang" variety as the female parent with the salt-tolerant "9901" variety as the male parent. This population, along with its parents, was genotyped by specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq), leading to 277,333 high-quality SLAF markers. By marker analysis, we found that both the parents and offspring were tetraploid. The mean sequencing depth was 53.20-fold for "Yanjiang", 47.41-fold for "9901", and 11.02-fold for the offspring. Of the SLAF markers detected, 42,321 are polymorphic with sufficient quality for map construction. The final genetic map was constructed using 6,737 SLAF markers, covering 38 linkage groups (LGs). The genetic map spanned 5,497.45 cM in length, with an average distance of 0.82 cM. As a first high-density genetic map of S. matsudana constructed from salt tolerance-varying varieties, this study will provide a foundation for mapping quantitative trait loci that modulate salt tolerance and resistance in Salix and provide important references for molecular breeding of this important forest tree

    Class-specific immunoaffinity monolith for efficient on-line clean-up of pyrethroids followed by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis

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    A class-specific monolithic immunoaffinity column was developed for on-line clean-up of pyrethroid insecticides in complex samples Deltamethrin was oxidized with ozone to generate the hapten of (RS)-acyano-alpha-phenoxybenzyl (RS)-cis,traps-2,2-dimethyl-3-formyl-cyclopropane carboxylate Class-specific antibodies against pyrethroids were produced using the conjugate of above hapten with bovine serum albumin as the immunogen. Poly(ethylene dimethacrylate-glycidyl methacrylate) monolith was synthesized in a 50 mm, 4.6 mm id stainless steel cartridge with two auxiliary pipette tips. The polymerization method was proved to be economic and reproducible. Antibodies against pyrethrotds were covalently immobilized onto the monolithic support via Schiff base reaction With a column-switching valve system, the immunoaffinity monolith (IAM) could be readily adapted to the reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. Under the optimum loading, washing and eluting conditions, the IAM specifically retained deltamethrin, flumethrin. flucythrinate and cis/traps permethrin, which were further baseline separated by C18 column using acetonitrile-water (83:17, V/V) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL(min. The established system provides a highly efficient approach for high-throughput on-line clean-up of pyrethroid in various samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Simultaneous discrimination of jasmonic acid stereoisomers by CE-QTOF-MS employing the partial filling technique

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    Jasmonic acid (JA), an essential plant hormone controlling the plant defense signaling system and developmental processes, has stereospecific bioactivities that have not been well understood mainly due to the limitation in separation and detection methodologies. In this work, a fast CE-UV method based on short-end injection technique and a sensitive CE-QTOF-MS method based on partial filling technique were successfully developed for the enantioseparation of racemic JA. The successive coating technique was also involved by modifying the capillary with multiple ionic polymer layers of polybrene-dextran sulfate-polybrene. This was the first report on the direct resolution of both pairs of JA enantiomers, including two naturally occurring JA stereoisomers. Although no pure JA stereoisomers were commercially available, all the separated JA stereoisomers were identified indirectly by comparing the difference between the racemic standard and plant samples based on the presence and the ratio of each stereoisomer. Satisfactory results were obtained in terms of sensitivity (LOD, 24 ng/mL or 0.7 fmol for single JA stereoisomer) using 45 mmol/L ammonium acetate at pH 4.5 containing 70 mmol/L alpha-CD as the buffer system. This established CE-QTOF-MS method was later successfully applied for the study of the naturally occurring JA stereoisomers in wounded tobacco leaves