14 research outputs found

    Temperamentin yhteys alkoholin käyttöön, tupakointiin, liikuntatottumuksiin ja ruokavalioon

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    Tiivistelmä. Alkoholin käyttö, tupakointi, liikuntatottumukset ja ruokavalio ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat terveyteen sekä populaation, että yksilön tasolla. Näiden elintapojen toteutuminen on hyvin vaihtelevaa yksilötasolla, joten on tärkeä selvittää, mistä nämä erot johtuvat. Persoonallisuuden muuttumattomana synnynnäisenä pohjana temperamentilla on todennäköisesti merkittävä vaikutus näiden elintapojen toteutumiseen ja eroihin. Merkittävien yhteyksien tunnistamisen avulla voidaan identifioida suuren riskin omaavat henkilöt, tuottaa tehokkaita hoito- ja ennaltaehkäisymuotoja. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on koota yhteen viimeisen 10–20 vuoden aikana kertynyttä tietoa Cloningerin biopsykologisen temperamenttimallin neljän temperamenttipiirteen yhteyksistä edellä mainittuihin elintapoihin ja niiden toteutumiseen. Tutkimus suoritettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka aineisto saatiin PubMed-tietokannasta suoritetun haun avulla. Cloningerin malli jakaa temperamentin neljään, toisistaan riippumattomaan, synnynnäiseen ja muuttumattomaan osaan, joita kutsutaan temperamenttipiirteiksi. Cloningerin temperamenttipiirteet ovat elämyshakuisuus (NS), vaikeuksien välttäminen (HA), palkintoriippuvuus (RD) ja sinnikkyys (P). Tutkimuksia on käyty tässä katsauksessa läpi yksityiskohtaisesti ja niiden tuloksista on tehty elintapakohtaiset taulukot, joiden tarkoitus on helpottaa tulosten yhteneväisyyden ja merkityksen arviointia. Pääosa tutkimuksista on kohdentunut elintapojen osalta alkoholin kulutukseen ja tupakointiin, ja temperamentin osalta NS:n, HA:n ja RD:n merkittävyyksien selvittämiseen. Ruokavalion, liikuntatottumuksien sekä P:n tutkiminen on ollut verraten vähäistä. Selkein näyttö löytyy NS:n yhteydestä alkoholin kulutukseen ja tupakointiin. Korkean NS:n omaavat henkilöt altistuvat useiden eri mittareiden suhteen haitallisemmalle alkoholin käytölle ja tupakoinnille. Myös matala HA altistaa alkoholin käytölle. Vastaava yhteys tupakointiin näyttäisi kuitenkin puuttuvan. RD:n ja P:n osalta yhteydet alkoholiin ja tupakointiin vaikuttavat vähäisemmiltä. Ruokavalion ja liikuntatottumusten osalta tutkimusta on suoritettu alkoholiin ja tupakointiin verrattuna hyvin vähän, tutkimukset ovat olleet toisiinsa nähden hyvin erityyppisiä ja tulokset ristiriitaisia. NS:n selkeä yhteys alkoholiin ja tupakointiin antaa aiheen temperamenttipiirteen huomioon ottavien kohdennettujen ennaltaehkäisy- ja hoitomenetelmien kehittämiseen sekä käyttöönottoon. Liikunta ja ruokavalio ovat olennaisia osia useiden kansanterveydellisesti merkittävien sairauksien elintapahoidossa, mutta niiden yhteyttä temperamenttipiirteisiin ei ole tutkittu riittävästi

    High resolution study of the inner-shell 3p-3d and 3p-5s resonance regions in calcium atoms

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    The 3p(5)4s(2)3d P-1(1) and 3p(5)(P-2(3/2))4s(2)5s (2)[3/2](1) resonance regions of Ca atoms have been studied experimentally with the aid of synchrotron radiation excited electron spectroscopy. The strong configuration interaction of the 3p(5)4s(2)3d, 3p(5)4s(2)5s and several other nearly degenerate configurations leads to complex structures observed in the photoelectron yield spectrum. Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) calculations have been performed for these 3p-excited resonances of neutral calcium and compared to experimental results. The excitation and subsequent autoionization of these resonances lead to the final ionic 3p(6)nl states from which new high-lying members of the Rydberg p-series have been resolved experimentally. These new levels agree reasonably well with calculations as well as with the extrapolation of the Rydberg formula. The post collision interaction (PCI) effect has been observed in the transition Ca+ 3p(5)3d4s P-2(1/2,3/2)-> Ca2+ 3p(6) S-1(0) + e(Auger)(-) and explained by means of the rather long core-hole lifetime, while the decay of Ca+ 3p(5)3d4s P-4(1/2),(3/2,5/2) states is not affected by PCI. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Distorted angular distribution of the 2p photoelectrons in argon

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    Two consecutive hemispherical electron energy analyzers have been used to measure the argon angular distribution of 2p photoelectron lines over two quadrants of the dipole plane. A significant anomaly in the intensity of the photolines is observed at several electron emission angles, suggesting asymmetry with respect to the electric field vector of synchrotron light. As a possible cause for the observed behavior, we consider an external field affecting the photoelectrons, and show that it is capable of breaking the left-right asymmetry of the angular distribution, giving rise qualitatively to the observed behavior

    Analysis of 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of atomic germanium

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    Experimental and theoretical study of the 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of initially neutral atomic germanium is presented. The features of the high-resolution photoelectron and Auger electron spectra are interpreted with the aid of multiconfiguration calculations. The binding energies and relative cross sections of the 3d ionized fine-structure states of Ge are given. The complete M4,5NN Auger electron spectrum to doubly ionized final states of the Ge ion is interpreted and discussed

    Dissociation of As-4 clusters following valence photoionization and 3d core excitation

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    The VUV-induced photofragmentation of As-4 clusters was studied using photoelectron-photoion-coincidence (PEPICO) spectroscopy. The fragmentation pathways subsequent to outer and inner valence photoionization and resonant photoexcitation were studied by examining the cationic production as a function of electron energy. In addition, regular photoelectron spectroscopy and partial ion yield absorption spectroscopy were employed. In order to enhance the weak signal from the inner valence states, resonant core 3d excitation was used in the PEPICO experiment. The fragmentation pathways were inspected with the aid of ab initio and thermochemical calculations. The many-electron effects were found to play a major role in the observed inner valence structure and resulting photofragmentation

    Photoelectron satellite structure from the 3d and 4d inner-shell ionization of rubidium and cesium: Role of atomic relaxation

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    The photoelectron satellite structure of rubidium and cesium has been investigated following the photoionization of an nd (n= 3,4) inner-shell electron. The intensity ratios of the nd(-1) ms monopole and nd(-1) m'p conjugated satellite lines have been measured at MAX-lab by using high-resolution electron spectroscopy. For rubidium, moreover, the energy dependence of the 3d(j)6s/3d(j)5s and 3d(j)5p/3d(j)5s intensity ratios with j=3/2 and 5/2 is measured and compared with multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. A good or at least reasonable agreement is found for both the monopole and conjugated shake-up probabilities if the relaxation of the bound-state electron density is taken into account in the computation of the photoionization cross sections. It is shown that, for the inner-shell ionization of medium and heavy atoms, the orbital relaxation accounts for a significant part of the satellite structure in the photoelectron spectra

    15th international conference on electronic spectroscopy and structure:book of abstracts

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    Welcome to ICESS 15th Welcome to the 15th ICESS conference! Finally, after five years of waiting it is our pleasure to welcome you - the whole international community – to Oulu, Finland. The scientific program built in collaboration with international advisory board (IAB) covers widely the areas of research and surely engages plenty of discussions and ideas for future collaborations. Great thanks for participating and making the event possible! Let us all make the event pleasant respecting the diversity and committing to strengthening the international community of ICESS. Welcome to Oulu! ICESS local committee: Marko Huttula, chair Minna Patanen, program committee Samuli Urpelainen, Satu Ojala, local organizatio

    2s photoionization and subsequent Auger cascade in atomic Si

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    The 2s photoionization and subsequent Auger transition cascade in atomic Si were studied by means of synchrotron-radiation-induced electron spectroscopy. After the 2s photoionization, the core hole states decay predominantly by a two-step Auger transition cascade into the triply ionized [Ne]nl states. The ionization channels of the 2s core-ionized Si+ atoms to Si3+ ions were observed by measuring the conventional Auger electron spectra of the L-1-L2,3M Coster-Kronig transitions and the L2,3M-MMM Auger transitions. The observed L-1-L2,3M and L2,3M-MMM Auger spectra were analyzed by means of extensive multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock computations. We found that the electron correlation plays a prominent role in the Auger cascade, especially for the final-step Auger L2,3M-MMM spectrum. Additionally, it was seen that the L2,3M-MMM Auger spectrum of Si includes more Auger groups than the isoelectronic L-2,L-3-MMAuger spectrum of Al. Thus, more information on the intermediate ionic states is obtained if they are produced by Auger cascade rather than by direct photoionization

    Strong molecular field effects in Auger decay of the potassium 2p core-hole state in molecular KCl, KBr and KI

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    The K 2p photoionization and subsequent LMM Auger decay have been studied for molecular gas-phase KCl, KBr and KI. The detected manifold spectral structure of the Auger electron spectrum of KCl has been interpreted to originate from strong molecular field effects. This indicates that Auger decay on potassium side of originally very ionic molecules creates inner-shell hole states with a strong molecular character

    Valence photoionization and photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) study of molecular LiCl and Li2Cl2

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    Molecular LiCl and Li2Cl2 have been studied in the vapor phase with valence photoelectron and photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopies. These two techniques determine the binding energies in fundamentally different ways. Binding energies obtained from photoelectron spectra are usually taken as the vertical ionization energies of the corresponding electronic states. In cases with several overlapping bands, corresponding to different electronic states, the coincidence measurement can separate the bands if the respective final states fragment differently. This applies well to the monomer case. To facilitate the determination of state-specific ionization energies in the dimeric molecule, a theoretical Franck-Condon analysis has been carried out. Moreover, ab initio coupled-cluster and density-functional-theory calculations have been used to analyze the fragmentation pattern based on asymptotic dissociation energies. The fragmentation pattern is largely common to all the accessible valence-ionized states of the chiller, consistent with rapid conversion to the ionic ground state before fragmentation. However, the highest-lying state of Li2Cl2+, (2)A(g). shows enhanced propensity for Li+ as dissociation product. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved