14 research outputs found

    Unification of Quality Systems ISO 9000 and Regulation 2042

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    Systemove vyuzizi energeticke biomasy v podminkach CR.

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    In the project is solved problem of energy biomass in complex, i. e. from growing until investigation of using properties of biomass as a fuel. Continually is solved optimisation of agrotechnical processes of energy crop growing. By solving of this problem should be investigation of effect of soil - climate conditions on yield, drawn up know-how in agrotechnical sphere including various possibilities of harvest and to obtain further information about properties of selected energy crops. During the experiments were verified health status, attack by pests and diseases, weeds occurrence and yield in given agrotechnical and site conditions. Verified also were optimal harvest terms, harvested phytomass parameters. From individual variant was or will be the harvested phytomass used for further processing.Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Ash Melting Behavior of Rice Straw and Calcium Additives

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    Rice straw is potentially an appropriate feedstock material for biofuel production, since a huge amount of this postharvest residue is generated every year. The transformation of such agricultural biomass into densified products with a higher energy value and their subsequent combustion is associated with several questions. One of them is that rice straw exhibits a large formation of ash during combustion; thus, it is essential to know the nature of its ash melting behavior. Generally, during the combustion of straw biomass, ash sintering occurs in relatively low temperatures, resulting in the damaging of heating equipment. This negative aspect can be overcome by the addition of calcium-based additives. This paper aimed to study the ash melting behavior at a laboratory scale and to determine the ash melting points of rice straw mixed with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in different proportional ratios. The standardly produced ash samples from the rice straw obtained from Cambodia were constantly heated up in a muffle furnace, and characteristic temperatures of ash melting, i.e., shrinkage, deformation, hemisphere, and flow temperature, were recorded. The results showed that increasing the additive ratio did not bring linear growth of the melting temperatures. The addition of 1% CaCO3 showed an optimal positive impact of higher ash melting temperatures, and thus a better ability to abate the sintering of the rice straw ash

    Quality assessment of solid biofuel made of sweet sorghum biomass

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    The present article relates to assessment of energy utilization of sweet sorghum waste biomass as solid biofuel (briquettes). The briquettes were produced from biomass of pure sweet sorghum after juice extraction, mixture of sorghum with wood sawdust (ratio 1:1) and mixture of sorghum with wood shavings (ratio 1:1). Chemical, physical and mechanical properties of produced briquettes were measured in accordance with appropriate standards. The research results showed that the mixed sorghum briquettes with wood shavings have the highest mechanical durability and the lowest ash content; on the other hand, briquettes made of sweet sorghum and wood sawdust havethe best values of all other parameters, including higher calorific values, density, etc. Although addition of residual wood biomass improved the general quality of sorghum based briquettes, it was stated that the briquettes made of pure processed sorghum stalks belong to the category of high quality agricultural solid biofuels. It can be concluded that sweet sorghum is of very good prospects and thus it is a promising biomass feedstock for solid biofuels production (not only for the production of liquid biofuel as it has been used by today and has been known before)

    Quality assessment of solid biofuel made of sweet sorghum biomass

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    The present article relates to assessment of energy utilization of sweet sorghum waste biomass as solid biofuel (briquettes). The briquettes were produced from biomass of pure sweet sorghum after juice extraction, mixture of sorghum with wood sawdust (ratio 1:1) and mixture of sorghum with wood shavings (ratio 1:1). Chemical, physical and mechanical properties of produced briquettes were measured in accordance with appropriate standards. The research results showed that the mixed sorghum briquettes with wood shavings have the highest mechanical durability and the lowest ash content; on the other hand, briquettes made of sweet sorghum and wood sawdust havethe best values of all other parameters, including higher calorific values, density, etc. Although addition of residual wood biomass improved the general quality of sorghum based briquettes, it was stated that the briquettes made of pure processed sorghum stalks belong to the category of high quality agricultural solid biofuels. It can be concluded that sweet sorghum is of very good prospects and thus it is a promising biomass feedstock for solid biofuels production (not only for the production of liquid biofuel as it has been used by today and has been known before)

    Kompozitni lisovana biopaliva.

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    Methods and parameters testing of initial biomaterials are described. It regards the lignin content, biomaterials disintegration energy consumption to achieve structure suitable for pellets pressing and finding - out the pressure losses at materials drying in layer located on drying grate. Completely is worked up a part describing technology and technological lines for palletization.Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Kompozitni lisovana biopaliva.

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    For the project needs were established heating pellets from different combinations of vegetation materials. During solution was displayed that the most significant energy crop is energy sorrel with still more gradual importance in agricultural practice. For this reason we have concentrated particularly to that crop as basic material available in sufficient amount. The pressing mixtures were selected in suck way to contain at least 50 % of energy sorrel. Second important crop is canary reed grass used also as significant component. For the made pellets were tested mechanical properties, energy and chemical properties, ash properties and emissions from their combustion. It was proved that pellets mode from mixtures of energy sorrel with other bio-materials have considerably better using properties than those from pure sorrel or pure feedstock of other energy crops. A part of the project was investigation of lignin content in pellets and correlation of this value with other physical properties. Further was conducted thermo-vision measuring of burden with various types of heating pellets and evaluation of heating temperatures according to material used for pellets.Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Energeticke vyuziti odpadu z agrarniho sektoru ve forme standardizovanych paliv.

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    The substance of the work was dividing of waste in agrarian sector its structure and quantity. This waste is continually surveyed and at the same time investigated its property important for further processing to heating form. The waste from agriculture represent in wider scope all waste produced in agriculture, forestry, municipal sphere and connected processing sector as food, wood, paper or textile industry. The substance of the project is to find out various possibilities of waste liquation by its transformation to higher form suitable for energy acquisition by combustion. For that reason there were obtained samples of waste produced in agriculture and those are continually gathered in appropriate amount for following experiments. It is assumed to blend this waste with the additional bio-material available in agriculture. That is why was obtained also sufficient amount of this feedstock for further research. For the obtained samples were investigated their physical and energy properties, e.g. combustion heat, energy necessary for their physical and energy properties, energy necessary for their decomposition into form suitable for pressing etc. Special attention is focused possibilities of water content reduction. As materials with water high content regards there is suggested mechanical method of pressing. For material with water content to 50 % will be continually verified possibilities of its drying in slotted large-capacity storage.Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Influence of raw material properties on energy consumption during briquetting process

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    Biomass is doubtless a very significant source of renewable energy being worldwide abundant with high energy potential. This paper deals with assessment energy consumption at especially grinding and briquetting processes, which should result in essential economy of energy at solid biofuel production. Various types of raw materials were used at the experiment such as hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) biomass, two species of Miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis, Miscanthus x gigantheus) and apple wood biomass. These materials were dried, grinded and pressed by piston press having pressing chamber diameter of 65 mm. Materials were grinded into three fractions (4 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm). Material throughput (kg.h-1) and energy consumption (kWh.t-1) were registered. As to results: the highest throughput at both grinding cases as well as briquetting was found at apple wood biomass; however the energy consumption during briquetting of apple wood was relatively high. The worst results concerning throughput and energy consumption (especially at briquetting) were found at hemp biomass. Nevertheless, briquettes made of hemp had the best mechanical durability. Both Miscunthus species (herbaceous biomass) have very similar parameters and showed quite good relation between throughput and energy consumption at the used machines