8 research outputs found

    Harga Diri Sebagai Moderator Pada Hubungan Kesepian Dan Adiksi Internet Pada Remaja

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    Many researches have been conducted in evaluating internet addiction on adolescents.Generally previous researches focus on internet addiction antecedents or the impact of theaddiction. So far it can be noted that very few attention given to identify moderating variablein creating internet addiction. Given the fruitfull of studies on the relationship betweeninternet addiction and relating variables, it is important to understand the moderating factor,especially in term of causal relation. The aim of the the study was to investigate themoderating impact of self-esteem on the relationship between loneliness and internetaddiction among adolescents. The sample of the study consisted of 121 adolescents selectedfrom several internet cafes in Central Jakarta. Three valid and reliable questionnaires titledInternet Addiction Scale, Loneliness Scale, and Self-esteem Scale were used for this study. Theresults revealed that self-esteem did not significantly moderate the relationship betweenloneliness and internet addiction among respondents. However, self-esteem exhibited asignificant unique relationship with internet addiction

    Life Stress, Religiosity, and Personal Adjustment of Indonesian as International Students

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    Understanding adaptation problem in International context is necessary as a source from which host universities formulate support services and counseling provision as well as for preparation before departure for International students. Although research on adjustment has burgeoned over the past several decades, relatively little is known about overseas student, particularly among Indonesian students as expatriates in some countries around the world. The present study is intended to examine the relationship of their life stress, religiosity, and adjustment. Data from 96 Indonesian International students were collected using demographic questions, personal adjustment scale, religiosity scale, and Index of Life Stress. Results revealed that the samples experienced moderate life stress, high religiosity, and high personal adjustment. Moreover, it was found that religiosity did not serve as moderator in the relationship between life stress and adjustment. Further, source of education financial support, as a part of general living issues, has unique contribution to their adjustment. Implication and limitations of this study are discussed in term of further research

    Sifat-kepribadian dan Dukungan Organisasi sebagai Prediktor Komitmen Organisasi Guru Pria di Sekolah Dasar

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        Unlike in business and industrial setting, researches examining organizational commitment in academic/educational realm have been scarce. In particular, because of significant role of male teacher in students’ psychological development, it is necessary to reveal male teachers’ commitment due to persistent huge disparity of their numbers as compared with their female counterparts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of traits-personality and perceived organizational support towards male teachers’ organizational commitment and also to examine the relation of five factors of personality with dimensions of their commitment. Participants for this study consisted of male teachers of private elementary schools in Jakarta. This study found that traits-personality and perceived organizational support made significant contributions to teachers’ commitment. More over, it was determined that two of five factors of personality were predictors for male teachers’ commitment dimensions. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed. &nbsp

    Sifat-kepribadian dan Dukungan Organisasi sebagai Prediktor Komitmen Organisasi Guru Pria di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian tentang komitmen organisasi umumnya dilakukan dalam latar bisnis dan industri dan masih sangat sedikit dalam latar pendidikan. Secara khusus, komitmen organisasi guru pria perlu diteliti mengingat jumlahnya yang terpaut jauh dibandingkan guru wanita meski keberadaannya juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan psikologis siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji kemampuan prediktif sifat-kepribadian dan dukungan organisasi terhadap komitmen organisasi para guru pria dan selanjutnya menguji faktor kepribadian yang berkontribusi terhadap komponen komitmen organisasi guru pria tersebut. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru-guru pria sekolah dasar swasta di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat-kepribadian dan dukungan organisasi berkontribusi signifikan terhadap komitmen guru pria di sekolah dasar swasta. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa dua dari lima faktor kepribadian berperan signifikan terhadap dimensi-dimensi komitmen organisasi guru tersebut. Traits-Personality and Perceived Organizational Support as Predictors of Organizational Commitment among Elementary School Male Teachers Abstract Unlike in business and industrial setting, researches examining organizational commitment in academic/educational realm have been scarce. In particular, because of significant role of male teacher in students' psychological development, it is necessary to reveal male teachers' commitment due to persistent huge disparity of their numbers as compared with their female counterparts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of traits-personality and perceived organizational support towards male teachers' organizational commitment and also to examine the relation of five factors of personality with dimensions of their commitment. Participants for this study consisted of male teachers of private elementary schools in Jakarta. This study found that traits-personality and perceived organizational support made significant contributions to teachers' commitment. More over, it was determined that two of five factors of personality were predictors for male teachers' commitment dimensions. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed. Keywords: traits-personality, perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, male teache

    The Role of Vocational Identity as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Parental Career-Related Behavior and Career Decision-Making Process

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    Career decision-making process (CDMP) is an individual skill in determining career decisions. During crisis development, transition-exploration adolescent may have difficulty in determining career goals. Two aspects stabilizer CDMP i.e.vocational identity ([VI], internal aspect) and parents' involvement in adolescent career issues (external aspect). This study investigated parental involvement in three forms (support, interference, lack of engagement) of the variable parental career-related behaviors (PCB). Based on previous research, the VI role to CDMP can be enhanced through the positive role parents. Therefore, this research investigated the VI role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship, each VI or PCB role directly to CDMP, and PCB role to IV. Research subjects of first semester (~19 years) students from a private university in Lippo Village-Tangerang were selected through simple random sampling. Data were analyzed with SPSS Amos v.22. Multivariate regression in path analysis showed the theoretical model of each form of PCB did fit with the empirical data. VI has a direct role to CDMP (38.00, 32.00, and 35.00%). Every form of PCB shows a direct role to CDMP (19.00, -13.00, and -15.00%). PCB interference and lack of engagement contribute to VI at -23.00 and -15.00%. VI of each PCB form shows no role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship on exploration-transition university students

    Polyculturalism and attitudes toward the continuing presence of former colonizers in four postcolonial Asian societies

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    Polyculturalism is the lay belief that cultures are dynamically interconnected and mutually influencing each other historically and in contemporary times. Belief in polyculturalism is associated with various positive intergroup outcomes in intercultural social contexts, but it has never been studied in relation to intergroup attitudes in postcolonial societies. Two studies with participants from four postcolonial Asian societies (total N = 1,126) explore whether polyculturalism will also be associated with positive attitudes toward the continuing presence of former colonizers. The historical colonial experience may be socially represented positively or negatively in different societies, and in this context, the studies inquire into whether current attitudes toward former colonizers are positively associated with the belief in polyculturalism. In two studies (after controlling for belief in multiculturalism, genetic and social constructivist lay theories of race, and national identity) polyculturalism was positively associated with favorable attitudes toward continuing presence of former colonizers in Hong Kong, Macau, and Jakarta, but not in Johor Bahru, Malaysia and Wonosobo, Indonesia. The positive association with polyculturalism was found only in the three societies with a high degree of intercultural contact, where the core beliefs of polyculturalism may be more meaningful. The results are discussed in terms of how intergroup relations between former colonizers and colonized peoples are forms of between-society intercultural contact that are also influenced by intergroup lay theories

    Contrasting lay theories of polyculturalism and multiculturalism: Associations with essentialist beliefs of race in six Asian cultural groups

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    Multiculturalism and polyculturalism are two lay theories of culture that have been associated with some similar intergroup attitudes and behaviors. But other than the studies of Rosenthal and Levy in the United States, there have been no studies that directly distinguish between these two lay theories. In this study, we use confirmatory factor analysis procedures to show that multiculturalism and polyculturalism represent two distinct latent constructs among our 1,730 participants in six Asian cultural groups (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines). Moreover, we show that essentializing race is associated with endorsement of multiculturalism (but not polyculturalism) in five cultural groups (except Hong Kong). The results provide strong cross-cultural empirical evidence for the distinction between the two lay theories and, more importantly, point to aspects of the lay theory of multiculturalism that relate to why it is sometimes associated with stronger stereotyping and prejudice toward minority cultural groups. © 2016, © 2016 SAGE Publications