10 research outputs found

    Immunophenotype and viability of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF).

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    <p>The cell viability was confirmed by flow cytometry analysis. (A) The viability of the stromal vascular fraction cells. (B) The flow cytometry histograms of the SVF for a representative donor are displayed. The percentage of cells that stained positive is indicated in the upper right corner of each panel. The green line indicates the positively stained cells, whereas the purple line indicates the isotype-matched monoclonal antibody control.</p

    Telomerase activity.

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    <p>A comparison of the relative telomerase activities for (A) SVF and ADSCs at a specific time and date (7,14,21 and 30 days) and (B) through the passages (P1-P4). One million cells were re-suspended in 1×Lysis Buffer, and then incubated on ice for 30 min. The telomerase activity was detected by qPCR as indicated, in the Materials and Methods section. The results are from 10 donors. The data represent the mean ± SEM.</p

    The paracrine activity of ADSCs during passaging.

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    <p>The levels of immunomodulatory proteins (A) PGE<sub>2</sub> and (B) IL-6; (C) the anti-apoptotic protein STC1; and the trophic proteins (D) VEGF, (E) TIMP1, and (F) TIMP2 released into the culture medium were measured by an ELISA assays as described in the Material and Methods section. The results are the mean from 7 donors. The data represent the mean ± SEM. An * indicates a p value of < 0.05.</p

    TP53 sequencing and the relative expression of the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and RB and the oncogenes c-Myc, MDM2, and hTERT.

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    <p>(A) The PCR products of TP53 exon 2 to 11 from passage 0 and 4 ADSCs. (B) BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) was used to compare the TP53 sequence to the wild type TP53 sequence. This figure from one donor is a representative for all donors. (C) Relative expression of the tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Total RNA was purified and the cDNA was prepared from total RNA using an iScript kit. The relative expression levels of the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and RB, and the expression levels of the oncogenes c-Myc, MDM2, and hTERT from ADSCs at P0 and P4 was performed using quantitative PCR with specific primers as indicated in the Material and Methods section. The results are the mean from 5 donors. The data were normalized to GAPDH and presented as the mean ± SEM. An * indicates a p value of < 0.05.</p

    Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity.

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    <p>One million cells were separated in two tubes; 5 μl of a 1.5 mM DEAB stock solution was added to the “control” and 5 μl of activated ALDEFLUOR<sup>®</sup> Substrate per mL of sample was added to the “test” tube. Cells were then incubated for 30 min in a 37°C. Finally, the tubes were analyzed by a flow cytometer. (A) A representative flow cytometry analysis of the ALDH activity; and (B) the average of ALDHbr cells results from 10 donors. The data represent the mean + SEM.</p

    Differentiation capacity of adipose-derived cells.

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    <p>Cells at P1 and P4 were incubated for three weeks with adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic media. Representative images (B, C) of the intracellular lipid droplets that were confirmed by Oil Red O staining compared to (A) the control cells. (E, F) The presence of calcium deposit was visualized by Alizarin Red staining compared (D) to the control. (H, I) The presence of GAG was confirmed with Alcian Blue staining and (K, L) the solid chondrogenic micromass compared to the control (G, J).</p

    Morphology, immunophenotype and viability of adipose-derived cells.

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    <p>The morphology, viability and immunophenotype of adipose-derived cells during passaging. ADSCs have fibroblastic features at P1, and P4. (A) The cell viability was confirmed by flow cytometry analysis. (B) The viability of ADSCs. (C) The flow cytometry histograms for a representative donor are displayed at passage 4 (P4). The percentage of cells stained positive is indicated in the upper right corner of each panel. The green line indicates the positively stained cells, whereas the purple line indicates the isotype-matched monoclonal antibody control.</p