9 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the significance of the plant's origin and to assess the essential oil composition of Artemisia vulgaris grown in Egypt simultaneously evaluating the effect of environmental conditions on essential oil composition.Methods: Seeds were planted and the essential oils extracted, using hydrodistillation, from the plants that grew. The resulting essential oils were examined, using gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thus also evaluating the essential oil chemotype fingerprint†in A. vulgarisResults:  The study identified: the most abundant compounds being camphor, 3, 5-dimethylcyclohexane, germacrene D, cubebene, yomogi alcohol, artemisia alcohol, caryophyllene, while is lower concentrations thujopsene, muurolene, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, valencene, elemene and humulene. Despite the origins of the seeds, the chemical profile was very similar to those of plants grown in Egypt, thus suggesting essential oil composition was significantly influenced by the environmental conditions.Conclusion: Based on the present study, It is suggested that seed origin may play a less significant part if the seed is planted in an environment different to that of its origin, this study proved that and favors the plant-environment interaction to influence the secondary metabolite composition. This supports that plant metabolite profiles are greatly affected by the environment they are grown in.Â

    Essential oil content, yield, and components from the herb, leaf, and stem of curly-leafed parsley at three harvest days

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    Parsley (Petroselium crispum L.) is commonly used for its flavor, desired nutritional contents, and other health benefits. However, since the profile of a recently introduced curly-leafed parsley cultivar in Egypt has not been studied, an experiment was conducted to compare three harvest dates in terms of the weight, essential oil (EO) content and yield, and the concentrations of major components in the whole herb, leaf, and stem parts. The results showed that the highest herb and leaf yields were obtained from the second harvest, but the first harvest gave the highest stem yield. The highest EO content and yield were obtained from the first harvest. The major EO components obtained from the three parts were β-phellandrene, α-terpinolene, 1,3,8-p-menthatriene, myristicin, and elemicin. The highest concentrations of α-terpinolene, myristicin, and elemicin were obtained from the whole herb; but the highest β-phellandrene and 1,3,8-p-menthatriene were obtained from the leaf and the stem. The findings revealed that the yield, EO content and yield, and concentration of the major components varied with harvest day and part of the plant. These results can be used to determine when and where to extract EO to maximize the desired content, yield, or component

    Phytochemical Characterization and Biological Activities of Essential Oil from Satureja montana L., a Medicinal Plant Grown under the Influence of Fertilization and Planting Dates

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    The rising demand for safe plant compounds and herbal products that contribute positively to human health is in line with current market trends. Plants belonging to the Satureja genus, particularly the aromatic medicinal S. montana L. from the Lamiaceae family, are well suited to these trends as they serve as pharmaceutical raw materials. This research aimed to assess the influence of sowing date and fertilization doses, as well as their interaction, on the fresh weight, essential oil content, and composition of S. montana. Experimental cultivation involved varying nitrogen and phosphorus levels. The second cut had the highest fresh weight and oil production compared to the first cut. The highest total plant biomass was achieved with autumn sowing and fertilization at 55 kg N/ha and 37 kg P/ha, whereas Spring sowing exhibited higher essential oil production, with the maximum oil % with 74 kg P/ha and oil yield after applying 55 kg N/ha and 74 kg P/ha. The GC-MS analysis revealed that carvacrol was the predominant compound, with it being recommended to grow S. montana in Spring at doses of 55 kg N/ha and 74 kg P/ha for the superior oil yield. Additionally, S. montana essential oil demonstrated notable biological and antimicrobial activity, positioning it as a potential alternative to chemical food preservatives


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    This study was carried out to investigate the response of dill plants to gamma radiation and bio-fertilizers on the essential oils and their constituents during vegetative, flowering and fruiting stages. The results showed that the most effective treatment on the volatile oil content in the three stages was 2 k-rad + bio-fertilizers. The major compounds were found to be α-phellandrene, limonene, β-phellandrene and p-cymene (vegetative stage). In the flowering stage, p-cymene, carvone, dillether and dillapiole. Whereas, carvone, dillapiole and limonene were major compounds (fruiting stage). The results showed those dill volatile oils at different developing stages exhibited strong and a variable degree of antimicrobial activity

    Chemical Composition, In Vitro and In Situ Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) Essential Oil

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    The essential oil of Syzygium (S.) aromaticum (CEO) is known for its good biological activity. The aim of the research was to evaluate in vitro and in situ antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil produced in Slovakia. The main components of CEO were eugenol 82.4% and (E)-caryophyllene 14.0%. The antimicrobial activity was either weak or very strong with inhibition zones ranging from 4.67 to 15.78 mm in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and from 8.22 to 18.56 mm in yeasts and fungi. Among the tested bacteria and fungi, the lowest values of MIC were determined for Staphylococcus (S.) aureus and Penicillium (P.) expansum, respectively. The vapor phase of CEO inhibited the growth of the microscopic filamentous fungi of the genus Penicillium when tested in situ on bread. The strongest effect of mycelia inhibition in a bread model was observed against P. expansum at concentrations of 250 and 500 μL/mL. The best antimicrobial activity of CEO in the carrot model was found against P. chrysosenum. Differences between the mass spectra of Bacillus (B.) subtilis biofilms on the tested surfaces (wood, glass) and the control sample were noted from the seventh day of culture. There were some changes in mass spectra of Stenotrophomonas (S.) maltophilia, which were observed in both experimental groups from the fifth day of culture. These findings confirmed the impact of CEO on the protein structure of older biofilms. The findings indicate that, besides being safe and sensorially attractive, S. aromaticum has antimicrobial activity, which makes it a potential substitute for chemical food preservatives

    Biological Activity and Phytochemical Characteristics of Star Anise (Illicium verum) Essential Oil and Its Anti-Salmonella Activity on Sous Vide Pumpkin Model

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    Illicium verum, commonly known as star anise, represents one of the notable botanicalspecies and is recognized for its rich reservoir of diverse bioactive compounds. Beyond its culinaryapplication as a spice, this plant has been extensively utilized in traditional medicine. Given the con-temporary emphasis on incorporating natural resources into food production, particularly essentialoils, to enhance sensory attributes and extend shelf life, our study seeks to elucidate the chemicalcomposition and evaluate the antibacterial (in vitro, in situ) and insecticidal properties of Illiciumverum essential oil (IVEO). Also, microbiological analyses of pumpkin sous vide treated with IVEOafter inoculation of Salmonella enterica were evaluated after 1 and 7 days of study. GC/MS analysisrevealed a significantly high amount of (E)-anethole (88.4%) in the investigated EO. The disc diffusionmethod shows that the antibacterial activity of the IVEO ranged from 5.33 (Streptococcus constellatus)to 10.33 mm (Citrobacter freundii). The lowest minimal inhibition concentration was found againstE. coli and the minimum biofilm inhibition concertation was found against S. enterica. In the vaporphase, the best antimicrobial activity was found against E. coli in the pears model and against S. soneiin the beetroot model. The application of the sous vide method in combination with IVEO applicationdecreased the number of microbial counts and eliminated the growth of S. enterica. The most isolatedmicrobiota identified from the sous vide pumpkin were Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. cereus, B. licheni-formis, and Ralstonia picketii. Modifications to the protein composition of biofilm-forming bacteria S.enterica were suggested by the MALDI TOF MS instigations. The IVEO showed insecticidal potentialagainst Harmonia axyridis. Thanks to the properties of IVEO, our results suggest it can be used in thefood industry as a natural supplement to extend the shelf life of foods and as a natural insecticide