26 research outputs found

    Study of the Immunological Status of Iraqi Vitiligo Patients

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    Vitiligo is an acquired idiopathic skin disorder characterized by depigmented macules due to loss of cutaneous melanocytes. A potential role of the immune dysfunction has been suggested in vitiligo, so to test this hypothesis, certain cytokines (IL-17A and TNF-?) and immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA and total IgE) were investigated in all participants. The study included: 60 patients with age range between (6-55) year; 30(11 males and 19 females) were untreated and 30(12 males and 18 females) were treated with Narrow Band Ultraviolet-B (NB-UVB) and 30 (14 males and 16 females) apparently healthy control. Serum was separated and cytokines (IL-17A and TNF-?) and total immunoglobulin E (IgE) were detected by using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA); while immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG and IgA) were detected by using Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID) method. The results showed that the mean levels of serum IL-17A and TNF-? in both untreated and NB-UVB treated vitiligo patients were increased significantly (p ? 0.05) as compared with healthy control. The mean levels of serum IgG and IgA in untreated vitiligo patients showed non significant decreased (

    The Study of Serum Complement C3, C4 and Immunoglobulin E IgE in Psoriasis Patients

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    The present study was aimed to find out the role of humoral immunity in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Complements C3, C4 and immunoglobulin IgE .The study included 55 Iraqi patients with psoriasis 30 (15 females ,15 males) were untreated with any drugs. The other patient group consisted of 25 (9 female and 16 male) treated with a biological treatment (infliximab) ,and 30 (13 males ,12 females) healthy control group. Blood sample were withdrawn (5) ml of venous blood for both patients and members of the control ,to conduct the Immunological tests to determine the quantitative for each of total IgE by using (ELISA) and C3,C4 by Single Radial Immunodiffuse (SIRD). The results showed significant increase in the level of probability (

    The role of TNF-? in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma “a study in Iraqi patients”

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    During recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of the cytokines roles in pathogenesis of cancer, thus the study aimed at evaluating the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?) in sera of Iraqi multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Beta 2-microglobulion (?2-m) was assessed to determine if there was any association between this cytokine and the level of ?2- m, as the latter is related to the stage of the disease. In addition, the age and gender were also taken into consideration. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between IgG and TNF-? in sera of patients. 49 Iraqi patients (27 males and 22 females).The patients were also divided into two groups: the first group included (17) patients who were recently diagnosed and not received any treatment at the time of collecting samples while the second group included (32) patients who received treatment. A further group was also investigated which included (12) apparently healthy individuals (9 males and 3 females), who were regarded as a control group. Serum TNF-? and ?2- m were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).while the concentration of IgG was measured by radial immune diffusion plates The study reached to the following results: TNF-? levels were not significantly elevated in the patients with MM compared to control group (5.98 ± 8.47 SD vs. 4.85 ± 12.1 SD) and no significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in the mean (6.02 ±8.1SD vs 5.9 ±9.4SD) concentration of TNF-? in patients with MM who received treatment, when compared with those who did not take the treatment .In addition, there are positive significant correlations between TNF-? and ? 2 Microglobulin (r = 0.316, P = 0 .027), and no relationship between IgG and TNF-? (r = - 0.032, P = 0.829).Furthermore, the study observed that, there was no correlation between TNF-? on the one hand and factors of age and gender on the other hand

    Iraqi porcelanite Rocks for Efficient Removal of Safranin Dye from Aqueous Solution

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    يتضمن هذا البحث دراسة قابلية مسحوق صخور البورسلينايت العراقية على إزالة صبغة السفرانين القاعدية من محاليلها المائية عن طريق الامتزاز ، وأجريت التجارب عند 298 كلفن من أجل تحديد تأثير تركيز الابتدائي لصبغة السفرانين ، زمن التماس ، الدالة الحامضية ، وتأثير الشدة الأيونية. كانت الظروف الفضلى  لامتزاز صبغة السفرين عند  0.0200 غرام  من وزن السطح الماز ووجدت نسبة الازالة 96.86٪ عند تركيز 9 ملغم / لتر ، ووقت الامتزاز 20 دقيقة وعند دالة حامضية  = 8 و درجة حرارة 298 كلفن . تم ايجاد ايزوثيرمات الامتزاز  واختبار القيم العملية بتطبيق معادلات لانكماير وفريندليش وتيمكين عند درجات حرارة مختلفة (298-338) كلفن ، وكانت نتائج الامتزاز مطابقة لايزوثيرم فريندليش ولانكماير أكثر من ايزوثيرم تيمكين. تشير قيم الدوال الثرموديناميكية التي تم حسابهاΔG0 ،ΔH0 ، ΔS0 إلى أن عملية الامتزاز تجري تلقائية وباعثة  للحرارة وتشير إلى انخفاض عشوائية جزيئات الصبغة الممتزة. ايزوثيرامات الامتزازالتي تم الحصول عليها من التجارب جاءت مطابقة للشكل  S حسب تصنيف جيليز .This research includes a study of the ability of Iraqi porcelanite rocks powder to remove the basic Safranine dye from its aqueous process by adsorption. The experiments were carried out at 298Kelvin in order to determine the effect of the starting concentration for Safranin dye, mixing time, pH, and the effect of ionic Strength. The good conditions were perfect for safranine dye adsorption was performed when0.0200g from that adsorbed particles and the removal max percentage  was found  be 96.86%  at 9 mg/L , 20 minutes adsorption time and at PH=8 and in 298 K. The isothermal equilibrum stoichiometric adsorption confirmed, the process data were examined by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption equations at different temperatures (298-338)K.The results of the adsorption were good suited for Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherm more than Temkin. Thermodynamic data found for adsorption processes ΔG0, ΔH0, ΔS0 indicates this is the removal step is through the adsorption operations which is spontaneity, exothermic and indicates a decrease in the randomness of that adsorbed dye molecules. Isotherms obtained from the experiments were identical to (S-curve) in form at Giles' discretion

    Nutritional Value and Physical Properties of Syrian Pine Nuts

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    This investigation aims to determine the nutritional value and physical traits of Syrian pine nut kernels and shells over time. Furthermore, the pine nut's composition and nutritional content are assessed concerning the latest climatic conditions. For each prepared sample, chemical analyses were done in two and physical analyses in three replicates, all according to a completely randomized design. The Homs District Agricultural Development Cooperative provided the pine nut shell samples used in this study. The sampling was conducted in May and June, taking subsamples of in-shell nuts from 25 kg bags. Every year, 15 subsamples were taken from various bags, and 33, 35, and 38 aggregate samples were generated. The in-shell nut quality showed seasonal variations concerning cracked and defective nuts, with crack rates spanning from 21 to 46% and 3 to 5%, respectively. The composition of the pine nut kernel was determined to have the following proportions: carbohydrates 12.19%, protein 32.18%, fat 43.2%, ash 4.93%, water activity 0.412, and moisture 4.31%. The elements with the greatest abundance were magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Additionally, kernels contain a high concentration of the minerals zinc and iron. The findings show that, compared to other Mediterranean pine nut sources, pine nut kernels cultivated in the Homs region are a rich source of several essential elements that positively impact public health


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    Some hematological and biochemical analysis were conducted on80 children from newborn chemistry birth in the Central Child Hospital in Baghdad during the period from 2014 12 1 up to 2015 3 1 the cases were divided in to three groups of secondary and is not a total ABO in compatibility and lack of Rh factor in compatibility and other factors, and the percentages were 13.11% -13 0.31% -55.55%, respectively. and the results have been statistically compared with a control group consisting of 35 children from newborns They have physiological jaundice It was found the following .total serum bilirubin was higher in the cases at aerate of 18,80mgdl when compared with the control group 8,70mgdl this difference was statistically significant(p<0.001) packed cell value( p c v) was lower in the cases at rate of (47,12%)when compared with The control group54,10% this difference was statistically significant(p<0.01), the hemoglobin in the cases was lower(14,66gdl) when compared with the control group(17,29gdl) % this difference was statistically significant(p<0.01). A haemagalutination test of blood group and RH factor were performed for all neonates and their mother lt has been found that blood groups of the baby and RH of the mother were significant(p<0.01),(p<0,05) respectively. A forma was designed to collect information including the age of the neonates(in hours) sex, weight Gestational(in week) type of feeding- BY comparing statistically the cases and control group we found the following-the lower weight was statistically significant in the prevalence and jaundice neonates(p<0,05) also it has role in the severity of the jaundice (p<0.01), prematurity was of statistically significant role (p<0.05) ,most of the jaundice neonates depends on breast feeding (p<0,05) and type of feeding has significant role in the severity of the jaundice (p<0.01). While thefactors that not effect on neonatal jaundice are age of the neonatal (in hours),sex

    A study for Bacterial Infection in Acute Diarrhea Patients

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    500 samples of diarrhea stool were collected from different ages(less than 1year –upto30years) and for both genders from some patients in (Alwiya hospital for children, Al-kendi, central health public laboratory and some gavernarated labs) period(1/11/2009—1/10/2010). Kinds of bacteria and parasites agents were isolated and identified from patients with diarrhea. Nine species of gram negative bacteria from enterobacteriaceae were isolated, E. coli isolated are the higher ratio 4.8% of all, then Salmonella typhi4.6% while the lowest ratios is Citrobacterfreundii 0.4%, while the other identified species were be among the previous rotios. also Plesomonasshigelloides was isolated which concedride one of the bacterial local studies.many methods were depend on in order to identifiy; growth on media like (Enrichment ,differentials and differetials) media. Biochemical test represents with API20E, also. Some confirmed tests represent with a modern and important identical tools was used for first time to identify the entericbacteria, by (Rapid ID 32) usually used with mini API system where the results record automatically

    The role of IL-2 in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma “a study in Iraqi patients”

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    IL-2 plays a pivotal role in the induction of host immune responses against tumor growth and it has anti-tumor activity. Therefore the present study aimed at shedding light on a group of Iraqi patients with multiple myeloma by evaluating the level of this cytokine in their sera . The age and gender were also taken into consedration. and investigate if there was any association between IL-2 and the level of β2-m. A group of 49 patients and 22 healthy volunteers were included in the study. The quantitative determination of IL-2 serum level was performed by ELISA. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group included (17) patients who were recently diagnosed and not received any treatment at the time of collecting samples, while the second group included (32) patients who received treatment