6 research outputs found

    The role of schooling in constructing gendered identities

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    Many research studies show that schools play an important role in constructing gendered identities of girls and boys in western contexts. In Pakistan, there are research studies on the construction of gender in textbooks but studies on the role of schools are either unreported or unavailable. To address this gap in the literature, an exploratory study was carried out in public sector schools in the urban and semi-urban areas of Karachi. The findings indicate that the inter-relationship of the structure of schools, the official curriculum, teaching and learning practices and teacher beliefs result in a gendered division of labor, gendered bodily and disciplinary regulations, gendered control of space, bodies and behavior, and teaching to perceived gender differential characteristics which serve to develop gendered identities of girls and boys

    Spatial Environmental Criteria for Siting Industries

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    The paper presents the solution for identifying appropriate locations for industrial setup in Lahore districtusing GIS based multi-criteria decision analysis as decision support tool (DST). Several environmental indicators wereused in this study including air quality index, water quality index, landcover, and built-up/settlements. Thematic layerswere developed for these indicators followed by analysis in ArcGIS software’s model builder using various geoprocessing techniques. As a result the study area is divided into four types of zones (e.g., not suitable, less suitablemoderately suitable and suitable) depending on environmental criteria and industrial categorization. The results revealthat 52 % of district area goes to environmentally sensitive zone . In remaining areas possibility of setting industrieswith their pollution index is proposed. The areas are proposed considering the industry categories such as schedule Iindustries which are air emission industries and Schedule II industries which are effluent discharge industries as persectoral guidelines of Pakistan

    Microscopic colitis: a diagnosis to consider

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    Microscopic colitis is a syndrome of chronic watery diarrhoea for which no cause can be identified other than the presence of diffuse, chronic inflammation in the lamina propria on colonic biopsy. Endoscopically and radiologically the colon appears normal. We studied case records of 215 patients presenting to our institution over a three year period with chronic diarrhoea. Nineteen patients were included in the study where two pathologists agreed on the presence of chronic inflammation on colonic biopsies. All patients had watery diarrhoea with urgency. Stool examination, laboratory indices, radiology of the large and small bowel and colonoscopy were normal in all patients. Patients did not respond to a variety of drugs. A significant improvement was noted in one patient given salazopyrin. In developing countries chronic diarrhoea is most often attributed to infection and treated with antibiotics. Microscopic colitis should be considered in the diagnosis of such patients

    Candida esophagitis: Risk factors in non-HIV population in Pakistan

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    AIM: Candida esophagitis is a frequent infection in immunocompromised patients. This study was designed to determine its characteristics in non- human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infected patients attending a teaching hospital. METHODS: Clinical records of all patients coded by international classification of diseases 9th revision with clinical modifications\u27 (ICD-9-CM), with candida esophagitis diagnosed by esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and histopathology over a period of 5 years were studied. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients (27 males, 24 females, range 21-77 years old and mean age 52.9 years) fulfilled the criteria (0.34% of the EGD). The common predisposing factors were carcinoma (OR 3.87, CI 1.00-14.99) and diabetes mellitus (OR 4.39, CI 1.34-14.42). The frequent clinical symptoms were retrosternal discomfort, dysphagia and epigastric abdominal pain with endoscopic appearance of scattered mucosal plaques. Another endoscopic lesion was associated with candida esophagitis in 15% patients. CONCLUSION: Carcinomas, diabetes mellitus, corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy are major risk factors for candida esophagitis in Pakistan. It is an easily managed complication that responds to treatment with nystatin

    Endoscopic features of esophageal tuberculosis

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    Background: Esophageal tuberculosis is rare. Clinical and endoscopic features are variable, diverse, nonspecific, and poorly described. These findings may be confused with those of esophageal cancer and deep fungal infection. Methods: Medical records from a 5-year period (January 1997 to December 2001) were searched for cases of esophageal tuberculosis. For identified cases, the clinical, radiologic, and endoscopic features were evaluated. OBSERVATIONS: Four cases of esophageal tuberculosis were encountered during the 5-year period studied. Three of the patients presented with dysphagia and weight loss. One patient had aspiration pneumonia and another fatal hematemesis. Endoscopic features included deep and large proximal esophageal ulcers in 2 patients, tracheo-esophageal fistula in one, and nonhealing proximal esophageal ulcer in another patient. CONCLUSION: The present case series indicates that certain endoscopic features, such as deep and large esophageal ulcers, tracheoesophageal fistula, and nonhealing ulcer, are strongly suggestive of tuberculosis-related esophageal lesions