11 research outputs found

    Enhancing Carbon Sequestration Using Organic Amendments and Agricultural Practices

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    Carbon sequestration (CS) is an important strategy for the mitigation of climate change (CC) as well as for improving the soil fertility of agricultural soils. Carbon sequestration in crop lands and rangelands requires a certain amount of organic matter (OM) presence in the soil called soil organic matter (SOM). Organic amendments like animal and poultry manures, the incorporation of different crop residues, different types of compost, sugarcane bagasse, peat soils, different wood chips, biochar and good agricultural practices like cover crops, nutrient management, mulching, zero and no-tillage techniques, soil biota management and mulching are effectively used for this purpose. These enhance the SOM and improve the soil’s physical and chemical properties which help to sequester more C in soil which ultimately contributes towards CS and CC mitigation

    Nanoparticulate Iron Oxide Minerals for Arsenic Removal from Contaminated Water

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    Groundwater contamination with arsenic (As) is a global environmental and human health problem affecting over 200 million people worldwide, with low to high concentrations of As via drinking well water. Therefore, remediation of As-contaminated water has been under discussion over the last 3 to 4 decades given its highly toxic and carcinogenic properties of As compounds, particularly inorganic arsenite and arsenate species. Several types of sorption techniques have been used to remove As from water such as clay minerals, biochars, metal oxides (e.g., iron oxide minerals), microbes and algae. This chapter provides: (1) insights on the significance of nanoparticulate iron (Fe) oxide minerals (such as nano-ferrihydrite, nano-goethite, nano-magnetite) for their efficiency in the removal of As from contaminated water; (2) develops critical understanding for several As removal methods, compares their potential for As remediation, and critically examines the properties and effectiveness of nanoparticulate Fe oxide minerals to remove As in drinking water or wastewater; and (3) implication of the nanotechnology in remediation of As-rich water. This chapter also elucidated the mechanism of As removal using Fe-oxide nanoparticles in detail

    Vehicular Noise Pollution: Its Environmental Implications and Strategic Control

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    Noise pollution has been recognized as one of the major hazard that impacts the quality of life all around the world. Because of the rapid increase in technology, industrialization, urbanization and other communication and transport systems, noise pollution has reached to a disturbing level over the years which needs to be studied and controlled to avoid different health effects like high blood pressure, sleeplessness, nausea, heart attack, depression, dizziness, headache, and induced hearing loss. To address this situation, different countries have different strategies like vehicular noise limits and their regulation, vehicles physical health checkup, different time of operations for noisy traffic like trucks in the evening or night time, and noise pollution fines for noisy vehicles

    Arsenic speciation and biotransformation pathways in the aquatic ecosystem: The significance of algae

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    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. The contamination of aquatic systems with arsenic (As) is considered to be an internationally-important health and environmental issue, affecting over 115 countries globally. Arsenic contamination of aquatic ecosystems is a global threat as it can enter the food chain from As-rich water and cause harmful impacts on the humans and other living organisms. Although different factors (e.g., pH, redox potential, iron/manganese oxides, and microbes) control As biogeochemical cycling and speciation in water systems, the significance of algal species in biotransformation of As is poorly understood. The overarching attribute of this review is to briefly elaborate various As sources and its distribution in water bodies and factors affecting As biogeochemical behavior in aqueous ecosystems. This review elucidates the intriguing role of algae in biotransformation/volatilization of As in water bodies under environmentally-relevant conditions. Also, we critically delineate As sorption, uptake, oxidation and reduction pathways of As by algae and their possible role in bioremediation of As-contaminated water (e.g., drinking water, wastewater). The current review provides the updated and useful framework for government and water treatment agencies to implement algae in As remediation programs globally

    Reforestation of Cunninghamia lanceolata changes the relative abundances of important prokaryotic families in soil

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    Over the past decades, many forests have been converted to monoculture plantations, which might affect the soil microbial communities that are responsible for governing the soil biogeochemical processes. Understanding how reforestation efforts alter soil prokaryotic microbial communities will therefore inform forest management. In this study, the prokaryotic communities were comparatively investigated in a secondary Chinese fir forest (original) and a reforested Chinese fir plantation (reforested from a secondary Chinese fir forest) in Southern China. The results showed that reforestation changed the structure of the prokaryotic community: the relative abundances of important prokaryotic families in soil. This might be caused by the altered soil pH and organic matter content after reforestation. Soil profile layer depth was an important factor as the upper layers had a higher diversity of prokaryotes than the lower ones (p < 0.05). The composition of the prokaryotic community presented a seasonality characteristic. In addition, the results showed that the dominant phylum was Acidobacteria (58.86%) with Koribacteraceae (15.38%) as the dominant family in the secondary Chinese fir forest and the reforested plantation. Furthermore, soil organic matter, total N, hydrolyzable N, and NH4+−N were positively correlated with prokaryotic diversity (p < 0.05). Also, organic matter and NO3-−N were positively correlated to prokaryotic abundance (p < 0.05). This study demonstrated that re-forest transformation altered soil properties, which lead to the changes in microbial composition. The changes in microbial community might in turn influence biogeochemical processes and the environmental variables. The study could contribute to forest management and policy-making

    Current and Emerging Adsorbent Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Trends, Limitations, and Environmental Implications

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    Wastewater generation and treatment is an ever-increasing concern in the current century due to increased urbanization and industrialization. To tackle the situation of increasing environmental hazards, numerous wastewater treatment approaches are used—i.e., physical, chemical, and biological (primary to tertiary treatment) methods. Various treatment techniques being used have the risks of producing secondary pollutants. The most promising technique is the use of different materials as adsorbents that have a higher efficacy in treating wastewater, with a minimal production of secondary pollutants. Biosorption is a key process that is highly efficient and cost-effective. This method majorly uses the adsorption process/mechanism for toxicant removal from wastewater. This review elaborates the major agricultural and non-agricultural materials-based sorbents that have been used with their possible mechanisms of pollutant removal. Moreover, this creates a better understanding of how the efficacy of these sorbents can be enhanced by modification or treatments with other substances. This review also explains the re-usability and mechanisms of the used adsorbents and/or their disposal in a safe and environmentally friendly way, along with highlighting the major research gaps and potential future research directions. Additionally, the cost benefit ratio of adsorbents is elucidated

    Arsenic biogeochemical cycling in paddy soil-rice system : Interaction with various factors, amendments and mineral nutrients

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    Arsenic (As) contamination is a well-recognized environmental and health issue, threatening over 200 million people worldwide with the prime cases in South and Southeast Asian and Latin American countries. Rice is mostly cultivated under flooded paddy soil conditions, where As speciation and accumulation by rice plants is controlled by various geo-environmental (biotic and abiotic) factors. In contrast to other food crops, As uptake in rice has been found to be substantially higher due to the prevalence of highly mobile and toxic As species, arsenite (As(III)), under paddy soil conditions. In this review, we discussed the biogeochemical cycling of As in paddy soil-rice system, described the influence of critical factors such as pH, iron oxides, organic matter, microbial species, and pathways affecting As transformation and accumulation by rice. Moreover, we elucidated As interaction with organic and inorganic amendments and mineral nutrients. The review also elaborates on As (im)mobilization processes and As uptake by rice under the influence of different mineral nutrients and amendments in paddy soil conditions, as well as their role in mitigating As transfer to rice grain. This review article provides critical information on As contamination in paddy soil-rice system, which is important to develop suitable strategies and mitigation programs for limiting As exposure via rice crop, and meet the UN's key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs: 2 (zero hunger), 3 (good health and well-being), 12 (responsible consumption and production), and 13 (climate action)).</p

    Glyphosate in the environment: interactions and fate in complex soil and water settings, and (phyto) remediation strategies

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    Glyphosate (Gly) and its formulations are broad-spectrum herbicides globally used for pre- and post-emergent weed control. Glyphosate has been applied to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Critics have claimed that Gly-treated plants have altered mineral nutrition and increased susceptibility to plant pathogens because of Gly ability to chelate divalent metal cations. Still, the complete resistance of Gly indicates that chelation of metal cations does not play a role in herbicidal efficacy or have a substantial impact on mineral nutrition. Due to its extensive and inadequate use, this herbicide has been frequently detected in soil (2 mg kg−1, European Union) and in stream water (328 µg L−1, USA), mostly in surface (7.6 µg L−1, USA) and groundwater (2.5 µg L−1, Denmark). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) already classified Gly as a category 2 A carcinogen in 2016. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best degradation techniques to remediate soil and aquatic environments polluted with Gly. This review elucidates the effects of Gly on humans, soil microbiota, plants, algae, and water. This review develops deeper insight toward the advances in Gly biodegradation using microbial communities. This review provides a thorough understanding of Gly interaction with mineral elements and its limitations by interfering with the plants biochemical and morphological attributes. Glyphosate (Gly) contamination in water, soil, and crops is an eminent threat globally. Various advanced and integrated approaches have been reported to remediate Gly contamination from the water-soil-crop system. This review elucidates the effects of Gly on human health, soil microbial communities, plants, algae, and water. This review develops deeper insight into the advances in Gly biodegradation using microbial communities, particularly soil microbiota. This review provides a brief understanding of Gly interaction with mineral elements and its limitations in interfering with the plants biochemical and morphological attributes.</p

    The significance of eighteen rice genotypes on arsenic accumulation, physiological response and potential health risk

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    Rice is an important food crop that is susceptible to arsenic (As) contamination under paddy soil conditions depending on As uptake characteristics of the rice genotypes. Here we unveiled the significance of eighteen (fine and coarse) rice genotypes against As accumulation/tolerance, morphological and physiological response, and antioxidant enzymes-enabled defense pathways. Arsenic significantly affected rice plant morphological and physiological attributes, with relatively more impacts on fine compared to coarse genotypes. Grain, shoot, and root As uptake were lower in fine genotypes (0.002, 0.020, and 0.032 mg pot−1 DW, respectively) than that of coarse (0.031, 0.60, and 1.2 mg pot−1 DW, respectively). Various biochemical (pigment contents, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation) and defense (antioxidant enzymes) plant parameters indicated that the fine genotypes, notably Kainat and Basmati-385, possessed the highest As tolerance. Arsenic-induced risk indices exhibited greater hazard quotient (up to 1.47) and carcinogenic risk (up to 0.0066) for coarse genotypes compared to the fine ones, with the greatest risk for KSK-282. This study elaborates the pivotal role of genotypic variation among rice plants in As accumulation, which is crucial for mitigating the associated human health risk. Further research is required on molecular aspects, e.g., genetic sequencing, to examine rice genotypes variation in defense mechanisms to As contamination