14 research outputs found

    Development of an Environment for Virtual Information Retrieval in UPMNET

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    In this study, the development of an environment for virtual information retrieval in UPMNET that uses Internet tools such as email, USENET, BITNET, Gopher, WAIS, FTP, Telnet, Archie, Hytelnet, IRe, WWW etc is proposed. The purpose of this project is to gather all these tools to access or retrieve the information at any time. The methodology for this project is based on the concept of hypertext and hypermedia including HTTP, browser, HTML and URL. In this project, Internet tools have been categorised into three groups; online discussion, remote on-line database and real-time discussion. On-line discussion has been used for sharing ideas continuously, for instance using email while remote on-line database can be used for searching information in other various databases. Real-time discussion allows for academicians to have real life conversations as though they are in a 'face to face' situation. Another feature of this project is the development of a prototype of an electronic version for PERTANIKA Journal of Science and Technology. This prototype will consist of information on author, title, year of publishing, abstract of article and email of the author. This will enable academicians to share the ideas and disseminate their knowledge. It also represents one of the steps towards the implementation of an environment for virtual information retrieval in UPMNET. The study concludes with recommendations for further research on enhancing UPMNET applications particularly in the realms of office automation, research and dissemination of scholarly information

    Structured system design for blended technology in classroom

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    Course planning in universities involves balancing multiple objectives. Through years of experiences in face-to-face teaching, faculty members have generated a great deal of knowledge and skill, which is often categorized by automatic routines and tacit knowledge. The advent of web and the growing of multimedia technology in education industry are transforming the context. This paper proposed a structured design for blended technology in classroom which comprehensively represents the scenario pf face-to-face and delivery methods in higher education. It requires the use of new tools as well as the creation and transformation of artifacts. It also poses new problems that require new kinds of support and collaboration since the faculty members may lack the technical ability to create their own blended course classes

    Students' perception of a blended approach in an E-learning environment

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    This study of blended approach focused on students' perception when they are encouraged to use it. It identified and described the constituents of the blended approaches that will be delivered according to the combination of technology, theory and practices to teaching and learning in higher education

    Conceptual Model for Knowledge Sharing Model in Creating Idea for Mobile Application

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    This study shows that several projects will be conducted at the workshop in which using the conceptual model for knowledge sharing approach to create an idea for mobile application. The sharing idea has been done through the collaborative activity in which a group of different field sought to define the mobile application which will lead to new media approach of using social media platform. The collaborative activity will be provided and implemented in the form of one day workshop to determine the approach towards the theme given. The activity later will be continued for four weeks for the participant to prepare for the pitch day workshop. This paper shows the pitch of idea including the interface and prototype for the said products. The collaboration between the members with different field of study shows that social media influenced the knowledge sharing model and its creation or innovations. One of the projects supported a collaborative activity in which a group of young designers sought to define the knowledge sharing model of their ability in creating idea for mobile applications

    Inhabited virtual world video montage as collaboration experience reflection tool

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    This paper describes the use of video montage made within an inhabited virtual world to reflect on the collaboration experience. This video montage serves as a tool that is used to review the experience in totality. The paper begins with an overview of inhabited virtual world components and properties that promote collaboration. KOLB Learning Cycle is used as the central basis to explain the experiential process. Each stage of the cycle is discussed in relations to the use of video montage reflecting on the social interactions that had taken place. Emphasis is made on the reflection observation stage. It is suggested that this stage happens at two levels i.e. during review of captured video segments to be composed into a particular story and when reviewing the video montage as a whole. Finally, the paper provides an example of using an inhabited virtual world video montage made in Forsaken World (TM) to reflect on collaboration experience

    Conceptualized framework for edutainment

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    Conventional technique of design in computer games normally use programming as the ultimate task for developing computer games. In this framework, the development of edutainment for developing computer games for kids will be spearhead towards educators. The development of this conceptualized environment will lead the users to build an application towards a distributed resource available to a group of children. The aim of this paper is to develop an edutainment framework to be used as a tool for non-programming users especially educators for preschool children to develop digital games. Furthermore, it will identify the need for the used of diverse media elements and accommodating different skill levels in interface controls

    Proceedings of the Creative Multimedia Postgraduate Research Colloquium

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    We are delighted to share with readers this remarkable collection of abstracts from the Post Graduate Research Colloquium (Cycle 1, 2022). It has always been a norm, a procedure and one of the many requirements in undertaking post graduate studies at Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University. Throughout the study duration, students are required to present at two colloquiums in a year. These presentations include the background of their research, aim and objectives, their research design, method and outputs, and research progress