6,454 research outputs found

    Estimating the Production Potential of Major Crops in Pakistan’s Irrigated Agriculture during the 21st Century

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    Land and irrigation are the basic resources in agriculture. The role and importance of these resources and their contribution towards productivity, in the context of the country’s increasing population, can hardly be exaggerated. Pakistani agriculture is set in a very distinctive situation of an increasing population on the one hand and diminishing resources on the other. The population of Pakistan was reported to be 131.63 million in 1996 and is projected to be 207 million in 2013 [Pakistan (1996) and WSIP (1990)]. The agriculture sector has to face the difficult task of doubling the existing food production by the turn of this century. The situation demands horizontal and vertical growth in the productivity, either by bringing more land under cultivation, or by increasing the cropping intensity of the existing land resources. This can also be accomplished by bringing more land under cultivation from the cultivable uncultivated area (a large proportion of which exists on medium and large farms under waterlogged or saline conditions). In this context, it becomes important to identify the nature of the relationship that exists between farm size and unculturable wastelands and the kinds of changes the green revolution/SCARPs projects introduced to this relationship.


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    A 9 months old Fayumi layer, having 2.5 kg body weight with distended abdomen was examined. On physical examination, the hen was found anaemic, dyspnoeic and recumbent with pulpy abdomen distended with fluid. Upon aspiration, about 800 ml of straw-coloured fluid was collected which contained proteinitious casts but no fibrin. Haematological examination revealed that RBC counts, haematocrit and WBC counts were 3.5 x 1012/L, 25% and 50 x 109/L, respectively. Differential leukocytic counts revealed that heterophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils were 50, 26, 18 and 6%, respectively, without any basophils. The concentrations of plasma proteins and fibrinogen were 7.9 g/dL and 312 mg/dL, respectively. The hen was given supportive therapy along with antibiotics and flusher

    Geomorphological Mapping of Razzaza–Habbaria Area using Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Landforms on the earth surface are so expensive to map or monitor. Remote Sensing observations from space platforms provide a synoptic view of terrain on images. Satellite multispectral data have an advantage in that the image data in various bands can be subjected to digital enhancement techniques for highlighting contrasts in objects for improving image interpretability. Geomorphological mapping involves the partitioning of the terrain into conceptual spatial entities based upon criteria. This paper illustrates how geomorphometry and mapping approaches can be used to produce geomorphological information related to the land surface, landforms and geomorphic systems. Remote Sensing application at Razzaza–Habbaria area southwest of Razzaza Lake shows the different geomorphologic units and the land use maps that were delineated from Landsat ETM+ Image. Digital Image unsupervised classification was adopted to delineate the different classes by applying ERDAS 8.4 software. According to this classification five classes were selected and delineated in different colors

    Nd:YAG laser welding of stainless steel 304 for photonics device packaging

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    Although pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding has been widely used in microelectronics and photonics packaging industry, a full understanding of various phenomena involved is still a matter of trials and speculations. In this research, an ultra compact pulsed Nd:YAG laser with wavelength of 1.064 µm has been used to produce a spot weld on stainless steel 304. The principal objective of this research is to examine the effects of laser welding parameters such as laser beam peak powers, pulse durations, incident angles, focus point positions and number of shots on the weld dimensions: penetration depth and bead width. The ratio of the penetration depth to the bead width is considered as one of the most critical parameters to determine the weld quality. It is found that the penetration depth and bead width increase when the laser beam peak power, pulse duration and number of shot increase. In contrast, the penetration depth decreases when the laser beam defocus position and incident angle increase. This is due to the reduction of the laser beam intensity causing by the widening of the laser spot size. These experimental results provide a reference on an optimal laser welding operations for a reliable photonics device packaging. The results obtained shows that stainless steel 304 is suitable to be used as a base material for photonics device packaging employing Nd:YAG laser welding technique

    Improving Web Page Readability by Plain Language

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    In today's world anybody who wants to access any information the first choice is to use the web because it is the only source to provide easy and instant access to information. However web readers face many hurdles from web which includes load of web pages, text size, finding related information, spelling and grammar etc. However understanding of web pages written in English language creates great problems for non native readers who have basic knowledge of English. In this paper, we propose a plain language for a local language (Urdu) using English alphabets for web pages in Pakistan. For this purpose we developed two websites, one with a normal English fonts and other in a local language text scheme using English alphabets. We also conducted a questionnaire from 40 different users with a different level of English language fluency in Pakistan to gain the evidence of the practicality of our approach. The result shows that the proposed plain language text scheme using English alphabets improved the reading comprehension for non native English speakers in Pakistan

    Patients Undergoing Dental Surgery who are Taking Antiplatelet Medications

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    For the undergoing dental surgery patients taking antiplatelet medications, physicians and dentists must weigh the bleeding risks in continuing antiplatelet medications versus the thrombotic risks in interrupting antiplatelet medications. Bleeding complications requiring more than local measures for hemostasis are rare after dental surgery in patients taking antiplatelet medications. Conversely, the risk for thrombotic complications after interruption of antiplatelet therapy for dental procedures apparently is significant, although small. When a clinician is faced with a decision to continue or interrupt antiplatelet therapy for a dental surgical patient, the decision comes down to “bleed or die.” That is, there is a remote chance that continuing antiplatelet therapy will result in a (nonfatal) bleeding problem requiring more than local measures for hemostasis versus a small but significant chance that interrupting antiplatelet therapy will result in a (possibly fatal) thromboembolic complication. The decision is simple: It is time to stop interrupting antiplatelet therapy for dental surgery

    Synthesis, Analytical and Theoretical Studies of (Z)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-((4-(N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)Sulfamoyl)Phenyl)Diazenyl)Naphthalene-1-Sulfonic Acid

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    New azodye that characterize (Z)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-((4-(N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl) sulfamoyl) phenyl)diazenyl)naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1) was synthesized. The azodye has been characterized by IR, visible spectra and elemental (CHN) analysis. The results of visible spectra which recorded in the range (360-6540) nm were showed that the maximum wave length (λmax) of azodye was 500 nm. Analytical studies carried on the dye, the results of the solvent effect were showed high solubility in ethanol and water. But, the results of the pH effect in a range of buffer solution were gave three isopestic points. The ionization constant (pKa) and protonation constant (pKb) were calculated by using the half height method. The results were showed that the pKp1 and pKp2 of each nitrogen atom and pKa of OH-group were equal to 2.5, 4.5 and 8.5 respectively. Theoretical studies also carried on azodye (1). The actual and optimal bonds length of -N=N- was equal to 1.248 in each. Though, internal coordinate mechanics (ICM) of (1) was showed that the angle type in most of atoms was dihedral. But, the R and S configuration were observed in other atoms in the structure of azodye. The results also indicated that the torsion angles (ψ) of (1) were variable. High close contacts of atoms were observed in the structure of azodye. The molecular mechanics (MM2) properties was intended for (1), the results showed that the stretch, bend, stretch-bend, torsion, non-1,4 VDW, 1,4 VDW and the total energy were equal to 61.0809, 627.0240, -1.6517, 179.0634, 4686.8146, 33.0379 and 5585.3692 kcal/mol respectively. High VDW interactions of this molecule was observed, due to the results of dipole/dipole were not computed. Thus, the result of MM2 minimization for azodye (1) was showed high VDW interactions of this molecule higher than before the minimization, due to the result of dipole/dipole was also not computed. The high steric energy (1235.782) was affecting the results of minimization. However, the results of the molecular mechanics force field (MMFF94) energy and gradient for azodye (1) were showed that the total energy and RMS gradient were equal to 26223.422 kcal/ mol and 9113.745 respectively. Further, the results of MMFF94 minimization and MMFF94 minimization/sampling of azodye (1) were showed that the minimization was attended successfully using this method. Keywords: Internal coordinate, Molecular mechanics, Azodye

    Human Body Posture Recognition Approaches: A Review

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    Human body posture recognition has become the focus of many researchers in recent years. Recognition of body posture is used in various applications, including surveillance, security, and health monitoring. However, these systems that determine the body’s posture through video clips, images, or data from sensors have many challenges when used in the real world. This paper provides an important review of how most essential ‎ hardware technologies are ‎used in posture recognition systems‎. These systems capture and collect datasets through ‎accelerometer sensors or computer vision. In addition, this paper presents a comparison ‎study with state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy. We also present the advantages and ‎limitations of each system and suggest promising future ideas that can increase the ‎efficiency of the existing posture recognition system. Finally, the most common datasets ‎applied in these systems are described in detail. It aims to be a resource to help choose one of the methods in recognizing the posture of the human body and the techniques that suit each method. It analyzes more than 80 papers between 2015 and 202

    Oscillation of Nonlinear Differential Equations with Advanced Arguments

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    This paper is concerned with the oscillation of all solutions of the n-th order delay differential equation . The necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillatory solutions are obtained and other conditions for nonoscillatory solution to converge to zero are established

    Evaluation the effectiveness of a non-chopped basalt fiber and water-based of isocyanate-polyester polyol prepolymer on the properties of cement fiberboard

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    Abstract Cement board reinforced with basalt fibers were prepared by using polymer compounds, 5% of water-based of isocyanate-polyester polyol prepolymer blend was used as a fixed percentage, and the rates of basalt fıber used were 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, and for each of them used water/cement ratios (W/C) as 1.4, 1, 0.75, 0.4, and 0.5 respectively. The sample cured for 28 days, and the mechanical and physical properties of cement fiberboard were greatly improved due to additional fibers in cement compounds, the tests procedures of properties were carried out according to ASTM standard c-1185. It results reveals that 12.5% is the best percentage, in bending resistance, water absorption percentage, and the moisture content have improved, but it showed less thermal conductivity compared to other ratios, furthermore the compressive strength was improved. It is essential to indicate when increasing the polymer ratio, leads to a certain decrease in mechanical properties but improves the wetting surface of the basalt fibers and adhesion to cement. Therefore, a 5% polymers ratio chooses and the basalt fıber mix proportions changed to enhance the mechanical and physical properties of fiber boar