101 research outputs found

    Property of Psidium Guajava L. Leaves in Treatment of Diarrhea

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    Jambu batu, Psidium guajava L. in Indonesia and other tropical countries plant has many genus, as a nutritious fruit -the well known Guava- and as a home remedy. Diarrhea is one of the public health problems in Indonesia. For treatment of diarrhea, most Indonesian tribes use young leaves of Psidium guajava L. as a remedy. They consume it because this medicinal plant is easily found, mainly in the rural area, and because it is also cheaper than western medicine. In the treatment of diarrhea, Psidium guajava L. can be use in several ways, such as infusion or decoction, infusions of young leaves of plant itself or a decoction as a mixture with other parts of the same plant. The mixture can also be combined with other medicinal plants. Some active constituents that have properties with primary impact on the gut as anti-dirrheic are, tannins, pectin and essential oils. The tannins have properties as astringent or antiseptic. Astringent precipitates proteins in the mucous membrane and reduces intestinal motility. The antiseptic maybe also have some antibacterial effect. Pectin covers the digestive tract by forming a thin coat over the mucous, membrane. Essential oils have properties as an antiseptic and an antispasmodic. Tannins and essential oils are found mostly in young leaves of Psidium guajava L. Therefore, young leaves of Psidium guajava L. are suitable in the treatment of dia"hea, as commonly use by several Indonesian tribes

    Family Bonding Enhancer (weDeco)

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    This project was invented mainly with one general objective of tightening the relationship between family members through one of home chores where all the members can join in and contribute, which is home decoration. The decision-making and implementation of the decorations are made more interactive and fun using the system that is built based on tangible interaction concept. Arranging the furniture will be easily done by dragging and dropping objects on the system platform simulating the real furniture and spaces. With this system, less energy and time will be consumed, enabling more effective communications throughout the decoration tasks. The integration or bonding between the family members will be enhanced stronger as the boring and exhausting home decoration work is turned into an interesting interactive teamwork task. The project is developed using Instructional System Design methodology, applying ADDIE model. Image processing is the teclmology that has been utilized to develop this project. Using this flexible technology, object recognition has been instilled into the system to further enhance the interactivity of tangible interaction concept. With the system that enables fun and interactive home decoration activity, the family members would interact more, thus, enhancing the bonding between them

    Pengelompokan Dan Struktur Populasi Parasitoid Telur Trichogrammatoidea Armigera Pada Telur Helicoverpa Armigera Pada Jagung Berdasarkan Karakter Molekuler

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    The effectiveness of this parasitoid was influenced by its population structure in the field. However, because this parasitoid has a tiny size, it was difficult to know the population structure of this parasitoid. This problem can be overcome by using molecular characteristic i.e. molecular markers. Based on RAPD-PCR analysis from 4 selected primers on 19 DNA samples from 3 different locations it was fond, that Gunung Bunder II population was divided into sub-population and so did Cugenang population, which is indicated by their small Fst and Nm index. The Fst and Nm index for Gunung Bunder II population was 0,39 and 0,77, while 0,51 and 0,47 for Cugenang population. If we calculated the Fst and Nm for all samples together, we found that this parasitoid has a random mating pattern, which is also shown by the dendrogram. The dendrogram indicate that each sub- opulation from one location was not grouped in one cluster but distributed in every cluster

    Oklusi Arteri Perifer Pada Ekstrimitas Inferior

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    Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease (PAOD) is defined as a disease results either from atherosclerotic or inflammatory processes causing lumen narrowing (stenosis), or from thrombus formation so there is an increase in vessel resistance that can lead to a reduction in distal perfusion pressure and blood flow. PAOD especially suffers the lower extremities has a high morbidity rate because its etiology, pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, complications, prevention, and management are still not well defined. Because of the variety of clinical signs, misdiagnostic, and complications assosiated with PAOD, it is important to increase the diagnostic accuracy obtained mainly by anamnesis, physical findings, and supporting laboratory studies. An early management and a better perioperative care must be done to treat PAOD complications resulted either from its disease or reconstruction artery operative. Hopefully, a better clinical understanding and a better management toward PAOD patients will lead to a better prognostic outcome, especially to those patients that shows the signs of risk factors toward PAOD such as smokers, diabetic and hypertension patients, and genetic abnormalities. Therefore, it is important to enhance the know of the PAOD particularily in the term of its diagnostic criteria, prevention, and management. This awareness and activity not only for doctors and medical students, but also for the community, by means of symposia, discussion forums, or other else

    Family Bonding Enhancer (weDeco)

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    This project was invented mainly with one general objective of tightening the relationship between family members through one of home chores where all the members can join in and contribute, which is home decoration. The decision-making and implementation of the decorations are made more interactive and fun using the system that is built based on tangible interaction concept. Arranging the furniture will be easily done by dragging and dropping objects on the system platform simulating the real furniture and spaces. With this system, less energy and time will be consumed, enabling more effective communications throughout the decoration tasks. The integration or bonding between the family members will be enhanced stronger as the boring and exhausting home decoration work is turned into an interesting interactive teamwork task. The project is developed using Instructional System Design methodology, applying ADDIE model. Image processing is the teclmology that has been utilized to develop this project. Using this flexible technology, object recognition has been instilled into the system to further enhance the interactivity of tangible interaction concept. With the system that enables fun and interactive home decoration activity, the family members would interact more, thus, enhancing the bonding between them

    Assessment of toxicity level in selected heavy metals in volcanic soils from Tawau, Sabah

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    Heavy metals are one of the serious pollutants in environment because its toxicity. Severe concentration of heavy metals can harm the plants, animals and even human. During the pedogenesis process, heavy metals from the parent rock are mobilized in soils and redistribute in to the environment. The objective of this paper is to study the concentration and toxicity level of selected heavy metals in volcanic soils around Tawau, Sabah. In this study 10 soil samples were collected from different sampling stations. The selection of soil samples were based on the different type of volcanic rocks in the study area. The determination of concentration of heavy metals in soil samples were carried out using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The result shows, the highest concentration is chromium with the average of 141 ppm followed by zinc with 112 ppm. The concentration of copper is 49 ppm, nickel 15 ppm, lead 8 ppm and arsenic 7 ppm. The soil samples is identified as polluted due to the elevated concentration of certain heavy metals when compared with the Sediment Quality Guidelines of US EPA. Chromium is regarded as heavily polluted agent while zinc, copper and arsenic indicated that the area is moderately polluted. Nickel and lead average concentration show no indication of pollution in the area. It is concluded that the combined source of heavy metals in the study area would be the parent materials of the soils and other anthropogenic effluent. From the study also, it is found out that pH value, organic matter and clay percentage has influenced the heavy metal concentration in volcanic soil in the study area

    Integrated Geoelectrical And Structural Studies For Groundwater Investigation In Parts of Abuja, North Central Nigeria

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    Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, West Africa, is underlain by Precambrian basement rocks consisting mainly of porphyroblastic gneisses, granitic-gneisses, migmatitic gneisses, amphibolites, Pan-African granites and undifferentiated schists. The geology of Abuja, therefore, makes the groundwater conditions in the area very unpredictable. Geophysical surveys were carried out at 12 locations within and around the Gosa area and the results integrated with 88 lineament (fractures) extracted from hill-shaded Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. The dominant fracture trend for the area is NNE–SSW and N–S, which corresponds to the Pan-African trends in the basement complex of Nigeria. It is observed that in the Gosa area, whereas fractures exist, they do not possess sufficient interconnectivity; this may have adversely affected the permeability of the fractured zone, resulting in the incidence of dry wells in the area. Moreover, evidence from interpreted two-dimensional (2D) geoelectric sections reveals that in some parts of Abuja, the weathered overburden is not thick enough to support sufficient yield for a viable borehole. Interconnected fractures therefore become the desirable structural feature capable of improving the aquifer potential. This study demonstrates the usefulness of integrating conventional vertical electrical sounding (VES) surveys with structural data derived from enhanced SRTM imagery in a hydrologically complicated terrain
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