17 research outputs found

    An Analysis On Factors Causing Undergraduate Students' Difficulties In Writing Thesis

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the most causing factor of undergraduate students' difficulties in writing thesis in the English Education Study Program of FKIP Tanjungpura University Pontianak. Descriptive research design was used in this research. 28 students were chosen as the sample and selected by using purposive sampling. The data was collected by using questionnaire with 31 items designed on a five-point likert-type scale to capture students' opinion about the causing factors of their difficulties in writing thesis. Data analysis shows that basic knowledge of thesis main components factor has percentage 27.68%, process of consultation factor has percentage 26.04%, psychological factor has percentage 25.25%, while economic factor has percentage 21.03%. Therefore, it is concluded that basic knowledge of thesis main component factor is the most causing factor of students' difficulties in writing thesis

    Students Participation On Reading Comprehension Class Taught By Paired Storytelling Strategy

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    : This thesis discusses students participation in teaching learning process taught by Paired Storytelling Strategy. This thesis answered the research question How is the students participation on reading comprehension class taught by Paired Storytelling Strategy. It was a descriptive study. The data were collected through clasroom observation. The students participation were tallied and then classified into four categories based on the rating scale of the percentage of students participation. They are very active, active, less active, and passive. The research findings indicate that the students showed active participation in the reading comprehension class taught by paired story telling strategy

    The Effectiveness of 3-2-1 Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text

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    The aim of this research was to find out the effectiveness of 3-2-1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak in academic year 2014/2015. The research method was a pre-experimental research with one group of pre test and post test design and the sample was clas X B which consists of 30 students. The research found that 3-2-1 strategy was effective in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMASanto Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. It is based on the data calculation that the degree of the effectiveness was 1, 01 and it was categorized as high. In conclusion, the effectiveness of 3-2-1 strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text to the tenth grade students of SMA Santo fransiskus Asisi pontianak in academic year 2014/2015 can be categorized as high

    Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using 3h (Here, Hidden, And In My Head) Strategy

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    : The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of the use of 3H strategy (Here, Hidden, and in my Head) in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental research with the non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this research were class VIIIB as the experimental class and class VIIID as the control class. The data were collected through pre-test and post test by using the essay test consisting of twenty items and were analyzed by using Effect Size (ES) formula. The finding shows that the effect of treatment is 1.53 (> 1.00) or categorized as strong effect. It indicates that the use of 3H strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension

    Description of Eating Habits in Preschool Children at Tk Bhakti Asuhan and Tkit Izzuddin Palembang in 2009

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    Background: Pre-school time is where the children are grouped as active consumers that can choose the food they like, however, they can not choose the food by themselves to be consumed. Parents have responsible for develoving their children eating habit. It will influence the nutrients where at this time they need good food for their growth. Methods: The research was in descriptive survey using cross sectional approach. The data collected by interview method using questionnaire and Food Frequency Questionnaire and then analyzed by frequency table distribution and cross tabulating. Result: The children at Bhakti Asuhan and TKIT Izzuddin has good eating habit that is various food ≥ 3 kinds in a week and ≥ 3 times a day (each of them 76,5% and 54,8%). At TKIT Izzuddin more often consume fast food and package food compared from the students at Bhakti Asuhan kindergarten. Conclusion: The need to increase the knowledge of kindergarten teachers and parents about nutritious food, and given the knowledge to choose healthy foods and snacks. In addition, the need for further research on the eating habits of pre-school children with the broader scope, such as linking between eating habits with nutritional status of pre-school children

    Identification Students' Difficulties In Writing Hortatory Exposition Among High Intermediate Level

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    This research aims to identify students' difficulties in writing hortatory exposition text at high intermediate level in Gajahmada English course. The method used is a descriptive study. The sample of the study is 10 students at high intermediate level of Gajahmada English course. The tool of data collecting was a written test that the students wrote hortatory exposition text. The finding showed the average of students' score is “60.2” which is categorize “Difficult”. In grammar, students difficulties in arranging the tense and the compound-complex sentences. In mechanic, students difficulties in spelling, punctuation and word choice. In vocabulary, students difficulties in using of personal noun, abstract noun, general noun, action verb, verb, adverb and adjectives. In content, students able wrote the text, but their difficulties on the relevant details among thesis, arguments and recommendation. Keywords: Identification, students' difficulties, hortatory exposition Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kesulitan siswa menulis teks hortatory exposition pada level high intermediate di bimbingan belajar Gajahmada. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Peserta penelitian adalah siswa bimbingan belajar Gajahmada level high intermediate, terdapat 10 peserta sebagai sampel. Alat mengumpulkan data yaitu sebuah tes tertulis, yakni siswa menulis teks hortatori exposisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata nilai 60,2 dikategorikan “sulit”. Struktur bahasa, siswa kesulitan menyusun struktur kalimat dan penggunaan kalimat majemuk setara – bertingkat. Mekanisme penulisan, siswa kesulitan dalam ejaan, tanda baca, dan pilihan kata. Kosakata, siswa kesulitan menggunaan kata ganti orang, kata ganti abstrak, kata benda umum, kata kerja, kata keterangan, kata sifat. Untuk isi, siswa dapat menulis teks, tapi kesulitan pada relevansi antara ide pokok, pendapat, dan rekomendasi