52 research outputs found

    The socio-spatial construction of consumption: a historical and contemporary analysis

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    This thesis explores the possibility of a modern consumption distinct from discussions of the ‘consumer,’ ‘consumption,’ ‘consumerism’ and the ‘consumer society’ and rejects the possibility of a universal or ‘human’ consumption-activity rooted in use that merely varies with space and time. This is done by exploring the roots of these terms in the philosophical anthropology of economic theory, specifically the concept of homo oeconomicus. The economic inheritance within contemporary accounts of the capitalist consumption-relation is then pursued through a review of the disciplinary approaches to the topic made by historical accounts of ‘consumer culture,’ the study of patterns of use across the social sciences, from psychology, through geography to marketing and anthropology. Finally, the contemporary sociological investigation of ‘consumption’ is critiqued and its broad reliance upon a utilitarian-derived cost/benefit model adapted to incorporate ‘sign-value’ and discussions of postmodernism are rejected. This prompts the proposal of a ‘postphenomenological’ approach to the study of modern consumption and the ‘terrain’ upon which it is available to experience. The bulk of the thesis, chapters three, four and five, are taken up with a review of the contemporary commodity-form using the phenomenological categories of space, time and causality, respectively. This allows a historical perspective to be employed in the analysis of the role of material factors in the constitution of subjective experience and its role within the emergence of modern consumption. The theory of modern consumption and the sociospatial terrain upon which it unfolds is developed through the concept of ‘affordance,’ adapted from environmental psychology and a re-definition of ‘possession’ that arises from the inter-relation of being and having. This allows the rejection of the orthodox models and theories of ‘consumption’ outlined in chapter two. The thesis concludes by advocating an engagement in a ‘playful’ modern consumption that engages with the commodity-form as the medium within which contemporary ‘experience’ is transmitted and, which, consequently, forms the of the phenomenal forms of subjective experience derived from the capitalist consumption-relation

    Utopian, Molecular and Sociological Social Design

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    Social design has a history that goes back several decades. Following Victor Margolin’s recent work, social design has been animated by utopic visions that inspire it and gives it its raison d'ĂȘtre. These utopic visions have had their roots variously in technology, architecture, or politics. In this paper, we argue that there are also new forms of social design that are not utopic, but build on other premises. We distinguish two new forms, molecular social design, and sociological social design. The former is happy to change society one step at the time without a larger vision. The latter builds on sociological theory and targets through it those social structures that reproduce social inequalities by maintaining practices that lead to those inequalities. Our example of molecular social design is Katja Soini’s IKE project in Helsinki, Finland; while our example of sociological social design examines the Design Innovation & Citizenship program in Glasgow, Scotland and its engagement with a remote island community

    Future Experiences: Sustainable Development and the Global South

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    The Innovation School at The Glasgow School of Art teaches design as a human-centred practice that can be applied universally to local or global issues, and so acknowledges the stakeholders, systemic elements or actants that lie beyond the human. This Future Experiences project asked the Innovation School’s graduating B.Des Product Design students to address one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today, Sustainable Development, which is defined by the United Nations as: ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Now, more than ever, there is a need for greater cooperation at a global level between governments, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders to ensure that those with the least still have an opportunity to prosper. Sustainable Development recognises that, despite more people around the world living better lives compared with a decade ago, inequalities and climate change threaten to undo the progress made in fields such as healthcare, employment and education. It helps economies to grow through the use of innovative technologies that can unleash opportunities for shared prosperity. It aims to ensure everyone has access to nutritious food, quality education and freedom of speech. And it attempts to do all of this without harming the environment, while seeking to respect local culture, traditions and values. A global action plan initiated by the UN in 2015 sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals that must be achieved in the next decade as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development if we are to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. These goals now inform ongoing Sustainable Development work all over the world, and also helped guide this Future Experiences project. The project was completed in January 2020, as the deadly and disastrous Covid-19 pandemic was just beginning its spread around the world. This unprecedented catastrophe reinforced the importance of supporting those most in need – the citizens of developing regions in the so-called ‘Global South’. In April 2020, the heads of all the UN’s major agencies issued an open letter warning of the risks the virus posed to the world’s most vulnerable countries. It called on wealthier nations to increase funding and help to tackle issues such as the cessation of aid as a result of cancelled flights and disrupted supply routes. These and many other concerns highlighted during the crisis are among the topics explored in this project, which feels even more relevant and urgent than when it was initiated in the summer of 2019. The project’s main focus was on how design can support development work in the Global South by helping providers move beyond legacy approaches and explore new practices, projects and directions of research. The students stepped outside of their comfort zones and engaged with people living and working in developing nations in order to identify how design innovation might best be used in the context of Sustainable Development. Their speculative visions offered an alternative to existing development frameworks, prompting providers of development to reconsider their modes of operation or how they engage with users. In particular, the students focused on empowering communities by proposing new products, services or interactions, as well as alternative forms of civic organisation or behaviours, that could help these communities to enhance their own sustainable futures. Research and practice within the field of Sustainable Development is currently undergoing a significant shift away from a colonial model that saw international aid being administered by the richest members of the global capitalist North to resolve perceived problems in the poorer South. The students were asked to imagine a global landscape ten years from now in which citizens living and working in developing countries across the Global South are in control of their own development agenda, which in a globalised world, is always also in relation to the North.Based on this more participatory context, the Innovation School’s human-centred, research-driven approach was used to explore new ways of initiating, funding and sustaining projects aimed at providing lasting benefits for specific communities. The outcomes ranged from a new healthcare system that blends traditional and modern medicines, to a technologically advanced refuge for women moving to cities for work, and a service that promotes the use of cleaner energy within homes in rural Africa. For this year’s project, The Innovation School partnered with the University of Glasgow and the Sustainable Futures in Africa Network to provide the students with direct access to academics and development professionals working within the field of Sustainable Development in the Global South. The insights the experts provided about everyday life in nations such as Malawi, Uganda, Botswana and Nigeria helped to inform solutions that address real-world problems. The ambitious collaboration allowed both the Innovation School and its project partners to examine new ways of integrating design and innovation practices into the planning of future Sustainable Development projects

    Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments

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    We apply an online optimization process based on machine learning to the production of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). BEC is typically created with an exponential evaporation ramp that is optimal for ergodic dynamics with two-body s-wave interactions and no other loss rates, but likely sub-optimal for real experiments. Through repeated machine-controlled scientific experimentation and observations our ‘learner’ discovers an optimal evaporation ramp for BEC production. In contrast to previous work, our learner uses a Gaussian process to develop a statistical model of the relationship between the parameters it controls and the quality of the BEC produced. We demonstrate that the Gaussian process machine learner is able to discover a ramp that produces high quality BECs in 10 times fewer iterations than a previously used online optimization technique. Furthermore, we show the internal model developed can be used to determine which parameters are essential in BEC creation and which are unimportant, providing insight into the optimization process of the system

    A collaborative approach to exploring the future of Cancer treatment and care in relation to Precision Medicine: A design perspective.

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    The Precision Medicine and the Future of Cancer project was jointly conceived by the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art and the Institute of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Graduating year Product Design students from the Innovation School were presented with a challenge-based project to produce a vision of the future based on current trends that relate to Precision Medicine(PM) and Cancer treatment. This project involved working closely with scientists, clinicians, patients, industry and academic professionals from Glasgow University, staff at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Clinical Innovation Zone, staff at Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Patient Representatives and external design experts from Studio AndThen and GOODD design consultancy. The objective of this project was to investigate, in both analytical and speculative ways, future forms and functions of cancer treatment and care in relation to Precision Medicine, to develop future scenarios and design artefacts, services, and the experiences associated with them. One of the most significant societal shifts currently taking place within the field of PM is the transformation around what it means to be a patient and a professional working within this context. The public’s role is developing beyond once-passive patients into stakeholders valued within the medical industry and healthcare sector for their participation in clinical trials, and contribution towards policy-making and decision-making committees. This new dynamic is changing the traditional patient-doctor relationship and challenging the hegemony of medical practice at an institutional level. The impetus for this shift is relentless technological acceleration and increased scientific research, in particular driven by advances in PM. This project asked students to consider what will happen in a cancer landscape ten years from now, where PM has evolved to the extent that new forms of medical practice, cancer treatment and care transform how we interact with each other, with professionals and the world around us. The brief gave students the opportunity to reflect on the underlying complexities regarding the future of health, technological acceleration, post-capitalism and human agency, to envision a future world context, develop it as an experiential exhibit, and produce the designed products, services and experiences for the people who might live and work within it. The project was divided into two sections: The first was a collaborative stage where groups of students were assigned a specific area of focus from Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Educational, Political, Legal, Ecological [STEEEPLE]. These groups focused on researching and exploring their specific lenses and gathering as much information and understanding while working with external experts to further their knowledge. This group stage culminated in an exhibition of the collaborative understanding of what the future could look like in 10 years from now, after exploring the possible consequences of current actions. The second stage saw students explore their individual response to the world that had been defined in the first stage. Each student had their own response to the research by iteratively creating a design outcome that was appropriate to the subject matter. This culminated in each student having created a design product/service/experience relating to the future scenario. A full report (Project Process Journal [PPJ]) is included within the repository of each student which breaks down their process of designing and the outcome they have designed. The project aims to tackle the emerging possibilities where medical professionals and design can collaborate, to create a future where forms of medical practice are more preventative and are more appropriate for an aging population now and into the future. The deposited materials are arranged as follows: Readme files - two readme files relate to stage one and stage two of the project as outlined above. Overview poster - gives a visual overview of the structure and timeline of the project. Data folders - the data folders for stage one of the project are named for the lens through which each group viewed possible futures. The data folders for stage two of the project are named for the individual students who conducted the work

    Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032

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    The ‘Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032’ project was jointly conceived by the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art and the School of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow. The project partnership involved a community of experts working across both organisations including the University of Glasgow’s Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre (ARC). Regenerative Design is about designing for people and the planet from a socio-ecological perspective. It seeks not merely to do less harm, but rather catalyses a positive force that restores, renews or revitalises products, services and systems to foster resilient and equitable futures for people and the planet. The Regenerative Futures project asked the final year BDes Product Design cohort to consider what happens in this landscape ten years from now, where Global Development has evolved to the extent that new forms of regenerative experiences of health, economies and citizenship transform how we interact with each other, with local and global communities, and the world around us. Working with an expert community of practice from the University of Glasgow’s Advanced Research Centre (the project’s partner) and a wider expert group of academic and professional stakeholders, the students, faculty, and experts co-researched, explored and designed speculative future worlds and experiences of regenerative global and local communities and systems leading towards equitable health, economies and citizenship in ten year’s time. In the first part of the project, the student cohort work in six groups to collectively research the brief, exploring the domains of Health, Economies and Citizenship from a Globally-Centred or Locally-Centred perspective. In-depth insights from the first stage fuel individual design work in Part Two. The second part of the project saw individual students select an aspect of their Future World research to develop as a design direction, which they then prototyped and produced as products, services, and/or systems. These are designed for specific communities, contexts or scenarios of use defined by the students to communicate a future experience. The output from this project is curated and presented as a public exhibition. The exhibition resulting from this research project includes products, services and experiences designed for the people who might live and work within these future contexts. Each ‘future world’ is situated within a discrete design domain: Health (Global + Local), Economies (Global + Local) and Citizenship (Global + Local). Exhibition dates: Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th February, 2023 Venue: Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow The deposited materials are arranged as follows: 1 - Regenerative Futures Project Brief. The Project Brief is developed as rationale, context and a guide to the project. 2 - Regenerative Futures Project Exhibition Guide. The Guide catalogues and describes the exhibits presented in the show. It takes you through each ‘Future World’ experience created by the students. It complements the videos and images presented in companion sections. 3 - Videos of the Regenerative Futures Exhibition. Here you will find short videos documenting the set-up of the exhibition and the exhibition itself. 4 - Images of the Regenerative Futures Exhibition. This section documents the Exhibition in images. 5 - Images of Studio Life. This section documents in images, the co-creation studio sessions with experts and the studio development of the show exhibits. 6 - Exhibition guides for each individual World View. These guides take you through each individual ‘Future World’; Health (Global + Local), Economies (Global + Local) and Citizenship (Global + Local)

    Future Experiences: Sustainable Development and the Global South

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    The Sustainable Development and the Global South project was jointly conceived by the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art in partnership with the Sustainable Futures in Africa Network (SFA), and the University of Glasgow. Graduating final year BDes Product Design students from the Innovation School were presented with a challenge-based project to produce a vision of the future based on current trends that relate to Sustainable Development work and the Global South. This project involved working closely with researchers, academics and professionals specialising in human geography, education, health, environment, engineering, cultural practice and community engagement who are part of the Sustainable Futures in Africa Network which includes a Scottish hub, led from the University of Glasgow. Included in the network was a representative from an NGO that builds schools in Malawi, an entrepreneur who runs an ethical clothing company that partners with producers in the Global South, a senior governance officer from the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), a research network administrator, and international graduate students from Africa based at Scottish institutions. In addition to the SFA, external experts from design studio AndThen and GOODD design consultancy were engaged. The objective of this project was to investigate, in both analytical and speculative ways, future forms and functions of Sustainable Development work in relation to the Global South in ten years from now, to develop future scenarios and design the artefacts, services and the experiences associated with these future visions. On completion of the project and learning experience it was intended that the students would be able to recognise and articulate the impact and sustainability of their design propositions, consider the life-cycle of their proposals and the values these might create for the intended users, communities and contexts. The project was completed in January 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic was just beginning its spread around the world. This unprecedented catastrophe reinforced the importance of supporting those most in need – the citizens of developing regions in the Global South. In April 2020, the heads of all the UN’s major agencies issued an open letter warning of the risks the virus posed to the world’s most vulnerable countries. It called on wealthier nations to increase funding and help to tackle issues such as the cessation of aid as a result of cancelled flights and disrupted supply routes. These and many other concerns highlighted during the crisis are among the topics explored in this project, which feels even more relevant and urgent than when it was initiated in the summer of 2019. One of the most significant societal shifts currently taking place within the field of sustainable development work is its transformation from being understood as a process of growth or, at its most benign, poverty alleviation, to one of community empowerment and civic participation. The public’s role is developing beyond once-passive community members and recipients of aid, into stakeholders valued for their local knowledge, lived experiences, participation in development projects, and contribution towards policy-making and decision-making. This new dynamic is changing the traditional North-South relationship and holds the potential to challenge the geopolitical hegemony of International Development. The impetus for this shift is a decolonial, collaborative approach to development, research and practice; increased local empowerment, and sustainable solutions to problems that are co-created in context with those affected by and affecting the issue in question. This project asked students to consider what happens in this global landscape ten years from now where Sustainable Development has evolved to the extent that new forms of work and communities of practice transform how people engage, learn and interact with each other, with stakeholders and with the global community around them. The brief gave students the opportunity to explore the underlying complexities regarding sustainable futures, the post-colonial dynamic between ‘norths’ and ‘souths’, post-capitalism and human agency, to envision a future world context, develop it as an experiential exhibit, and produce the designed products, services and experiences for the people who might live and work within it. The project was divided into two sections: The first was a collaborative stage where groups of students were assigned a specific domain to collectively research one aspect of the project challenge, these domains included; Health, Energy, Mobility, Economies, Education, Societal Structures and Environment. Each of these domains were examined through the lenses of Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Educational, Values, Political, Legal and Ecological (STEEEVPLE) and were tailored in use, as appropriate per domain. The groups focused on researching and exploring their specific domain and gathering as much information and understanding while working with the external experts to further their knowledge. This group stage culminated in a series of Future World exhibits which tangibly manifest the cohort’s collective knowledge and collaborative understanding of what the future could look like in 10 years from now, after exploring the possible consequences of current actions. The second stage saw students explore their individual response to the Future World that had been created in the first stage. Each student developed their own response to the research by iteratively creating a design outcome that was appropriate to the subject matter. This culminated in each student producing a designed product, service or system and a visual communication of the future experience which they had created. A visual summary of the journey and stages (Project Journey Map) is included within the repository and outlines the collaborative process of designing and the innovative nature of the project’s pedagogical model. The project aims to reveal and address the emerging possibilities collaboratively created by Sustainable Development professionals and designers interacting and learning from each other, to present preferable futures which reveal socio-ecological innovations in development work with the Global South in the near future. The deposited materials are arranged as follows: Readme files - two readme files relate to stage one and stage two of the project as outlined above. Project Journey Map - gives a visual overview of the pedagogical structure and timeline of the project. Data folders - the data folders for stage one of the project are named by the domains through which each group explored possible futures. The data folders for stage two of the project are named for the individual students who conducted the work

    Symbiotic Futures: Health, Well-being and Care in the Post-Covid World

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    The "Symbiotic Futures: Health, Well-being and Care in the Post-Covid World" project was jointly conceived by the Innovation School at Glasgow School of Art and the Institute of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow. The project partnership involved a community of experts working across both organisations including the University of Glasgow’s new Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre (ARC). Future experiences is a collaborative, futures-focused design project where students benefit from the input of a community of experts to design speculative future worlds and experiences based on research within key societal contexts. This iteration of the project asked the students to consider what happens in the Post-Covid landscape ten years from now, where symbiotic experiences of health, well-being and care have evolved to the extent that new forms of medical practice, health communities and cultures of care transform how we interact with each other, with professionals and the world around us. The GSA Innovation School’s final year BDes Product Design students and faculty formed a dynamic community of practice with health, wellbeing and care practitioners and researchers from The University of Glasgow and beyond. This gave the students the opportunity to reflect on the underlying complexities of the future of health, well-being and care, technological acceleration, human agency and quality of life, to envision a 2031 blueprint as a series of six future world exhibits, and design the products, services and system experiences for the people and environments within it. In the first part of the project (Stage 1), Future worlds are groups of students working together on specific topics, to establish the context for their project and collaborate on research and development. In this iteration of Future Experiences, the "Health, Well-being and Care" worlds were clustered together around ‘People focused’ and ‘Environment focused’, but also joined up across these groups to create pairs of worlds, and in the process generate symbiosis between the groups. These worlds were then the starting points which the students explored in their individual projects. The second part of the project (Stage 2) saw individual students select an aspect of their Future World research to develop as a design direction, which they then prototyped and produced as products, services, and/or systems. These are designed for specific communities, contexts or scenarios of use defined by the students to communicate a future experience. These Future experiences reflect the societal contexts explored during the research phase, projected 10 years into the future, and communicated in a manner that makes the themes engaging and accessible. The deposited materials are arranged as follows: 1. Project Landscape Map - A report and blueprint for the project that gives a visual overview of the structure and timeline of the project. 2. Stage one data folders - the data folders for stage one of the project are named after the themes the groups explored to create their Future Worlds. 3. Stage two data folders - the data folders for stage two of the project are named after the individual students who created the project
