7 research outputs found

    Analisa Situasi Kini Tentang Isi Dan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Gizi Dalam "Primary Health Care"

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    Dalam USAha untuk meningkatkan keadaan gizi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah diberbagai negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia, langkah pertama ialah mengadakan penelitian mengenai isi dan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi dengan pendekatan PHC yang telah dijalankan oleh negara bersangkutan. Penelitian ini mendapat bantuan dari WHO-SEARO.Sehubungan dengan itu telah dilakukan penelitian, dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh data saat ini, tentang isi dan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi dengan pendekatan PHC pada organisasi kesehatan (Puskesmas-UKIA, UPGK-Kes, KB-Gizi dan PKMD) di berbagai daerah, agar hasilnya dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi.Daerah terpilih ialah propinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Sumatera Barat

    Norma Perkembangan Motor Milestone Anak Sehat Dan Bergizi Baik Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Suatu Rujukan

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    Norm of Motor Milestone Achievements In Healthy and Well Nourished Children Leading To The Development A Reference.Background: The prevalence of malnutrition is still high in Indonesia, and one of its functional consequences is level of the intelectual capacity of children. Motor development is an essential of cognitive performance, and it is generally believed related with nutritional status of children, however very few studies had been carried out in the field condition.Objectlves: To describe the ceiling of motor milestone achievements of healthy and well nourished children aged 3-18 months in the development of norms for Indonesian children.Methods: The study was conducted in 4 big cities: Surabaya, Malang, Bandung and Bogor in 2100 healthy and well nourished children aged 3-18 months came from high SES (socio-economic status) families who had no constraints on achieving normal growth and development. There were 17 milestones observed by well trainned enumerators following standard procedure. Analysis of percentiles 5, 10, 50, 90, and 95 for age against motor achievement were carried out for all children.Results: The difference in the attainment of the ceiling of motor milestones between males and females were not significant at any points of observation, therefore sex combined norm curve of motor development for children aged 3-18 months was ilustrated.Conclusions: The norm of motor milestone development for Indonesian children aged 3-18 months has been developed. Before being used as a reference, it needs to be evaluated or it is reliability and feasibility

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Status Gizi Keluarga di Tiga Daerah Berbeda Pola Kekerabatan

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    The study was carried out in three different kinship areas : bilineal in West Java, patrilineal in Lampung and matrilineal in West Sumatera. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of sociocultural factors that may effect nutritional status. A total of428 women in three study areas were interviewed and families were observed. The mean per capita expenditure was about the same in the three areas, and the portion of expenditure for food was 55 to 59 percent. Based on weight for height using WHO-NCHS standard, the percent of families with malnourished children was 42,9 percent in Cianjur (West Java), 29,5 percent in Lampung Selatan (Lampung), and 30,7 percent in Tanah Datar (West Sumatera). The study revealed that condition and characteristic of the families of different kinships in the study areas contribute the difference in knowledge, practice and eating pattern leading to the difference in nutritional status. In promoting behavioural change and for determining appropriate approaches to use, factors such as the role and status of women in the family in different kinships and community experiences combined with appropriate methods of adult education should be considered in applying the nutrition extension programme

    Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga Pada Sebelum Dan Sewaktu Krisis Ekonomi

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    CHANGES OF HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION PATTERN BEFORE AND DURING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS.Background: It is generally agreed that the economic crisis has an impact on food insecurity and malnutrition. People's ability to secure an adequate diet during the crisis in Indonesia would have been declined, however, data are not adequately available.Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the magnitude of the impact of the crisis on household food consumption in three rural areas: Cianjur (West Java), South Lampung (Lampung) and Tanah Datar (West Sumatera).Method: The study on food consumption had been conducted in 1993/1994 (before crisis), and a similar study was repeated in 1999 during the peak of the crisis in the same areas. A total of 346 households in the three areas were surveyed. The food consumption was recorded using a 24- hour method; knowledge and attitudes on foods were collected by interview. Information on socio-cultural and tradition surrounding foods use were also gathered. The consumption of foods as part of the five groups (staples, plant and animal protein resources, vegetables, fruits, and milk) were examined, and ranked their frequencies of consumption and their contribution to each food groups. This would allow us to make comparison on household consumption patterns in the three different areas at before and during the peak of the crisis.Results: Rice was eaten two or three times a day and there was no significant changes in the frequency of consumption of rice during the crisis. Noodes and flours were eaten less frequent, but com and cassava were increased during the crisis. Although during the crisis there was a decrease in the consumption of meat, but not the case for fresh fish, salted fish, eggs, tofu and tempeh. People's have had switched the consumption pattern more on less expensive foods. People's in Tanah Datar (West Sumatera) was apparently better in coping mechanism as the response to the crisis than the other two areas. In Tanah Datar, diet was likely more diversified, perhaps even better than the situation at before crisis.Conclusions: The results suggest that the effects of the economc crisis on household food consumption were varied, depend on the nature (land) and environment, level of education, pattern of employment and socio-cultural in each areas

    Keadaan Gizi dan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil : Karakteristik Sosio - Demografi, Mediko - Obstetrik dan Konsumsi Makanan

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    In Indonesia, the incidence of low birth weight is still very high. Ministry of health is conducting programmes to reduce low birth weight from 14 per cent to 7 per cent by the year of 2000. In optimizing the results of these efforts, some factors associated with maternal health and nutrition are important to be known. This study based on a cohort prospective study in 20,002 pregnant women in Bogor, West Java, discusses a number of factors of socio-economic, medico-obstetrics, and food consumption. The maternal factors significantly associated with low birth weight infants included low formal education (illiteracy), chronic major illness, previous pregnancy with complications such as abortion or low birth weight, interval of pregnancies less than sic months, high blood pressure with edema and protein in urine, very severe anemic or hemoglobin concentration below 8 g%, and low dietary intake. These informations are important in relation to the need for actions to be taken in improving prenatal care through community active participation in health services

    Reliabilitas Dan Feasibilitas Penggunaan Kartu Menuju Sehat Perkembangan (Kms-p) Motor Milestone Anak Umur 3-18 Bulan Di Puskesmas Dan Posyandu

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    RELIABILITAS DAN FEASIBILITAS PENGGUNAAN KARTU MENUJU SEHAT PERKEMBANGAN (KMS-P) MOTOR MILESTONE ANAK UMUR 3-18 BULAN DI PUSKESMAS DAN POSYANDU.Background: To monitor growth and development of a child could use the Road to the Health Card of Under Five (KMS-Balita) for growth and Road to the Health Card of Motor Development (KMS-Perkembangan) for development. The KMS-Perkembangan (KMS-P) has been developed based on a scientific research design following the WHO-procedure for the development of a reference. In order the KMS-P could be used at Posyandu and/or at Puskesmas, it needs to be examined the reability and the feasibility in the field condition.Objectives: To examine the reliability and the feasibility of using KMS-P for children aged 3-18 months underfield condition.Methods: The study was carried out in Bogor City and Sukabumi District A total of 10 Puskesmas and 74 Pusyandu located in 19 villages were included as the study sites. The crossectional study designed was implemented, and 872 mothers and their children aged 3-18 months, 75 village cadres and 37 health providers were included as the sample studied. Data on general characteristics and motor milestones, reability and feasibility of using the KMS-P included plotting, its interpretation, and evaluating the child motor development were collected.Results: The study reveals that under field condition, 100% of health providers, 74.7% of village cadres and 77.56% mothers of the children studied could use the KMS-P property. The KMS-P has been developed simple, practicable, and action oriented.Conclusions: The reliability and feasilility of using KMS-P under field condition is highly acceptable. The prospect of KMS-P is very encouraging