7 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Status Gizi Dan Hubungannya Dengan Berbagai Faktor Determinan Pada Anak Usia 12-36 Bulan Dari Keluarga Sosio-ekonomi Menengah Ke Atas

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    NUTRITIONAL STATUS CHARACTERISTICS AND ITS RELATED DETERMINANT FACTORS AMONG HEALTHY CHILDREN AGED 12-36 MONTHS FROM MIDDLE UP SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS.Background: There are very few studies had been carried out among children from middle up socio-economy status, and therefore, the prevalence of malnutrition as well as characteristics of nutritional status of children from middle­ upper socioeconomic families have not been well reported. Objectives: To describe the nutritional status of children from well being families, and its related determinant factors.Methods: A total of 235 children aged 12-36 months from middle upper socio-economic status in Bogor city, West Java had been studied. The cross-sectional study design was implemented. Data on general characteristics of the families and anthropometric measurements on both the child and the mother were collected by well trained field workers. Results: The study reveals that the average birth weight was 3.2 ± 0.41 kg and birth length was 49.2 ± 1.96 cm. Most mothers (43.2%) breastfed their children until 3 months, 22.0% less than 3 months and the remaining 34,8% above 3 months. Using NCHS standard, underweight was found 6.1%, stunting was 4.2%, and wasting was 2.8%, There were no subjects with Z-score above 2 SD of weight-for-age, length-for-age or weight-for-length, classified as overweight or obese children. There is no association observed between nutritional status and household income, percentage of foods expenditure, and education level of fathers. A positive trend was observed between nutritional status of children and height of mothers A stronger positive trend was also observed for education level of mothers against nutritional status of the children. A significant (P<0.05) association between education of mothers and nutritional status (based on weight for age) of the children was demonstrated in these subjects. Conclusion: Level of education of mothers substantially contributed to nutritional status of children aged 12-36 months

    Keterbatasan Penggunaan Lingkaran Lengan Atas dalam Memonitor Status Gizi Wanita Hamil Berisiko Tinggi Melahirkan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah

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    Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi-kesehatan Dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Ibu Selama Hamil Dan Menyusui

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    A New Strategy of Nutrition Education In Improving Health Behaviour of Pregnant and Lactating Women.Background: The new health paradigm of the year 2010 is emphasizing on preventive and promotive measures through the improvement of health behavior of the population. On the same time, the economic crisis has worsened the nutritional status, particularly for pregnant and lactating women, leading to increase of malnutrition and mortality among infants and women. Programs in improving health behavior, particularly in many nutrition programs, have poorly designed and poorly implemented at grass root levels and therefore may not assess nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice prroperty, with the consequence that the results may have little meanings.Objective: The aim of the study was to examine model of empowering pregnant and lactating women through, the improvement of heatlh and nutriton behavior by using the method of Women\u27s Contact. Women\u27s Contact or Kontak Ibu was a trained person who always give services to pregnant and lactating women, including midwives, traditional birth attendants, community volunteers, such as ceders, etc.Methods: The study areas were located in Bogor and Tangerang Districts. In the treatment group areas 21 Kontak Ibu were trained for 2 days in improving their skills in nutrition and heatlh education and supervised. In the control group areas 20 Kontak Ibu were trained for 1 day and Without supervised during the 4 months of intervention period. The material of nutrition and heatlh education developed by the previous study, was provided for all Kontak Ibu. In the treatment area 80 women (40 pregnant and 40 lactating) received the services given by Kontak Ibu. The same number and proportion of women also received the services in control areas.Results: The performance of Kontak Ibu in the treatment areas generally better than in the control areas in term of the frequency of giving education, number of women receiving services, referral forms completed, and number of targeted women visited. The women who improved their practices in solving the problem of morning sickness and low appetite for pregnant women, and problem of eating and diarrhea for infants were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the treatment than in the control group. Other practices, such as solving problem of headache, edema, vances. fever, etc. were improved in both groups.Conclusion: It is found in both group the new service strategy using method of Kontak Ibu changed several behaviors among women in communites. The changes in the experiment group were more remarkable than in the control group.Suggestion: The strategies of Kontak Ibu services changed behavior of both the service providers ard the women seeking services. It is therefore likely that application of the model Kontak Ibu services could be implemented in the existing nutrition improvement programs

    A Study On Prevention Of Vitamin A Deficiency By Annual Oral Massive Dose Vitamin A And E Emulsion Administration

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    Suatu penyelidikan mengenai pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit defisiensi vit. A. di Cibatok, Bogor, telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan oral massive dose vit. A. (retinol palmitat e) 300,000 I.U. dikombinasikan dengan vit E (a tocopherol acetate) 50 I.U. dl. Dua group anak-anak umur 1-6 tahun dipilih masing-masing sebagai group Experiment dan Control yang hanya diberikan placebo. Sedangkan masing-masing group dibagi lagi menjadi golongan-golongan penderita dan golongan Non vit. A. defisiensi (normal). Ternyata setelah 6 (enam) bulan kemudian 90 percent penderita yang mendapat pengobatan menjadi sembuh dan sebaliknya 88.9 percent dari penderita yang mendapat placebo masih tetap menderita defisiensi vit. A. (table 2) Table 3. Menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penyakit infeksi G.I tract terhadap berhasilnya pengobatan dan juga pada umumnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa gizi penderita tidak mempengaruhi pengobatan. Table 4 Kadar Vit. A. didalam darah penderita setelah pengobatan ternyata jauh lebih tinggi dari semula. Sedangkan dalam group yang mendapat placebo tidak terjadi kenaikan. Dari data penyelidikan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian oral massive dose kombinasi dari vit. A dan E pada anak-anak sebelum sekolah dapat mencegah, mengobati gejala-gejala defisiensi vit. A. di mata

    Pengaruh Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Terhadap Keadaan Gizi Anak-anak Pra-sekolah Di Lingkungan Kebon Kelapa Bogor

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    Pengaruh program pemberian makanan tambahan terhadap ke­adaan gizi anak2 prasekolah di Lingkungan Kebon Kelapa, Bogor. (The effect of food supplementation program on the nutritional status of pre-school children). Presented at the Second National Pediatric Congress. Bandung. 1971. One of the main nutrition problems in developing countries is protein calorie malnutrition. The age group that has been most affected is the pre-school child. Serious dietary deficiency will impair his physical and mental developments. The pilot project was designed for the care of pre-school children with signs of malnutrition through a supplementary feeding program. The approach is to educate mothers on how to feed, with locally available foods, and care for their pre-school children; using techniques that are compatible with their under­standing and financial limitation through active participation. The duration of the supplementary feeding program was three months. In order to evaluate the program some anthro­pometric measurements, dietary intake study and clinical assess­ment were carried out before and after the program. The results of the study reveal that this program-approach can be recommended in the prevention and in combating malnu­trition in the pre-school child

    Pencegahan Penyakit Kekurangan Vitamin a Dengan Pemberian "Oral Massive Dose Vitamin a Emulsion", Dua Kali Setahun

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    Penelitian dilakukan terhadap pemberian 200.000 Kesatuan Internasional (KI) vitamin A dicampur dengan 40 KI vitamin E dalam emulsi melalui mulut (oral) dua kali setahun kepada anak-anak pra sekolah, dengan tujuan mencegah xerophthalmia.Hasil penelitian terhadap anak-anak yang diikuti selama satu tahun, menunjukkan penyembuhan dan pengaruh pencegahan. Tanda dan gejala xerophthalmia pada mata menyembuh dan kadar serum vitamin A meninggi. Dosis yang lebih tinggi disarankan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tambahan pada xerophthalmia yang juga menderita tuberkulosa