828 research outputs found

    Culturally Adapted Interventions in Mental Health: Global Position Statement

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    The preponderance of western psychological concepts are often relied upon to conceptualise health-related phenomena. It is hardly surprising therefore that despite the availability of a number of interventions, studies have concluded that outcomes for minority cultural groups are not as good as for Caucasian people (western Europe and North America) in many high and middle income countries (HMIC). The evidence base of most psychosocial interventions is yet to be established in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). There has been a propensity in some quarters to view low and middle income countries as passive beneficiaries of mental health knowledge, rather than as contributors or partners in knowledge production and development. A move towards a more equal bilateral relationship is called for, which should lead to better service provision. This Position Statement aims to highlight the current position and need for culturally adapted interventions. It is a global call for action to achieve a standardised mechanism to achieve parity of access and outcomes across all cultural groups regardless of country of residence

    Production and decay of evolving horizons

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    We consider a simple physical model for an evolving horizon that is strongly interacting with its environment, exchanging arbitrarily large quantities of matter with its environment in the form of both infalling material and outgoing Hawking radiation. We permit fluxes of both lightlike and timelike particles to cross the horizon, and ask how the horizon grows and shrinks in response to such flows. We place a premium on providing a clear and straightforward exposition with simple formulae. To be able to handle such a highly dynamical situation in a simple manner we make one significant physical restriction, that of spherical symmetry, and two technical mathematical restrictions: (1) We choose to slice the spacetime in such a way that the space-time foliations (and hence the horizons) are always spherically symmetric. (2) Furthermore we adopt Painleve-Gullstrand coordinates (which are well suited to the problem because they are nonsingular at the horizon) in order to simplify the relevant calculations. We find particularly simple forms for surface gravity, and for the first and second law of black hole thermodynamics, in this general evolving horizon situation. Furthermore we relate our results to Hawking's apparent horizon, Ashtekar et al's isolated and dynamical horizons, and Hayward's trapping horizons. The evolving black hole model discussed here will be of interest, both from an astrophysical viewpoint in terms of discussing growing black holes, and from a purely theoretical viewpoint in discussing black hole evaporation via Hawking radiation.Comment: 25 pages, uses iopart.cls V2: 5 references added; minor typos; V3: some additional clarifications, additional references, additional appendix on the Viadya spacetime. This version published in Classical and Quiantum Gravit

    Quantum geometry and the Schwarzschild singularity

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    In homogeneous cosmologies, quantum geometry effects lead to a resolution of the classical singularity without having to invoke special boundary conditions at the singularity or introduce ad-hoc elements such as unphysical matter. The same effects are shown to lead to a resolution of the Schwarzschild singularity. The resulting quantum extension of space-time is likely to have significant implications to the black hole evaporation process. Similarities and differences with the situation in quantum geometrodynamics are pointed out.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Radiating black hole solutions in arbitrary dimensions

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    We prove a theorem that characterizes a large family of non-static solutions to Einstein equations in NN-dimensional space-time, representing, in general, spherically symmetric Type II fluid. It is shown that the best known Vaidya-based (radiating) black hole solutions to Einstein equations, in both four dimensions (4D) and higher dimensions (HD), are particular cases from this family. The spherically symmetric static black hole solutions for Type I fluid can also be retrieved. A brief discussion on the energy conditions, singularities and horizons is provided.Comment: RevTeX 9 pages, no figure

    Gravitational collapse of massless scalar field and radiation fluid

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    Several classes of conformally-flat and spherically symmetric exact solutions to the Einstein field equations coupled with either a massless scalar field or a radiation fluid are given, and their main properties are studied. It is found that some represent the formation of black holes due to the gravitational collapse of the matter fields. When the spacetimes have continuous self-similarity (CSS), the masses of black holes take a scaling form MBH∝(P−P∗)γM_{BH} \propto (P - P^{*})^{\gamma}, where γ=0.5\gamma = 0.5 for massless scalar field and γ=1\gamma = 1 for radiation fluid. The reasons for the difference between the values of γ\gamma obtained here and those obtained previously are discussed. When the spacetimes have neither CSS nor DSS (Discrete self-similarity), the masses of black holes always turn on with finite non-zero values.Comment: Two figures have been removed, and the text has been re-written. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anti-de Sitter black holes, perfect fluids, and holography

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    We consider asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes in dd-spacetime dimensions in the thermodynamically stable regime. We show that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and its leading order corrections due to thermal fluctuations can be reproduced by a weakly interacting fluid of bosons and fermions (`dual gas') in Δ=α(d−2)+1\Delta=\alpha(d-2)+1 spacetime dimensions, where the energy-momentum dispersion relation for the constituents of the fluid is assumed to be Ï”=Îșpα\epsilon = \kappa p^\alpha. We examine implications of this result for entropy bounds and the holographic hypothesis.Comment: Minor changes to match published version. 9 Pages, Revte

    Noncommutative Electromagnetism As A Large N Gauge Theory

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    We map noncommutative (NC) U(1) gauge theory on R^d_C X R^{2n}_{NC} to U(N -> \infty) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C, where R^d_C is a d-dimensional commutative spacetime while R^{2n}_{NC} is a 2n-dimensional NC space. The resulting U(N) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C is equivalent to that obtained by the dimensional reduction of (d+2n)-dimensional U(N) Yang-Mills theory onto R^d_C. We show that the gauge-Higgs system (A_\mu,\Phi^a) in the U(N -> \infty) Yang-Mills theory on R^d_C leads to an emergent geometry in the (d+2n)-dimensional spacetime whose metric was determined by Ward a long time ago. In particular, the 10-dimensional gravity for d=4 and n=3 corresponds to the emergent geometry arising from the 4-dimensional N=4 vector multiplet in the AdS/CFT duality. We further elucidate the emergent gravity by showing that the gauge-Higgs system (A_\mu,\Phi^a) in half-BPS configurations describes self-dual Einstein gravity.Comment: 25 pages; More clarifications, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Topological Charged Black Holes in High Dimensional Spacetimes and Their Formation from Gravitational Collapse of a Type II Fluid

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    Topological charged black holes coupled with a cosmological constant in R2×XD−2R^{2}\times X^{D-2} spacetimes are studied, where XD−2X^{D-2} is an Einstein space of the form (D−2)RAB=k(D−3)hAB{}^{(D-2)}R_{AB} = k(D-3) h_{AB}. The global structure for the four-dimensional spacetimes with k=0k = 0 is investigated systematically. The most general solutions that represent a Type IIII fluid in such a high dimensional spacetime are found, and showed that topological charged black holes can be formed from the gravitational collapse of such a fluid. When the spacetime is (asymptotically) self-similar, the collapse always forms black holes for k=0,−1k = 0, -1, in contrast to the case k=1k = 1, where it can form either balck holes or naked singularities.Comment: 14 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Collapse in Higher Dimensional Husain Space-Time

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    We investigate exact solution in higher dimensional Husain model for a null fluid source with pressure pp and density ρ\rho are related by the following relations (i) p=kρp=k\rho, (ii) p=kρ−B(v)ραp=k\rho-\frac{B(v)}{\rho^{\alpha}} (variable modified Chaplygin) and (iii) p=kραp=k\rho^{\alpha} (polytropic). We have studied the nature of singularity in gravitational collapse for the above equations of state and also for different choices of the of the parameters kk and BB namely, (i) k=0k=0, B=B= constant (generalized Chaplygin), (ii) B=B= constant (modified Chaplygin). It is found that the nature of singularity is independent of these choices of different equation of state except for variable Chaplygin model. Choices of various parameters are shown in tabular form. Finally, matching of Szekeres model with exterior Husain space-time is done.Comment: 12 latex pages, No figure, RevTex styl

    Numerical Relativity: A review

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    Computer simulations are enabling researchers to investigate systems which are extremely difficult to handle analytically. In the particular case of General Relativity, numerical models have proved extremely valuable for investigations of strong field scenarios and been crucial to reveal unexpected phenomena. Considerable efforts are being spent to simulate astrophysically relevant simulations, understand different aspects of the theory and even provide insights in the search for a quantum theory of gravity. In the present article I review the present status of the field of Numerical Relativity, describe the techniques most commonly used and discuss open problems and (some) future prospects.Comment: 2 References added; 1 corrected. 67 pages. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. (uses iopart.cls
