153 research outputs found

    Calogero-Moser systems and Hitchin systems

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    We exhibit the elliptic Calogero-Moser system as a Hitchin system of G-principal Higgs pairs. The group G, though naturally associated to any root system, is not semi-simple. We then interpret the Lax pairs with spectral parameter of [dP1] and [BSC1] in terms of equivariant embeddings of the Hitchin system of G into that of GL(N).Comment: 22 pages, Plain Te

    Rank 2 Integrable Systems of Prym Varieties

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    A correspondence between 1) rank 2 completely integrable systems of Jacobians of algebraic curves and 2) (holomorphically) symplectic surfaces was established in a previous paper by the first author. A more general abelian variety that occurs as a Liouville torus of integrable systems is a prym variety associated to a triple (S,W,V) consisting of a curve S, a finite group W of automorphisms of S and an integral representation V. Often W is a Weyl group of a reductive group and V is the root lattice. We establish an analogous correspondence between: i) Rank 2 integrable systems whose Liouville tori are generalized prym varieties Prym(S_u,W,V) of a family of curves S_u, u in U. ii) Varieties X of dimension 1+dim(V) with a W-action and an invariant V-valued 2-form. If V is one dimensional X is a symplectic surface. We obtain a rigidity result: When the dimension of V is at least 2, under mild additional assumptions, all the quotient curves Su/WS_u/W are isomorphic to a fixed curve C. This rigidity result imposes considerable constraints on the variety X: X admits a W-invariant fibration to C and the generic fiber has an affine structure modeled after V. Examples discussed include: Hitchin systems, reduced finite dimensional coadjoint orbits of loop algebras, and principal bundles over elliptic K3 surfaces.Comment: 53 page

    A note on monopole moduli spaces

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    We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifolds for which we conjecture that the natural L2L^2 metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    New hyper-Kaehler manifolds by fixing monopoles

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    The construction of new hyper-Kaehler manifolds by taking the infinite monopole mass limit of certain Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield monopole moduli spaces is considered. The one-parameter family of hyperkaehler manifolds due to Dancer is shown to be an example of such manifolds. A new family of fixed monopole spaces is constructed. They are the moduli spaces of four SU(4) monopoles, in the infinite mass limit of two of the monopoles. These manifolds are shown to be nonsingular when the fixed monopole positions are distinct.Comment: Version in Phys. Rev. D. 11 pp, RevTeX, 14 Postscript diagram

    Solitons on Noncommutative Torus as Elliptic Calogero Gaudin Models, Branes and Laughlin Wave Functions

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    For the noncommutative torus T{\cal T}, in case of the N.C. parameter θ=Zn\theta = \frac{Z}{n}, we construct the basis of Hilbert space {\caH}_nintermsof in terms of \thetafunctionsofthepositions functions of the positions z_iof of nsolitons.Thewrappingaroundthetorusgeneratesthealgebra solitons. The wrapping around the torus generates the algebra {\cal A}_n,whichisthe, which is the Z_n \times Z_nHeisenberggroupon Heisenberg group on \thetafunctions.Wefindthegenerators functions. We find the generators gofanlocalelliptic of an local elliptic su(n),w, wtransform covariantly by the global gauge transformation of A{\cal A}By acting on Hn{\cal H}_n we establish the isomorphism of An{\cal A}_ngg. We embed this gg into the LL-matrix of the elliptic Gaudin andmodelstogivethedynamics.Themomentmapofthistwistedcotangentmodels to give the dynamics. The moment map of this twisted cotangent su_n({\cal T})bundleismatchedtothe bundle is matched to the DequationwithFayetIlliopoulossourceterm,sothedynamicsoftheN.C.solitonsbecomesthatofthebrane.Thegeometricconfiguration-equation with Fayet-Illiopoulos source term, so the dynamics of the N.C. solitons becomes that of the brane. The geometric configuration (k, u)ofth of thspectral curve detL(u)k=0{\rm det}|L(u) - k| = 0 describes the brane configuration, with the dynamical variables ziz_i of N.C. solitons asmodulimoduli T^{\otimes n} / S_n.Furthermore,intheN.C.ChernSimonstheoryforthequantumHalleffect,theconstrainequationwithquasiparticlesourceisidentifiedalsowiththemomentmapeqaution. Furthermore, in the N.C. Chern-Simons theory for the quantum Hall effect, the constrain equation with quasiparticle source is identified also with the moment map eqaution the N.C. sun(T)su_n({\cal T}) cotangent bundle with marked points. The eigenfunction of the Gaudin differential LL-operators as the Laughli$wavefunction is solved by Bethe ansatz.Comment: 25 pages, plain latex, no figure

    Inversion symmetric 3-monopoles and the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold

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    We consider 3-monopoles symmetric under inversion symmetry. We show that the moduli space of these monopoles is an Atiyah-Hitchin submanifold of the 3-monopole moduli space. This allows what is known about 2-monopole dynamics to be translated into results about the dynamics of 3-monopoles. Using a numerical ADHMN construction we compute the monopole energy density at various points on two interesting geodesics. The first is a geodesic over the two-dimensional rounded cone submanifold corresponding to right angle scattering and the second is a closed geodesic for three orbiting monopoles.Comment: latex, 22 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Nonlinearit

    SO/Sp Monopoles and Branes with Orientifold 3 Plane

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    We study BPS monopoles in 4 dimensional N=4 SO(N) and Sp(N)Sp(N) super Yang-Mills theories realized as the low energy effective theory of NN (physical and its mirror) parallel D3 branes and an {\it Orientifold 3 plane} with D1 branes stretched between them in type IIB string theory. Monopoles on D3 branes give the natural understanding by embedding in SU(N) through the constraints on both the asymptotic Higgs field (corresponding to the horizontal positions of D3 branes) and the magnetic charges (corresponding to the number of D1 branes) imposed by the O3 plane. The compatibility conditions of Nahm data for monopoles for these groups can be interpreted very naturally through the D1 branes in the presence of O3 plane.Comment: 18 pages, Latex with RevTex, 1 table, 4 figures, v2: Clarified the introduction and improved on the supersymmetric theory on D1 branes in page 7 and 8 and this final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    SU(3) monopoles and their fields

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    Some aspects of the fields of charge two SU(3) monopoles with minimal symmetry breaking are discussed. A certain class of solutions look like SU(2) monopoles embedded in SU(3) with a transition region or ``cloud'' surrounding the monopoles. For large cloud size the relative moduli space metric splits as a direct product AH\times R^4 where AH is the Atiyah-Hitchin metric for SU(2) monopoles and R^4 has the flat metric. Thus the cloud is parametrised by R^4 which corresponds to its radius and SO(3) orientation. We solve for the long-range fields in this region, and examine the energy density and rotational moments of inertia. The moduli space metric for these monopoles, given by Dancer, is also expressed in a more explicit form.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, latex, version appearing in Phys. Rev.