55 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of the Competency Perception of Inspectors in Using New Instructional Technology

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out the evaluation of inspectors in regards to their competency perceptions towards the use of new instructional technologies. This is a qualitative model research. The target population of this study consisted of 25 inspectors serving within the borders of TRNC in 2011. Data was collected by an “interview form” developed by the researcher. The interview form consisted of 6 items. Content analyze, frequency (f) and percentage (%) techniques were used to analyze the data. This research pointed out that: “concerns on falling behind the teacher”, “training needs”, “decreasing training support within the years” and “non existing policy on IT support” are critical factors affecting an inspector's competency perceptions in using new instructional technologies

    The effect of a school-based outdoor education program on Visual Arts teachers’ success and self-efficacy beliefs

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of an education programme developed based on the school-based outdoor education approach on the academic achievement of visual arts teachers, as well as their self-efficacy beliefs for using museums and the natural environment. The aim is likewise to explore the views of the teachers on the implementation of the education programme. The study, which utilised a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative data collection, lasted for seven weeks. The results demonstrate that the developed programme is effective. At the end of the study, a significant difference was revealed in terms of the participant teachers’ knowledge and skills regarding the approach as well as their self-efficacy belief levels in relation to the use of museums and the outdoors as teaching environments. Face-to-face interviews conducted with the teachers who participated in the experimental practice revealed that they were satisfied with the experience.Keywords: Edmodo; mixed method; school-based outdoor education; teacher’s views; visual ar

    Evaluacija nastavničkih stavova i poimanja kompetentnosti u pogledu cjeloživotnog učenja

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    This study investigated teachers\u27 attitudes and perceptions of competence in relation to lifelong learning. The lifelong learning attitudes and competence scale was administered to 614 teachers in order to find out their attitudes and perceptions of competence regarding lifelong learning. The research findings showed that teachers\u27 age and gender seemed to be influential in their lifelong learning process. The findings also indicated that there was a positive correlation between the teachers\u27 attitudes and perceptions of competence.U istraživanju su proučavani nastavnički stavovi i poimanje kompetentnosti u odnosu na cjeloživotno učenje. Skale stavova i kompetencija o cjeloživotnom učenju ispunilo je 614 nastavnika da bi se doznali njihovi stavovi i poimanja kompetencije s obzirom na cjeloživotno učenje. Istraživanje je pokazalo da spol i godine nastavnika, izgleda, imaju utjecaja na njihov proces cjeloživotnog učenja. Rezultati također pokazuju da postoji pozitivna korelacija između nastavničkih stavova i poimanja kompetentnosti

    Determination of Internet and Digital Game Addiction Level of Students According to the Opinions of Parents, Teachers and Students

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    Due to the effect of COVID-19 pandemic, the use of technology and internet has taken place widely in all areas of life of individuals and provided positive benefits to individuals in various fields. Although the use of internet and technology provides many benefits, spending excessive time on internet due to the pandemic conditions has detrimental effects such as internet addiction that has been wide-spreading in human life. In this context, in this study, it has been tried to determine the digital game addiction levels of the students, which has become prevalent with the internet and internet addiction. 66 parents, 207 teachers, and 978 students participated in this study in which a mixed research method was used. The results acquired through the research demonstrate that the students are addicted to internet and digital games. The majority of the participant parents state that their children spend 3 hours or more on the internet a day with the purpose of playing games. Parents state that they have concerns whether their children are aware of the internet safety risks and they feel discomfort with the time their children spend on internet. Similarly, the majority of teachers participating in the research believe that students are addicted to digital games. Another result obtained from the research is that the majority of the participant students spend 3 hours or more a day, especially for playing digital games. However, contrary to their teachers and parents, students do not consider themselves as internet and game addicts.</p

    The Impact of Edmodo-Assisted Project-Based Learning Applications on the Inquiry Skills and the Academic Achievement of Prospective Teachers

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    In this paper, the impact of Edmodo-assisted project-based learning applications on the inquiry skills and the academic achievement of prospective teachers has been examined. In addition, an attempt is made to determine the opinions of prospective teachers concerning Edmodo platform. The study was designed with pre-test / post-test model with control group and included 72 prospective teachers, 35 of whom were in an experimental group and 37 of whom were in a control group. At the end of the studies which took 12 weeks, it was found out that project-based learning applications assisted by Edmodo platform created a positive impact on the inquiry skills and the academic achievement of prospective teachers. In addition, it was found out that prospective teachers were satisfied with performing activities in Edmodo platform

    Are the Teachers Lifelong Learners?

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    Istraživanje o stavovima nastavnika s obzirom na načela kritičke pedagogije

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    The aim of this study was to examine instructors’ views on the principles of critical pedagogy by some variables. The sample included 66 instructors who worked at the Faculty of Education, Celal Bayar University, in 2013/2014 academic year. The research was based on a descriptive survey model. The Critical Pedagogy Principles Scale, developed by Yilmaz (2009), was used as a data collection tool and SPSS 17.00 programme was used for data analysis. The instructors’ views on critical pedagogy were examined by department, seniority, administrative duty (or none), title, and age. Their views on critical pedagogy did not differ by gender and department, but difference was established by title, seniority and age. Accordingly, research assistants, instructors with 1 to 5 years of seniority and instructors in the 21 - 27 age group achieved the highest score. There was also a statistically significant relationship between the instructors’ age and views on critical pedagogy; however, this relationship was negative. That is, the older the instructors are, the lower their critical pedagogy scores are.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako nastavnici Fakulteta za odgoj i obrazovanje promatraju načela kritičke psihologije s obzirom na određene varijable. Istraživačka skupina obuhvaćala je 66 nastavnika koji su bili zaposleni na spomenutom fakultetu Sveučilišta Celal Bayar akademske godine 2013./2014. U istraživanju je primijenjen deskriptivni anketni model. Ljestvica koja je sadržavala načela kritičke pedagogije, čiji je autor Yilmaz (2009), koristila se za prikupljanje podataka, a za njihovu se analizu koristio SPSS 17.00 program. Stavovi nastavnika o kritičkoj pedagogiji istraženi su s obzirom na odsjek, godine staža, (ne)obnašanje funkcije, zvanje i dob. Njihovi se stavovi nisu razlikovali prema spolu ni matičnom odsjeku, ali jesu prema zvanju, godinama staža i dobi. Tako su najviši rezultat postigli asistenti, nastavnici od 1 do 5 godina radnog staža i nastavnici koji su pripadali dobnoj skupini od 21 do 27 godine. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika između dobi nastavnika i njihovih stavova o kritičkoj pedagogiji, a bila je negativna. To znači da nastavnici postižu slabiji rezultat što su stariji

    Use of Gamification Applications in Science Education

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    In this research, the impact of gamification applications in science education on the science learning motivation of students has been determined and the opinions of students and parents on applications have been discussed. A total of 16 students and their parents partic-ipated in the study. The research was conducted on 4th grade primary students and em-ployed a mixed method consisting of both qualitative and quantitative elements. The moti-vation of students for learning science was obtained through quantitative data, whereas the opinions of students and parents on the usage of gamification applications were gathered through qualitative data. In the study, it was found that applications in science education created a positive impact on the learning motivation of students for science. Additionally, the research results also displayed that students and parents have positive opinions on the usage of gamification in science education

    Use of Gamification Applications in Science Education

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