19 research outputs found

    Hibernated human fetal striatal tissue: successful transplantation in a rat model of Huntington's disease

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    The use of fresh human fetal tissue in neural transplantation presents considerable logistical difficulties and limits the clinical applicability of this promising therapy. This study compared the survival of human fetal striatal tissue that had been stored for 24 h in a defined hibernation medium with that of fresh human fetal striatal tissue following xenotransplantation in a rat model of Huntington's disease (HD). Six to 7 weeks postgrafting, there was no significant difference between fresh and hibernated grafts in volume or in various striatal phenotypic markers, although there was a trend towards decreased graft volume. We conclude that short-term hibernation of this tissue is without significant adverse effects on the survival of grafted human fetal striatal tissue. This has important implications for the practical implementation of clinical neural transplant programs in HD

    Long-term hibernation of human fetal striatal tissue does not adversely affect its differentiation in vitro or graft survival:implications for clinical trials in huntington's disease

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    Transplantation of human fetal CNS tissue is a promising therapy for neurodegenerative conditions such as Huntington's disease (HD), but its widespread adoption is limited by restricted tissue availability. One method of overcoming this problem would be to store the tissue in hibernation medium, an approach that we reported previously for human fetal striatal tissue stored for up to 24 h. We now demonstrate the feasibility of storing such tissue for up to 8 days in hibernation medium. When either fresh or 8-day hibernated striatal cells were cultured under standard conditions for 4 days, the proportion of DARPP-32-positive neurons did not differ significantly, although the total number of cells was significantly less from tissue that had been hibernated. Six weeks after transplantation into cyclosporin A-immunosuppressed unilateral quinolinic acid-lesioned rats, there was no significant difference between fresh and hibernated grafts, both in terms of graft volume and extent of striatal phenotypic markers. This study therefore clearly demonstrates that hibernation of human fetal striatal tissue for up to 8 days is not deleterious to its differentiation in culture or survival following transplantation, and is therefore an appropriate method of storage for this tissue

    Death of dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in nigral grafts: reevaluating the role of caspase activation

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    Caspases are cysteine proteases involved in apoptotic cell death, and pharmacological caspase inhibition has been demonstrated to prevent neuronal cell death in certain experimental paradigms. In this study, the role of caspase-1 and -3 in the death of dopaminergic neurons derived from the E14 rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) has been examined in two model systems using peptide caspase inhibitors. First, cell death was induced in vitro by withdrawing serum after 2 days. Different doses of caspase-1 (IL-1beta converting enzyme) and caspase-3 inhibitors (Ac-DEVD-cmk) were added to the medium at the time of serum withdrawal, and the ability of the inhibitors to promote dopaminergic neuronal survival and prevent activation of caspase-3 was assessed at 7 days. Immunostaining using tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and cleaved caspase-3 antibodies demonstrated that caspase-1 and -3 inhibitors reduce caspase-3 activation as well as overall cell death. This did not, however, improve the survival of TH-positive neurons, although it did appear to promote their maturation. The second paradigm investigated the effects of these inhibitors in the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of PD, and similarly, addition of caspase-1 or -3 inhibitor during tissue preparation or immediately prior to grafting of VM tissue did not promote dopaminergic neuronal survival. These results demonstrate that the reduction of apoptotic cell death by pharmacological inhibition of caspase-1 and -3 does not increase dopaminergic neuronal survival in these paradigms and suggest either that caspase-3 activation is not the major determinant of dopaminergic neuronal death in vitro and in grafts or that the ability of caspase inhibitors to rescue cells depends upon the degree of apoptotic stress. This implies that strategies to improve dopaminergic cell survival in clinical programmes of transplantation for PD will need to target other pathways of cell death

    Staging and preparation of human fetal striatal tissue for neural transplantation in huntington's disease

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    Transplantation of human fetal central nervous system tissue has been shown to be of benefit in Parkinson's disease, and is currently being explored as a therapeutic option in Huntington's disease. The success of a neural transplant is dependent on a number of factors, including the requirement that donor cells are harvested within a given developmental window and that the cell preparation protocols take account of the biological parameters identified in animal models. Although many of the criteria necessary for a successful neural transplant have been defined in animal models, ultimately they must be validated in human studies, and some issues can only ever be addressed in human studies. Furthermore, because neural transplantation of human fetal tissue is limited to small numbers of patients in any one surgical center, largely due to practical constraints, it is crucial that tissue preparation protocols are clearly defined and reproducible, so that (i) multicenter trials are possible and are based on consistent tissue preparation parameters, and (ii) results between centers can be meaningfully analyzed. Here we describe the preparation of human fetal striatum for neural transplantation in Huntington's disease, and report on the validation of a method for estimating the developmental stage of the fetus based on direct morphometric measurements of the embryonic tissue

    Porcine neural xenografts in the immunocompetent rat: immune response following grafting of expanded neural precursor cells

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    Intracerebral neural xenografts elicit a host immune response that results in their rapid rejection. This forms a key barrier to the therapeutic use of xenogeneic tissue transplantation for conditions such as Parkinson's disease. The current study sought to provide insight into the cellular components of donor cell suspensions that are important in stimulating the host rejection response and thereby to suggest rational manipulations of xenogeneic donor tissue that might ultimately enhance its clinical utility. The neural stem cell mitogens, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2, have been used to isolate and expand populations of primordial neural precursor cells from the embryonic pig brain. The immune response elicited by these cells on transplantation into the non-immunosuppressed rat has been fully characterised. In the first experiments, expanded neural precursors were grafted into the hemi-parkinsonian, non-immunosuppressed Sprague-Dawley rat and graft status and host response examined 10, 21, 35 and 60 days post-transplantation. While equivalent primary tissue grafts were completely eliminated at 35 days, grafts of expanded neural precursors with healthy neurofilament-positive projections were present at all time-points, and two large grafts remained even at 60 days. Some grafts appeared to elicit minimal host immune responses at the time-points they were examined, although most did appear to be undergoing a rejection process since a co-ordinated response involving host cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, microglia/macrophages, immunoglobulin M and complement could be demonstrated to varying degrees. Subsequent experiments went on to demonstrate further that expanded precursor populations and primary tissue suspensions differed in their immunogenic profile. Firstly, when primary tissue was injected intraperitoneally into immunocompetent rats a vigorous primary humoral response was generated. No such response was detected following injection of expanded neural precursors. Secondly, flow cytometric analysis revealed small but significant levels of class II porcine major histocompatibility complex expression in primary cell suspensions but no such expression in expanded precursor populations.The results of this study therefore demonstrate that the immunogenicity of porcine neural cell suspensions used for intracerebral grafting is reduced when neural stem cell mitogens are used to expand precursor cells. The implications of these findings in the development of novel xenogeneic cellular therapies for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease are discussed