1,791 research outputs found

    Three Axis Control of the Hubble Space Telescope Using Two Reaction Wheels and Magnetic Torquer Bars for Science Observations

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    The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is renowned for its superb pointing accuracy of less than 10 milli-arcseconds absolute pointing error. To accomplish this, the HST relies on its complement of four reaction wheel assemblies (RWAs) for attitude control and four magnetic torquer bars (MTBs) for momentum management. As with most satellites with reaction wheel control, the fourth RWA provides for fault tolerance to maintain three-axis pointing capability should a failure occur and a wheel is lost from operations. If an additional failure is encountered, the ability to maintain three-axis pointing is jeopardized. In order to prepare for this potential situation, HST Pointing Control Subsystem (PCS) Team developed a Two Reaction Wheel Science (TRS) control mode. This mode utilizes two RWAs and four magnetic torquer bars to achieve three-axis stabilization and pointing accuracy necessary for a continued science observing program. This paper presents the design of the TRS mode and operational considerations necessary to protect the spacecraft while allowing for a substantial science program

    RDDpred: a condition-specific RNA-editing prediction model from RNA-seq data

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Abstract Background RNA-editing is an important post-transcriptional RNA sequence modification performed by two catalytic enzymes, "ADAR"(A-to-I) and "APOBEC"(C-to-U). By utilizing high-throughput sequencing technologies, the biological function of RNA-editing has been actively investigated. Currently, RNA-editing is considered to be a key regulator that controls various cellular functions, such as protein activity, alternative splicing pattern of mRNA, and substitution of miRNA targeting site. DARNED, a public RDD database, reported that there are more than 300-thousands RNA-editing sites detected in human genome(hg19). Moreover, multiple studies suggested that RNA-editing events occur in highly specific conditions. According to DARNED, 97.62 % of registered editing sites were detected in a single tissue or in a specific condition, which also supports that the RNA-editing events occur condition-specifically. Since RNA-seq can capture the whole landscape of transcriptome, RNA-seq is widely used for RDD prediction. However, significant amounts of false positives or artefacts can be generated when detecting RNA-editing from RNA-seq. Since it is difficult to perform experimental validation at the whole-transcriptome scale, there should be a powerful computational tool to distinguish true RNA-editing events from artefacts. Result We developed RDDpred, a Random Forest RDD classifier. RDDpred reports potentially true RNA-editing events from RNA-seq data. RDDpred was tested with two publicly available RNA-editing datasets and successfully reproduced RDDs reported in the two studies (90 %, 95 %) while rejecting false-discoveries (NPV: 75 %, 84 %). Conclusion RDDpred automatically compiles condition-specific training examples without experimental validations and then construct a RDD classifier. As far as we know, RDDpred is the very first machine-learning based automated pipeline for RDD prediction. We believe that RDDpred will be very useful and can contribute significantly to the study of condition-specific RNA-editing. RDDpred is available at http://biohealth.snu.ac.kr/software/RDDpred

    Three Essays on Applied Microeconomics

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2015. Major: Applied Economics. Advisor: Paul Glewwe. 1 computer file (PDF); i137 pages.Chapter 2 of this dissertation shows that parents' liquidity constraints have significant negative effects on children's cognitive skills. To control for potential bias due to the endogeneity of liquidity constraints, this chapter instruments the liquidity constraints with past rainfall volatility, current rainfall shocks, and the existence in the community of subsidized credit programs, of savings cooperatives, and of relatives. Both the OLS and IV analysis support that the liquidity constraints of parents are more severe for young children. Chapter 4 shows the result of measuring the effect of parents' liquidity constraints on children's non-cognitive skills such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and aspirations. Similar to the result on children's cognitive skills, the OLS results show that the liquidity constraints of parents lower the children's non-cognitive skills when children are young (7-8 years old). However, the liquidity constraints have mixed effect on children's non-cognitive skills when they are older (11-12 years old and 14-15 years old). One interesting result is the dynamic effect, measuring the effect of liquidity constraints on non-cognitive skills three years later. Chapter 4 found that liquidity constraints that occurred when children were 4-5 years old lowered their non-cognitive skills when they were 7-8 years old. Chapter 3, entitled ``The Influence of Licensing Engineers on their Labor Market,'' provides a first look at the effect of regulation on the working hours and wage of engineers. The more rigid the requirements to get the license and the longer time to become an engineer, the further that working hours of engineers increases and ultimately customer access to engineers is reduced, while there is no significant effect on engineers' wage. Occupational licensing, which is one of the fastest-growing labor market institutions, has recently attracted the attention of many scholars. This chapter contributes to the growing literature on the effect of occupational licensing on the labor market

    Effect Of Changes In The Korean Accounting Environment On The Productivity Of Accounting Firms

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    To investigate how changes in the accounting environment in Korea affect firm productivity, this study analyzes productivity by firm size and labor type from 2000 to 2014, using a Cobb–Douglas production function. We find that (1) the greater the management advisory (tax) revenue, the greater the total revenue in large (small) accounting firms; and (2) marginal revenue is greatest for partners, followed by certified public accountants and general employees. In particular, partners’ contribution to large accounting firms improved after 2007, whereas general employees made a significant positive contribution to total revenue before 2007

    Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver

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    The effects of dietary cholesterol (CHO) and cholesterol oxidation productions (COPs) on the induction of pathological lesions in rabbit liver tissues were determined. Rabbits were fed with a chow containing no additives or added with 1 g CHO, 2 g CHO, 0.9 g CHO + 0.1 COPs, 0.8 g CHO + 0.2 g COPs, 0.5 g CHO + 0.5 g COPs, 1.6 g CHO + 0.4 g COPs, or 1.2 g CHO + 0.8 g COPs per kg diet. Liver lesions were induced only when the levels of CHO and COPs in the diet were very high. The amount of CHO in the liver increased when dietary CHO was increased; by comparison, dietary COPs affected liver CHO amounts to a lesser extent. The TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) value of the liver samples also increased when dietary CHO and COP levels were elevated, and the TBARS value was more strongly affected by the amount of COPs in the diet than by the amount of CHO. At 6 and 12 weeks, COP levels were highest in the group that received 1.2 g CHO + 0.8 g COPs, followed by the 0.5 g CHO + 0.5 g COPs and 1.6 g CHO + 0.4 g COPs groups; the control (0 g) group showed the lowest COP levels among all groups. This indicated that not only dietary CHO but also COPs were involved in hypercholesterolemia-induced liver lesions when the amount of CHO and COPs was high

    Evidence for the Existence of Secretory Granule (Dense-Core Vesicle)-Based Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate-Dependent Ca2+ Signaling System in Astrocytes

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    BACKGROUND: The gliotransmitters released from astrocytes are deemed to play key roles in the glial cell-neuron communication for normal function of the brain. The gliotransmitters, such as glutamate, ATP, D-serine, neuropeptide Y, are stored in vesicles of astrocytes and secreted following the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-induced intracellular Ca2+ releases. Yet studies on the identity of the IP3-dependent intracellular Ca2+ stores remain virtually unexplored. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have therefore studied the potential existence of the IP3-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores in the cytoplasm of astrocytes using human brain tissue samples in contrast to cultured astrocytes that had primarily been used in the past. It was thus found that secretory granule marker proteins chromogranins and secretogranin II localize in the large dense core vesicles of astrocytes, thereby confirming the large dense core vesicles as bona fide secretory granules. Moreover, consistent with the major IP3-dependent intracellular Ca2+ store role of secretory granules in secretory cells, secretory granules of astrocytes also contained all three (types 1, 2, and 3) IP3R isoforms. SIGNIFICANCE: Given that the secretory granule marker proteins chromogranins and secretogranin II are high-capacity, low-affinity Ca2+ storage proteins and chromogranins interact with the IP3Rs to activate the IP3R/Ca2+ channels, i.e., increase both the mean open time and the open probability of the channels, these results imply that secretory granules of astrocytes function as the IP3-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ store

    Effects of Variable Production Rate and Time-Dependent Holding Cost for Complementary Products in Supply Chain Model

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    Recently, a major trend is going to redesign a production system by controlling or making variable the production rate within some fixed interval to maintain the optimal level. This strategy is more effective when the holding cost is time-dependent as it is interrelated with holding duration of products and rate of production. An effort is made to make a supply chain model (SCM) to show the joint effect of variable production rate and time-varying holding cost for specific type of complementary products, where those products are made by two different manufacturers and a common retailer makes them bundle and sells bundles to end customers. Demand of each product is specified by stochastic reservation prices with a known potential market size. Those players of the SCM are considered with unequal power. Stackelberg game approach is employed to obtain global optimum solution of the model. An illustrative numerical example, graphical representation, and managerial insights are given to illustrate the model. Results prove that variable production rate and time-dependent holding cost save more than existing literature

    The Surprising Effectiveness of Diffusion Models for Optical Flow and Monocular Depth Estimation

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    Denoising diffusion probabilistic models have transformed image generation with their impressive fidelity and diversity. We show that they also excel in estimating optical flow and monocular depth, surprisingly, without task-specific architectures and loss functions that are predominant for these tasks. Compared to the point estimates of conventional regression-based methods, diffusion models also enable Monte Carlo inference, e.g., capturing uncertainty and ambiguity in flow and depth. With self-supervised pre-training, the combined use of synthetic and real data for supervised training, and technical innovations (infilling and step-unrolled denoising diffusion training) to handle noisy-incomplete training data, and a simple form of coarse-to-fine refinement, one can train state-of-the-art diffusion models for depth and optical flow estimation. Extensive experiments focus on quantitative performance against benchmarks, ablations, and the model's ability to capture uncertainty and multimodality, and impute missing values. Our model, DDVM (Denoising Diffusion Vision Model), obtains a state-of-the-art relative depth error of 0.074 on the indoor NYU benchmark and an Fl-all outlier rate of 3.26\% on the KITTI optical flow benchmark, about 25\% better than the best published method. For an overview see https://diffusion-vision.github.io

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Inonotus obliquus in Colitis Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate

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    A total of 28 male BALB/c mice (average weight 20.7 ± 1.6 g) were divided into 4 treatment groups and fed a commercial diet (A), a commercial diet + induced colitis by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) (B), Inonotus obliquus (IO) administration (C), and IO administration + induced colitis by DSS (D). IO treatment (C, D) decreased the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT)1 compared to those of the colitis induced group (B). The expressions of IL-4 and STAT6 were decreased in group D compared to the colitis induced group (B). The serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E level decreased in IO treatment groups (C, D) compared to no IO treatment groups (A and B) although there was no significant difference between the IO treatment groups. Extract from IO itself had a weak cytotoxic effect on murine macrophage cell line (RAW264.7 cells). Extract from IO inhibited lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced, TNF-α, STAT1, pSTAT1, STAT6, and pSTAT6 production in RAW264.7 cells

    A Tale of Two Features: Stable Diffusion Complements DINO for Zero-Shot Semantic Correspondence

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    Text-to-image diffusion models have made significant advances in generating and editing high-quality images. As a result, numerous approaches have explored the ability of diffusion model features to understand and process single images for downstream tasks, e.g., classification, semantic segmentation, and stylization. However, significantly less is known about what these features reveal across multiple, different images and objects. In this work, we exploit Stable Diffusion (SD) features for semantic and dense correspondence and discover that with simple post-processing, SD features can perform quantitatively similar to SOTA representations. Interestingly, the qualitative analysis reveals that SD features have very different properties compared to existing representation learning features, such as the recently released DINOv2: while DINOv2 provides sparse but accurate matches, SD features provide high-quality spatial information but sometimes inaccurate semantic matches. We demonstrate that a simple fusion of these two features works surprisingly well, and a zero-shot evaluation using nearest neighbors on these fused features provides a significant performance gain over state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets, e.g., SPair-71k, PF-Pascal, and TSS. We also show that these correspondences can enable interesting applications such as instance swapping in two images.Comment: Project page: https://sd-complements-dino.github.io