4,800 research outputs found

    Angular momentum and energy structure of the coherent state of a 2D isotropic harmonic oscillator

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    The angular momentum structure and energy structure of the coherent state of a 2D isotropic harmonic oscillator were investigated. Calculations showed that the average values of angular momentum and energy (except the zero point energy) of this nonspreading 2D wave packet are identical to those of the corresponding classical oscillator moving along a circular or an elliptic orbit

    HST and LAMOST discover a dual active galactic nucleus in J0038+4128

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    We report the discovery of a kiloparsec-scale dual active galactic nucleus (AGN) in J0038+4128. From the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Planetary Camera (WFPC2) images, we find two optical nuclei with a projection separation of 4.7 kpc (3.44 arcsec). The southern component (J0038+4128S) is spectroscopically observed with the HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph in the UV range and is found to be a Seyfert 1 galaxy with a broad Ly alpha emission line. The northern component (J0038+4128N) is spectroscopically observed during the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (also named the Guoshoujing Telescope) pilot survey in the optical range. The observed line ratios as well as the consistency of redshift of the nucleus emission lines and the host galaxy's absorption lines indicate that J0038+4128N is a Seyfert 2 galaxy with narrow lines only. These results thus confirm that J0038+4128 is a Seyfert 1-Seyfert 2 AGN pair. The HST WFPC2 F336W/U-band image of J0038+4128 also reveals for the first time for a dual AGN system two pairs of bi-symmetric arms, as are expected from the numerical simulations of such system. Being one of a few confirmed kiloparsec-scale dual AGNs exhibiting a clear morphological structure of the host galaxies, J0038+4128 provides an unique opportunity to study the co-evolution of the host galaxies and their central supermassive black holes undergoing a merging process.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    A method to separate temperature and precipitation signals encoded in tree-ring widths for the western Tien Shan Mountains, northwest China

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    Separating temperature and precipitation signals encoded in tree rings is a complicated issue. Here, we present a separation method by combining two tree-ring width chronologies of Schrenk's spruce (Picea schrenkiana) from the upper and lower timberlines in the western Tien Shan Mountains, northwest China. Correlation analyses show that both chronologies correlate positively with precipitation. However, temperature correlates positively with the chronology from the upper timberline, while negatively with the chronology from the lower timberline. This suggests that the two chronologies contain similar precipitation information but opposite temperature signals. In light of this, we calculated the average and difference of the two chronologies, and found that each of them has a much stronger correlation with precipitation or temperature alone. Finally, we reconstructed local precipitation and temperature variations over the past 201 years by using the average and difference of the two chronologies. The two reconstructions do not have a significant correlation, but they have significant positive and negative relationships on the high- and low-frequency band, respectively.postprin

    Signals of El Niño Modoki in the tropical tropopause layer and stratosphere

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    The effects of El Niño Modoki events on the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) and on the stratosphere were investigated using European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) reanalysis data, oceanic El Niño indices, and general climate model outputs. El Niño Modoki events tend to depress convective activities in the western and eastern Pacific but enhance convective activities in the central and northern Pacific. Consequently, during El Niño Modoki events, negative water vapor anomalies occur in the western and eastern Pacific upper troposphere, whereas there are positive anomalies in the central and northern Pacific upper troposphere. The spatial patterns of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and upper tropospheric water vapor anomalies exhibit a tripolar form. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the OLR and upper tropospheric water vapor anomalies reveals that canonical El Niño events are associated with the leading mode of the EOF, while El Niño Modoki events correspond to the second mode. The composite analysis based on ERA-interim data indicate that El Niño Modoki events have a reverse effect on middle-high latitudes stratosphere, as compared with the effect of typical El Niño events, i.e., the northern polar vortex is stronger and colder but the southern polar vortex is weaker and warmer during El Niño Modoki events. According to the simulation' results, we found that the reverse effect on the middle-high latitudes stratosphere is resulted from a complicated interaction between quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) signal of east phase and El Niño Modoki signal. This interaction is not a simply linear overlay of QBO signal and El Niño Modoki signal in the stratosphere, it is El Niño Modoki that leads to different tropospheric zonal wind anomalies with QBO forcing from that caused by typical El Niño, thus, the planetary wave propagation from troposphere to the stratosphere during El Niño Modoki events is different from that during canonical El Niño events. However, when QBO is in its west phase, El Niño Modoki events have the same effect on middle-high latitudes stratosphere as the typical El Niño events. Our simulations also suggest that canonical El Niño and El Niño Modoki activities actually have the same influence on the middle-high latitudes stratosphere when in the absence of QBO forcing

    Properties of Vacuum Arc Influenced by Electrode Diameter and Material in TMF Contact Based on Forced Current Zero

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    With the increase in electrical equipment in More/All Electric Aircraft, 270 V dc power supply systems will be needed. One method for DC interruption is forced current zero (FCZ). Based on FCZ technology with transverse-magnetic-field (TMF) contact, the spiral-type contacts are designed. Experiments with different currents are carried out with contact diameters being 30 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm, and arcing surface materials Cu-W80 alloy and Cu-Cr50 alloy respectively. It is indicated by the experimental results that breaking capacity of vacuum interrupter and vacuum arc appearance are closely related to the electrode diameter and material. For the same size of electrode diameter, the breaking capacity in Cu-Cr50 is better than that in Cu-W80. With increasing electrode diameter, arc column expansion velocity and diameter increase gradually. Breaking capacity is increasing with larger contact diameter

    The evolution of stellar metallicity gradients of the Milky Way disk from LSS-GAC main sequence turn-off stars: a two-phase disk formation history?

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    We use 297 042 main sequence turn-off stars selected from the LSS-GAC to determine the radial and vertical gradients of stellar metallicity of the Galactic disk in the anti-center direction. We determine ages of those turn-off stars by isochrone fitting and measure the temporal variations of metallicity gradients. Our results show that the gradients, both in the radial and vertical directions, exhibit significant spatial and temporal variations. The radial gradients yielded by stars of oldest ages (>11 Gyr) are essentially zero at all heights from the disk midplane, while those given by younger stars are always negative. The vertical gradients deduced from stars of oldest ages (>11Gyr) are negative and show only very weak variations with the Galactocentric distance in the disk plane, RR, while those yielded by younger stars show strong variations with RR. After being essentially flat at the earliest epochs of disk formation, the radial gradients steepen as age decreases, reaching a maxima (steepest) at age 7-8 Gyr, and then they flatten again. Similar temporal trends are also found for the vertical gradients. We infer that the assemblage of the Milky Way disk may have experienced at least two distinct phases. The earlier phase is probably related to a slow, pressure-supported collapse of gas, when the gas settles down to the disk mainly in the vertical direction. In the later phase, there are significant radial flows of gas in the disk, and the rate of gas inflow near the solar neighborhood reaches a maximum around a lookback time of 7-8 Gyr. The transition of the two phases occurs around a lookback time between 8 and 11 Gyr. The two phases may be responsible for the formation of the Milky Way thick and thin disks, respectively. And, as a consequence, we recommend that stellar age is a natural, physical criterion to distinguish thin and thick disk stars. ... (abridged)Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in a special issue of Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics on LAMOST science