20,959 research outputs found

    Granular Flow in a Vertically Vibrating Hopper

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    The behavior of the flow of glass spheres in a vertically vibrating hopper is examined. A two-dimensional hopper is mounted on a shaker that provides sinusoidal, vertical vibrations. Both the frequency and amplitude of the vibrations are adjustable. Hopper discharge rates and flow patterns are measured as the acceleration amplitude of the vibrations is increased from 0 to 4g's. Comparisons are made with unvibrated hopper flows and with a two-dimensional discrete element simulation model

    Aerothermal tests of spherical dome protuberances on a flat plate at a Mach number of 6.5

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    Aerothermal tests were conducted in the Langley 8-Foot High-Temperature Tunnel at a Mach number of 6.5 on a series of spherical dome protuberances mounted on a flat-plate test apparatus. Detailed surface pressure and heating-rate distributions were obtained for various dome heights and diameters submerged in both laminar and turbulent boundary layers including a baseline geometric condition representing a thermally bowed metallic thermal protection system (TPS) tile. The present results indicated that the surface pressures on the domes were increased on the windward surface and reduced on the leeward surface as predicted by linearized small-perturbation theory, and the distributions were only moderately affected by boundary-layer variations. Surface heating rates for turbulent flow increased on the windward surface and decreased on the leeward surface similar to the pressure; but for laminar boundary layers, the heating rates remained high on the leeward surface, probably due to local transition. Transitional flow effects cause heat load augmentation to increase by 30 percent for the maximum dome height in a laminar boundary layer. However, the corresponding augmentation for a dome with a height of 0.1 in. and a diameter of 14 in. representative of a bowed TPS tile was 14 percent or less for either a laminar or turbulent boundary layer

    Attitudes and Family Farm Business Performance

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    This study aimed to identify the top performing and the bottom performing family farm businesses based upon business performance, and then compare and contrast the perceptions and attitudes towards acquiring management skills and attributes that lead to improved business performance. Using extensive interviews data were obtained from 200 family farm businesses from New South Wales and Victoria covering a range of enterprises. The key findings were, firstly, that for all farmers the maintaining of a stable family relationship was of paramount importance in the running of the farm business. Secondly, that the Top 20% of farmers had high levels of self-efficacy and thus possessed the capability and the competence to perform tasks successfully. High performers also were more committed to the creation of long-term wealth and viewed business skills as a higher priority for training. Low performers were more highly committed to the farm's environmental health, placed a greater emphasis on production and sustainability for training and were more likely to give a lower priority to business issues. Both groups agreed that formal training that involved practical farmers with education skills providing them with tailor-made modules were best suited to their personal learning needs. The consistently high priority of family and business issues suggests that the opportunity exists to integrate the training of attitudes and skills with family, sustainable business practices and community issues. The study was funded by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.Farm Management,

    Revisiting the 1954 Suspension Experiments of R. A.Bagnold

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    In 1954 R. A. Bagnold published his seminal findings on the rheological properties of a liquid-solid suspension. Although this work has been cited extensively over the last fifty years, there has not been a critical review of the experiments. The purpose of this study is to examine the work and to suggest an alternative reason for the experimental findings. The concentric cylinder rheometer was designed to measure simultaneously the shear and normal forces for a wide range of solid concentrations, fluid viscosities and shear rates. As presented by Bagnold, the analysis and experiments demonstrated that the shear and normal forces depended linearly on the shear rate in the 'macroviscous' regime; as the grain-to-grain interactions increased in the 'grain-inertia' regime, the stresses depended on the square of the shear rate and were independent of the fluid viscosity. These results, however, appear to be dictated by the design of the experimental facility. In Bagnold's experiments, the height (h) of the rheometer was relatively short compared to the spacing (t) between the rotating outer and stationary inner cylinder (h/t=4.6). Since the top and bottom end plates rotated with the outer cylinder, the flow contained two axisymmetric counter-rotating cells in which flow moved outward along the end plates and inward through the central region of the annulus. At higher Reynolds numbers, these cells contributed significantly to the measured torque, as demonstrated by comparing Bagnold's pure-fluid measurements with studies on laminar-to-turbulent transitions that pre-date the 1954 study. By accounting for the torque along the end walls, Bagnold's shear stress measurements can be estimated by modelling the liquid-solid mixture as a Newtonian fluid with a corrected viscosity that depends on the solids concentration. An analysis of the normal stress measurements was problematic because the gross measurements were not reported and could not be obtained

    Effects of horizontal vibration on hopper flows of granular materials

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    The current experiments investigate the discharge of glass spheres in a planar wedge-shaped hopper (45 degree sidewalls) that is vibrated hoizontally. When the hopper is discharged without vibration, the discharge occurs as a funnel flow, with the material exiting the central region of the hopper and stagnant material along the sides. With horizontal vibration, the discharge rate increases with the velocity of vibration as compared with the discharge rate without vibration. For a certain range of acceleration parameters (20-30 Hz and accelerations greater than about 1 g), the discharge of the material occurs in an inverted-funnel pattern, with the material along the sides exiting first, followed by the material in the core; the free surface shows a peak at the center of the hopper with the free surface particles avalanching from the center toward the sides. During the deceleration phase of a vibration cycle, particles all along the trailing or low-pressure wall separate from the surface and fall under gravity for a short period before reconnecting the hopper. For lower frequencies (5 and 10 Hz), the free surface remains horizontal and the material appears to discharge uniformly from the hopper

    Effects of Horizontal Vibration on Hopper Flows of Granular Material

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    This study experimentally examines the flow of glass spheres in a wedge-shaped hopper that is vibrated hoizontally. When the hopper is discharged without vibration, discharge occurs as a funnel flow, with the material exiting the central region of the hopper and stagnant material along the sides. With vibration, the discharge of the material occurs in reverse, with the material along the sides exiting first, followed by the material in the central region. These patterns are observed with flow visualization and high-speed photography. The study also includes measurements of the discharge rate, which increases with the amplitude of the velocity of vibration

    Effects of vertical vibration on hopper flows of granular material

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    The discharge of granular material from a hopper subject to vertical sinusoidal oscillations was investigated using experiments and discrete element computer simulations. With the hopper exit closed, side-wall convection cells are observed, oriented such that particles move up along the inclined walls of the hopper and down at the center line. The convection cells are a result of the granular bed dilation during free fall and the subsequent interaction with the hopper walls. The mass discharge rate for a vibrating hopper scaled by the discharge rate without vibration reaches a maximum value at a dimensionless velocity amplitude just greater than 1. Further increases in the velocity decrease the discharge rate. The decrease occurs due to a decrease in the bulk density of the discharging material when vibration is applied

    Diversity in parasitic nematode genomes: the microRNAs of Brugia pahangi and Haemonchus contortus are largely novel

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    <b>BACKGROUND:</b> MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play key roles in regulating post-transcriptional gene expression and are essential for development in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and in higher organisms. Whether microRNAs are involved in regulating developmental programs of parasitic nematodes is currently unknown. Here we describe the the miRNA repertoire of two important parasitic nematodes as an essential first step in addressing this question. <b>RESULTS:</b> The small RNAs from larval and adult stages of two parasitic species, Brugia pahangi and Haemonchus contortus, were identified using deep-sequencing and bioinformatic approaches. Comparative analysis to known miRNA sequences reveals that the majority of these miRNAs are novel. Some novel miRNAs are abundantly expressed and display developmental regulation, suggesting important functional roles. Despite the lack of conservation in the miRNA repertoire, genomic positioning of certain miRNAs within or close to specific coding genes is remarkably conserved across diverse species, indicating selection for these associations. Endogenous small-interfering RNAs and Piwi-interacting (pi)RNAs, which regulate gene and transposon expression, were also identified. piRNAs are expressed in adult stage H. contortus, supporting a conserved role in germline maintenance in some parasitic nematodes. <b>CONCLUSIONS:</b> This in-depth comparative analysis of nematode miRNAs reveals the high level of divergence across species and identifies novel sequences potentially involved in development. Expression of novel miRNAs may reflect adaptations to different environments and lifestyles. Our findings provide a detailed foundation for further study of the evolution and function of miRNAs within nematodes and for identifying potential targets for intervention