5 research outputs found

    Proposed MDI – Architecture Concept Draft

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    Linking Research Data

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    Efficient management and accessibility of research data are vital tasks that researchers face in their work. Meeting the requirements of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles can be challenging without the right tools and methodologies. This workshop aims to address these challenges by presenting three tutorials and a presentation that focus on linking research data through various repositories and frameworks. The first two tutorials, "NFDI-MatWerk Data Repository" and "NFDI-MatWerk Metadata Repository\u27\u27, introduce the participants to the NFDI-MatWerk Data and Metadata repositories, respectively. Both repositories offer the Materials Science and Engineering community an easy to use interface. The NFDI-MatWerk Data Repository allows to store, retrieve, and manage research data. In addition, the NFDI-MatWerk Metadata Repository manages the associated metadata documents and their underlying schemas. The first tutorial shows the participants how to ensure seamless data management, while the second tutorial focuses on registering metadata documents, creating new schemas, and establishing links between metadata and data using persistent identifiers. The presentation "Accessing Multiple Metadata Repositories" addresses the lack of interoperability among existing metadata repositories in the research data management domain. We introduce the Metadata Hub, a solution that acts as a central interface connecting multiple metadata repositories. This turntable-like system provides standardized access to various repositories, overcoming the interoperability challenges researchers face when querying and storing metadata. The final tutorial "Recipe to Create FAIR Digital Objects" caters to researchers seeking improved data management practices by offering an introduction on the FAIR Digital Objects concept and the process to create them. We will show the available services and tools developed and maintained in the context of NFDI-MatWerk and HMC, i.e. Typed PID Maker, Coscine, and FAIR-DOscope, as well as their interaction. By attending this workshop, researchers will gain valuable insights and knowledge on utilizing data repositories, managing metadata, accessing multiple repositories, and understanding the benefits of implementing the FAIR Digital Object concept as an additional layer to the existing distributed resources. This work has been supported by NFDI-MatWerk (DFG – n. 460247524), NFDI4Ing (DFG – n. 442146713), NFFA-Europe-Pilot (EU H2020 – n. 101007417), the research program ‘Engineering Digital Futures’ by the Helmholtz Research Association and the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) platform

    NFDI MatWerk / Materials Data Infrastructure

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    The German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) aims to systematically develop sustainably secure and make accessible the data holdings of science and research. It is being established as a networked structure of consortia acting on their own initiative. In NFDI-MatWerk, a reliable digital platform for the materials and nanosciences is being established, which enables the digital representation of materials data and specific metadata. Within NFDI-MatWerk the Task Area Materials Data Infrastructure will provide services to easily store, share, search, and analyze data and metadata while ensuring data integrity, provenance, and authorship. The concept of FAIR Digital Objects, developed in the Research Data Alliance and in the FAIR Data Commons of HMC, will be utilized to represent data objects. Data sets and metadata documents will be stored in research data repositories and metadata repositories, respectively. Metadata is one of the key elements to implement both human-readable as well as machine-actionable representations of materials-related information. Additional services will be provided for metadata enrichment and annotation, harvesting and indexing, as well as for documenting the provenance of the data objects. Collections of FAIR Digital Objects will be fed into a knowledge graph based on relevant Materials Science and Engineering ontologies connecting materials information and data. Web front-ends will provide access to data, optimized for the particular perspectives of the user groups. Support and training will be provided for the use as well as the operation of the Materials Data Infrastructure services and tools. First adopters of the research data and metadata infrastructures are participant projects providing data sets from various fields that will be transformed into exemplary reference data sets. This research has been supported by the research program ‘Engineering Digital Futures’ of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers, the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Platform, the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), and the German Research Foundation (DFG)

    Conceptual Map of TA-MDI Results

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    The poster shows a conceptual map of the results offered or under development in the Task Area Materials Data Infrastructure (TA-MDI) of the NFDI-MatWerk consortium. The results are associated to the most relevant Participant Projects (PPs) and Infrastructure Use Cases (IUCs) in which they have been already adopted or they are planned to be used in future. In this way, a structured overview of the TA-MDI contributions is depicted