1,493 research outputs found

    The Role of Formal and Social Control in Information Security Behaviors

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of formal and social control on in-role and extra-role security behaviors. Following past studies, we reexamine the effect of formal control on behaviors. Based on social control theory, we further hypothesize the effect of social control on security behaviors. Data collected from 259 members of IS departments confirmed our hypotheses that both formal control and social control generate effects on both in-role and extrarole security behaviors. Implications for academia and practitioners are also provided

    Exploring the Identification of Expertise: An Experiment in a Computer Software Corporation

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    People recognize and express their expertise in several ways. In one way, workers can build personal profile to list their expertise. They recall their working experience and write some keyword terms in their personal profiles. In the other way, workers can build expertise in extracting from any documents they provided that includes studying documents, working documents or published papers. We want to know how the workers in the computer software corporation recognize and identify their expertise and explore the heuristics in identification of the expertise. We made an experiment comprised the above methods and invited 25 persons in a computer software corporation to participate and explore how they identify their expertise. During the experiment process, we found that (1) for most people, it’s hard to tell what expertise they completely have without any hint; (2) except these two ways, researchers or practitioners must innovate other methods to identify or elicit human’s expertise; (3) expertise in particular domain is rather than single term, but also multiple complex and related term sets; (4) expertise would be different with different audiences

    Plasma levels in sepsis patients of annexin A1, lipoxin A4, macrophage inflammatory protein-3a, and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin

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    AbstractBackgroundThe relationship between the various cytokine responses that occur during sepsis remains controversial. Emerging evidence indicates that the proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses are regulated simultaneously from the beginning of sepsis. However, the roles of the novel anti-inflammatory mediators annexin (Anx)A1 and lipoxin (LX)A4 and the proinflammatory cytokines neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-3a have been studied.MethodsIn this study, the plasma levels of AnxA1, LXA4, NGAL, MIP-3a, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-6 in patients with sepsis were determined on admission to the intensive care unit. The patients were classified into survivors and non-survivors based on their outcome on day 28.ResultsAnxA1 and LXA4 levels were decreased in sepsis patients compared with control patients, whereas the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines MIP-3a, NGAL, IL-8, and IL-6 were elevated. Furthermore, a significantly higher level of MIP-3a was detected in nonsurviving patients compared with surviving patients (p < 0.05), whereas there were no significant differences between these two groups for the levels of the other mediators. Correlation analysis demonstrated that only NGAL level was closely correlated with the level of IL-6. Univariate analysis indicated that the levels of MIP-3a and IL-8 were independent factors associated with patient survival, but this was not confirmed by the multivariate analysis.ConclusionAnxA1 and LXA4 plasma levels were found to be decreased in sepsis patients, whereas the levels of MIP-3a and NGAL were found to be elevated. This warrants further study in order to determine the clinical implications of these changes

    Understanding the Impact of Service Failure and Recovery Justice on Consumers’ Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention

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    This research attempts to explore the impacts of different types of justice and their interactions on the satisfaction toward service failure recovery. We attempt to classify justices into hygiene, motivator, or asymmetric variable, based on the concept of asymmetric effect and two factors theory proposed by Herzberg. Specifically, we predict that procedural and distributive justices are hygiene or performance factor and interpersonal justice is motivator. In addition, based on expectancy-disconfirmation theory (EDT), we also attempt to understand the interaction between paired justices by arguing that motivator can generate more effect when hygiene factor or performance factors meet initial expectation. An experiment, with 3x2x2 between-subjects factorial design consisting of three factors to represent different levels of justice provided by online retailer, will be conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. A two-step approach will be used to (1) confirmation the types (hygiene, performance, or motivator) that each justice dimension belongs to, (2) understand the impact of each justice on satisfaction, and (3) test whether motivator will generate more effect when hygiene and performance factor are satisfied

    Technical aspects of single-port thoracoscopic surgery for lobectomy

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    Thoracoscopic Surgery is in common use in routine surgical practice. With the advancement of the various techniques and instruments required, mini wounds and fewer thoracoports become practical in recent years. Here, we report our experience of performing lobectomy with radical lymph node dissection in 3 patients using regular straight endoscopic instruments. We demonstrate the feasibility of such techniques and discuss the key points of effectively performing the procedures. Because of the favorable outcomes, we encourage such procedures to be widely applied in surgical operations of various types

    Efficacy of Mammographic Evaluation of Breast Cancer in Women Less Than 40 Years of Age: Experience from a Single Medical Center in Taiwan

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    Background/PurposeMammography is the standard imaging modality for breast cancer diagnosis. However, the value of mammographic diagnosis in breast cancer patients aged less than 40 years old has not been well assessed. The goal of our study was to determine the diagnostic efficacy of mammography for the detection of breast cancer in women under 40 years of age in a single medical center in Taiwan.MethodsOf 1766 women diagnosed with breast cancer in one medical center between 1999 and 2005, 227 (12.9%) who were younger than 40 years of age were enrolled, and 105 of these 227 patients had pre-biopsy mammograms available for analysis. The sensitivities for mammography at first (prospective) and second (retrospective) readings and for corresponding ultrasound were calculated. The distribution of different breast composition between the mammographic true-positive (TP) and false-negative (FN) lesions at the first and second readings was analyzed.ResultsOf the 105 patients, 104 presented with a palpable mass and the other one was asymptomatic. There were 109 pathologically proven breast cancers from the 105 patients; 92 of 109 cancerous lesions were detected at the first mammographic reading (sensitivity 84.4%), and the most common mammographic sign was microcalcifications (40.2%). The second reading detected seven additional cancers (99 of 109 lesions; sensitivity 90.8%). There was no significant difference between mammographic TP and FN lesions for the different breast composition on first and second readings. Ninety patients also had ultrasound available for correlation with 94 cancers diagnosed from them. The diagnostic sensitivity of ultrasound was 94.7% (89 of 94 lesions).ConclusionMammography has an acceptable sensitivity for the detection of breast cancer in women aged less than 40 years, regardless of different breast composition. Breast ultrasound can offer a higher sensitivity for such a population

    Complete genomic sequence of the temperate bacteriophage ΦAT3 isolated from Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393

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    AbstractThe complete genomic sequence of a temperate bacteriophage ΦAT3 isolated from Lactobacillus (Lb.) casei ATCC 393 is reported. The phage consists of a linear DNA genome of 39,166 bp, an isometric head of 53 nm in diameter, and a flexible, noncontractile tail of approximately 200 nm in length. The number of potential open reading frames on the phage genome is 53. There are 15 unpaired nucleotides at both 5′ ends of the ΦAT3 genome, indicating that the phage uses a cos-site for DNA packaging. The ΦAT3 genome was grouped into five distinct functional clusters: DNA packaging, morphogenesis, lysis, lysogenic/lytic switch, and replication. The amino acid sequences at the NH2-termini of some major proteins were determined. An in vivo integration assay for the ΦAT3 integrase (Int) protein in several lactobacilli was conducted by constructing an integration vector including ΦAT3 int and the attP (int-attP) region. It was found that ΦAT3 integrated at the tRNAArg gene locus of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN 001, similar to that observed in its native host, Lb. casei ATCC 393
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