12,022 research outputs found
Dark Energy and the False Vacuum
In this talk, I will present highlights of a recent model of dark energy and
dark matter in which the present universe is ``trapped'' in a {\em false
vacuum} described by the potential of an axion-like scalar field (the
acceleron) which is related to a new strong interaction gauge sector,
, characterized by a scale . This
false vacuum model mimicks the scenario. In addition, there are
several additional implications such as a new mechanism for leptogenesis coming
from the decay of a ``messenger'' scalar field, as well as a new model of
``low-scale'' inflation whose inflaton is the ``radial'' partner of the
acceleron.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and
Cosmology (IRGAC 2006), Barcelona, July 11-15 (2006
Exotic fermion multiplets as a solution to baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses
We propose an extension to the standard model where three exotic fermion
5-plets and one scalar 6-plet are added to the particle content. By demanding
that all interactions are renormalizable and standard model gauge invariant, we
show that the lightest exotic particle in this model can be a dark matter
candidate as long as the new 6-plet scalar does not develop a nonzero vacuum
expectation value. Furthermore, light neutrino masses are generated radiatively
at one-loop while the baryon asymmetry is produced by the CP-violating decays
of the second lightest exotic particle. We have demonstrated using concrete
examples that there is a parameter space where a consistent solution to the
problems of baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses can be obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures (REVTeX4.1), v2: some refs added, v3: typos
corrected, Sec.VI.B, C modified, this version to appear in PR
A new mechanism for a naturally small Dirac neutrino mass
A mechanism is proposed in which a right-handed neutrino zero mode and a
right-handed charged lepton zero mode can be localized at the same place along
an extra compact dimension while having markedly different spreads in their
wave functions: a relatively narrow one for the neutrino and a rather broad one
for the charged lepton. In their overlaps with the wave function for the
left-handed zero modes, this mechanism could produce a natural large hierarchy
in the effective Yukawa couplings in four dimensions, and hence a large
disparity in masses.Comment: 6 pages (2 with figures), twocolumn forma
Quasi-local mass in the covariant Newtonian space-time
In general relativity, quasi-local energy-momentum expressions have been
constructed from various formulae. However, Newtonian theory of gravity gives a
well known and an unique quasi-local mass expression (surface integration).
Since geometrical formulation of Newtonian gravity has been established in the
covariant Newtonian space-time, it provides a covariant approximation from
relativistic to Newtonian theories. By using this approximation, we calculate
Komar integral, Brown-York quasi-local energy and Dougan-Mason quasi-local mass
in the covariant Newtonian space-time. It turns out that Komar integral
naturally gives the Newtonian quasi-local mass expression, however, further
conditions (spherical symmetry) need to be made for Brown-York and Dougan-Mason
expressions.Comment: Submit to Class. Quantum Gra
Magnetic field waves at Uranus
The proposed research efforts funded by the UDAP grant to the BRI involve the study of magnetic field waves associated with the Uranian bow shock. This is a collaborative venture bringing together investigators at the BRI, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). In addition, other collaborations have been formed with investigators granted UDAP funds for similar studies and with investigators affiliated with other Voyager experiments. These investigations and the corresponding collaborations are included in the report. The proposed effort as originally conceived included an examination of waves downstream from the shock within the magnetosheath. However, the observations of unexpected complexity and diversity within the upstream region have necessitated that we confine our efforts to those observations recorded upstream of the bow shock on the inbound and outbound legs of the encounter by the Voyager 2 spacecraft
Superradiance for atoms trapped along a photonic crystal waveguide
We report observations of superradiance for atoms trapped in the near field
of a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). By fabricating the PCW with a band edge
near the D transition of atomic cesium, strong interaction is achieved
between trapped atoms and guided-mode photons. Following short-pulse
excitation, we record the decay of guided-mode emission and find a superradiant
emission rate scaling as for average atom number atoms, where
is the peak single-atom radiative decay
rate into the PCW guided mode and is the Einstein- coefficient
for free space. These advances provide new tools for investigations of
photon-mediated atom-atom interactions in the many-body regime.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
A Novel IoT Based Positioning and Shadowing System for Dementia Training.
A rapid increase in the number of patients with dementia, particularly memory decline or impairment, has led to the loss of self-care ability in more individuals and increases in medical and social costs. Numerous studies, and clinical service experience, have revealed that the intervention of nonpharmacological management for people with dementia is effective in delaying the degeneration caused by dementia. Due to recent rapid developments in information and communications technology, many innovative research and development and cross-domain applications have been effectively used in the dementia care environment. This study proposed a new short-term memory support and cognitive training application technology, a "positioning and shadowing system," to delay short-term memory degeneration in dementia. Training courses that integrate physical and digital technologies for the indoor location of patients with dementia were constructed using technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy, fingerprint location algorithm, and short-range wireless communication. The Internet of Things was effectively applied to a clinical training environment for short-term memory. A pilot test verified that the results demonstrated learning effects in cognitive training and that the system can assist medical personnel in training and nursing work. Participants responded with favorable feedback regarding course satisfaction and system usability. This study can be used as a reference for future digital smart cognitive training that allows observation of the performance of patients with dementia in activities of daily living
Strong mass effect on ion beam mixing in metal bilayers
Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the mechanism of ion
beam mixing in metal bilayers. We are able to explain the ion induced
low-temperature phase stability and melting behavior of bilayers using only a
simple ballistic picture up to 10 keV ion energies. The atomic mass ratio of
the overlayer and the substrate constituents seems to be a key quantity in
understanding atomic mixing. The critical bilayer mass ratio of
is required for the occurrence of a thermal spike (local melting) with a
lifetime of ps at low-energy ion irradiation (1 keV) due to a
ballistic mechanism. The existing experimental data follow the same trend as
the simulated values.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, preprin
Group elements whose character values are roots of unity
We classify all finite groups which possesses an element such
that every irreducible character of takes a root of unity value at
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