260 research outputs found

    Measurements of stellar spectra using a silicon photodiode array

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    This work describes the preparation and use of the Plessey linear photodiode array in the observation of some stellar spectral features. An outline of the principles of the construction and operation of the diode array, along with some preliminary laboratory test results, form the initial part of this thesis. A suitable xy-movement control was designed and constructed, as well as the cryostat which was used to house the array at the coude focus of the telescope. Constraints at the telescope imposed several limitations, all of which had to be taken into consideration. The general experimental operation, signal processing, and control logic are all described, along with the data acquisition and storage techniques. Data reduction and analysis methods were developed to deal with difficulties peculiar to this type of photodiode array system. A theoretical investigation into the effects of the array geometry on the collection of spectra is described. On the astronomical side, observations of the neutral oxygen triplet at A7774 form the major set of results obtained. The equivalent width of A7774 can give information about the temperature absolute magnitude, and luminosity of many types of stars. The role of non-LTE is discussed, as well as its effect on the measurements of line widths. Finally, the phenomenon of stellar mass loss is outlined. Unfortunately, few results were obtained in this investigation. However, a description of the reasons behind the loss of matter from stars is given, along with probable mass loss mechanisms, features, and detection. A brief word on mass loss rates is included, but the lack of sufficient results in this region pre-empted any quantitative comparisons

    Health Concerns in the Juvenile Justice System in Philadelphia: An Analysis

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    Introduction: There are more than 40,000 minors nationwide that are incarcerated, and yet there remains to be no standardized way to offer this population health care. Time spent in prison offers a unique opportunity that could allow healthcare workers to intervene, providing needed health care to an otherwise neglected population. This research seeks to better understand the healthcare offered to youth in juvenile detention centers in Philadelphia and to determine the unique health concerns of this population. Methods: The target population of this study is the incarcerated youth in the juvenile detention centers of Philadelphia. I intend to collect data through surveying the existing incarcerated population in Philadelphia evaluating barriers to care and care consistency. Additionally, I plan to assess what the present protocols are in offering healthcare at intake, during their stay, and upon transferring. Results: Data collection is ongoing and conclusions are to come with the collection of the data. I anticipate to see that there is inconsistent health care offered to incarcerated youth across different correctional facilities. Conclusion: While there have yet to be conclusions drawn due to forthcoming data, I do have some predictions about the conclusions that will be drawn. I expect that inconsistent care provided to the juveniles incarcerated will prove to be a detriment to their overall health. This information can then be used to address how care is lacking in juvenile centers and improve streamlining care between facilities when transferring youth and in a given single facility

    From meltdown to showdown? Challenges and options for governance in the Arctic

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    "For several years now climate change, the hunger for raw materials, and geostrategic interests have once again moved the allocation of sovereignty and exploitation rights in the Arctic back to the foreground. In this PRIF report the authors present in search of a promising political organizational model for the Arctic region, various scenarios for how Arctic governance might look one day. The authors favor a model of integrated multi-level governance and present measures demonstrating how this model could be implemented." (author's abstract)"Klimawandel, der Hunger nach Rohstoffen und geostrategische Interessen rücken die Frage nach der Aufteilung der Souveränitäts- und Nutzungsrechte in der Arktis seit einigen Jahren wieder in den Vordergrund. Auf der Suche nach einem zukunftsträchtigen politischen Ordnungsmodell für die arktische Region präsentieren die Autoren in diesem PRIF Report verschiedene Szenarien, wie arktisches Regieren in Zukunft aussehen könnte. Sie votieren für das Modell eines integrierten Mehrebenenregierens und stellen Maßnahmen vor, wie es verwirklicht werden könnte." (Autorenreferat