5 research outputs found

    Mit Schlupfwespen und Gülle gegen den Rapsglanzkäfer

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    Raps ist eine anspruchsvolle Kultur, aber auch eine interessante: Für das Erntejahr 2008 wird die Anbaufläche um rund 800 Hektaren ausgedehn

    Control of pollen beetle in organic farming with plant protecting agents

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    Pollen beetle (Meligethes spp.) is a major yield-limiting factor in organic oilseed production. Currently there are no effective methods available to control this beetle in organic agriculture. From 2006 to 2008 work was carried out at Agroscope ARTReckenholz to find suitable organically compatible plant protecting agents which are effective against the beetle. A partial reduction in beetle infestation was observed when liquid manure, lavender oil and rapeseed oil was applied. Dusting agents such as ash and substances containing silicate (stone meal) were very efficient, almost completely removing the beetle after application. However, beetle infestation increased again after one or two days following application. Dusting substances in combination with pine oil and rapeseed oil produced the best results with an effective period of action of up to five days. The addition of vegetable oil is assumed to improve the adhesiveness of these agents. None of the methods showed any significant effects on oilseed yield. Practical use will require further tests and investigations into economic feasibility and application technology


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    Die Nachfrage in der Schweiz nach kaltgepresstem Biorapsspeiseöl ist gut. Betriebswirtschaftlich ist der Rapsanbau jenem von Biobrotgetreide gleichzustellen, vorausgesetzt die Kultur gelingt. Denn der biologische Anbau von Raps stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Das Merkblatt liefert auf fünf Seiten die wichtigsten Informationen zu Anbau und Vermarktung der Kultur


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    Die Nachfrage in der Schweiz nach kaltgepresstem Biorapsspeiseöl ist gut. Betriebswirtschaftlich ist der Rapsanbau jenem von Biobrotgetreide gleichzustellen, vorausgesetzt die Kultur gelingt. Denn der biologische Anbau von Raps stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Das Merkblatt liefert auf fünf Seiten die wichtigsten Informationen zu Anbau und Vermarktung der Kultur

    Organic rapeseed

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    The demand for cold-pressed organic rapeseed oil is increasing. However, the organic rape cultivation is challenging, especially various pests can cause problems. This leaflet provides some general information about the cultivation of rape. Different topics about rape varieties and their needs, the right crop rotation and weed management are covered. Additionally, the main part covers the various pests and provides strategies to control them. It is shown how the pests can be detected, and which preventive and direct are proven and permitted. Finally, there is also some information about economic aspects. This leaflet was made for farmers want to begin cultivating organic rape, but it might also be of use to conventional farmers. The information about economic aspects is specific to Switzerland