176 research outputs found
The Price of Anarchy in Active Signal Landscape Map Building
Multiple receivers with a priori knowledge about
their own initial states are assumed to be dropped in an unknown
environment comprising multiple signals of opportunity (SOPs)
transmitters. The receivers draw pseudorange observations from
the SOPs. The receivers’ objective is to build a high-fidelity
signal landscape map of the environment, which would enable
the receivers to navigate accurately with the aid of the SOPs.
The receivers could command their own maneuvers and such
commands are computed so to maximize the information gathered
about the SOPs in a greedy fashion. Several information
fusion and decision making architectures are possible. This
paper studies the price of anarchy in building signal landscape
maps to assess the degradation in the map quality should the
receivers produce their own maps and make their own maneuver
decisions versus a completely centralized approach. In addition,
a hierarchical architecture is proposed in which the receivers
build their own maps and make their own decisions, but share
relevant information. Such architecture is shown to produce maps
of comparable quality to the completely centralized approach.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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Motion Planning for Optimal Information Gathering in Opportunistic Navigation Systems
Motion planning for optimal information gathering in an opportunistic navigation (OpNav)
environment is considered. An OpNav environment can be thought of as a radio
frequency signal landscape within which a receiver locates itself in space and time by extracting
information from ambient signals of opportunity (SOPs). The receiver is assumed
to draw only pseudorange-type observations from the SOPs, and such observations are
fused through an estimator to produce an estimate of the receiver’s own states. Since
not all SOP states in the OpNav environment may be known a priori, the receiver must
estimate the unknown SOP states of interest simultaneously with its own states. In this
work, the following problem is studied. A receiver with no a priori knowledge about its
own states is dropped in an unknown, yet observable, OpNav environment. Assuming that
the receiver can prescribe its own trajectory, what motion planning strategy should the
receiver adopt in order to build a high-fidelity map of the OpNav signal landscape, while
simultaneously localizing itself within this map in space and time? To answer this question,
first, the minimum conditions under which the OpNav environment is fully observable are
established, and the need for receiver maneuvering to achieve full observability is highlighted.
Then, motivated by the fact that not all trajectories a receiver may take in the
environment are equally beneficial from an information gathering point of view, a strategy
for planning the motion of the receiver is proposed. The strategy is formulated in a
coupled estimation and optimal control framework of a gradually identified system, where
optimality is defined through various information-theoretic measures. Simulation results
are presented to illustrate the improvements gained from adopting the proposed strategy
over random and pre-defined receiver trajectories.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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Considerations for Future IGS Receivers
Future IGS receivers are considered against the backdrop of GNSS signal modernization
and the IGS’s goal of further improving the accuracy of its products. The purpose of this paper is to
provide IGS members with a guide to making decisions about GNSS receivers. Modernized GNSS signals
are analyzed with a view toward IGS applications. A schedule for minimum IGS receiver requirements
is proposed. Features of idealized conceptual receivers are discussed. The prospects for standard commercial
receivers and for software-defined GNSS receivers are examined. Recommendations are given
for how the IGS should proceed in order to maximally benefit from the transformation in GNSS that
will occur over the next decade.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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A Technique for Determining the Carrier Phase Differences between Independent GPS Receivers during Scintillation
A method for recovering the carrier phase differences between
pairs of independent GPS receivers has been developed
and demonstrated in truth-model simulations. This
effort is in support of a project that intends to image the disturbed
ionosphere with diffraction tomography techniques
using GPS measurements from large arrays of receivers.
Carrier phase differential GPS techniques, common in surveying
and relative navigation, are employed to determine
the phase relationships between the receivers in the imaging array. Strategies for estimating the absolute carrier phase
disturbances at each receiver are discussed. Simulation results
demonstrate that the system can rapidly detect the onset
of scintillation, identify one non-scintillating reference
signal, and recover the carrier phase differences accurate to
0.1 cycles.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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Data-Driven Generalized Integer Aperture Bootstrapping for Real-Time High Integrity Applications
A new method is developed for integer ambiguity
resolution in carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS) positioning.
The method is novel in that it is (1) data-driven, (2) generalized
to include partial ambiguity resolution, and (3) amenable to a
full characterization of the prior and posterior distributions of
the three-dimensional baseline vector that results from CDGPS.
The technique is termed generalized integer aperture bootstrapping
(GIAB). GIAB improves the availability of integer
ambiguity resolution for high-integrity, safety-critical systems.
Current high-integrity CDGPS algorithms, such as EPIC and
GERAFS, evaluate the prior risk of position domain biases due to
incorrect integer ambiguity resolution without further validation
of the chosen solution. This model-driven approach introduces
conservatism which tends to reduce solution availability. Common
data-driven ambiguity validation methods, such as the ratio test,
control the risk of incorrect ambiguity resolution by shrinking
an integer aperture (IA), or acceptance region. The incorrect
fixing risk of current IA methods is determined by functional
approximations that are inappropriate for use in safety-of-life
applications. Moreover, generalized IA (GIA) methods incorrectly
assume that the baseline resulting from partial ambiguity resolution
is zero mean. Each of these limitations is addressed by
GIAB, and the claimed improvements are validated by Monte
Carlo simulation. The performance of GIAB is then optimized by
tuning the integer aperture size to maximize the prior probability
of full ambiguity resolution. GIAB is shown to provide higher
availability than EPIC for the same integrity requirements.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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Development and Demonstration of a TDOA-Based GNSS Interference Signal Localization System
Background theory, a reference design, and demonstration
results are given for a Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) interference localization system comprising a
distributed radio-frequency sensor network that simultaneously
locates multiple interference sources by measuring their signals’
time difference of arrival (TDOA) between pairs of nodes in
the network. The end-to-end solution offered here draws from
previous work in single-emitter group delay estimation, very long
baseline interferometry, subspace-based estimation, radar, and
passive geolocation. Synchronization and automatic localization
of sensor nodes is achieved through a tightly-coupled receiver
architecture that enables phase-coherent and synchronous sampling
of the interference signals and so-called reference signals
which carry timing and positioning information. Signal and crosscorrelation
models are developed and implemented in a simulator.
Multiple-emitter subspace-based TDOA estimation techniques
are developed as well as emitter identification and localization
algorithms. Simulator performance is compared to the CramérRao
lower bound for single-emitter TDOA precision. Results are
given for a test exercise in which the system accurately locates
emitters broadcasting in the amateur radio band in Austin, TX.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
GPS Carrier Tracking Loop Performance in the presence of Ionospheric Scintillations
The performance of several GPS carrier tracking loops
is evaluated using wideband GPS data recorded during
strong ionospheric scintillations. The aim of this study is
to determine the loop structures and parameters that enable
good phase tracking during the power fades and phase
dynamics induced by scintillations. Constant-bandwidth
and variable-bandwidth loops are studied using theoretical
models, simulation, and tests with actual GPS signals.
Constant-bandwidth loops with loop bandwidths near 15
Hz are shown to lose phase lock during scintillations. Use
of the decision-directed discriminator reduces the carrier
lock threshold by ∼1 dB relative to the arctangent and conventional Costas discriminators. A proposed variablebandwidth
loop based on a Kalman filter reduces the carrier
lock threshold by more than 7 dB compared to a 15-Hz
constant-bandwidth loop. The Kalman filter-based strategy
employs a soft-decision discriminator, explicitly models
the effects of receiver clock noise, and optimally adapts
the loop bandwidth to the carrier-to-noise ratio. In extensive
simulation and in tests using actual wideband GPS
data, the Kalman filter PLL demonstrates improved cycle
slip immunity relative to constant bandwidth PLLs.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
A Graphical Approach to GPS Software-Defined Receiver Implementation
Global positioning system (GPS) software-defined
receivers (SDRs) offer many advantages over their hardwarebased
counterparts, such as flexibility, modularity, and upgradability.
A typical GPS receiver is readily expressible as a block
diagram, making a graphical approach a natural choice for
implementing GPS SDRs. This paper presents a real-time, graphical
implementation of a GPS SDR, consisting of two modes:
acquisition and tracking. The acquisition mode performs a twodimensional
fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based search over code
offsets and Doppler frequencies. The carrier-aided code tracking
mode consists of the following main building blocks: correlators,
code and carrier phase detectors, code and carrier phase filters,
a code generator, and a numerically-controlled oscillator. The
presented GPS SDR provides an abstraction level that enables
future research endeavors.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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Collaborative Opportunistic Navigation
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic
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