6 research outputs found

    Constitutions & human rights in a global age: an Asia-Pacific perspective. Conference papers.

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    In the modern world, the constitutions of nation states have come to be seen as the key guarantors of human rights. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the national constitution became the basis of the political order in most countries around the world. The extent to which the constitution provides effective protection for the rights of citizens has thus become a major determinant of the political life of nations, including the nations of the Asia-Pacific region. (First paragraph of introduction).This conference was supported by the generosity of the Japan Foundation Asia Centre, AusAID, the Daiwa Foundation for Asia and Oceania, the Myer Foundation and The Australian National University's National Institute for Asia and the Pacific and the Humanities Research Centre

    The “added value” of the European Convention on Human Rights in the ambit of religious freedom and religious autonomy in Belgian constitutional case-law

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    After a (very) general overview of the principles of religious freedom and religious autonomy (I), this presentation focuses upon the status of the European Convention on Human Rights in Belgian Constitutional Law (II) and, with the help of concrete examples, analyses the influence of Strasbourg case law on Belgian Constitutional jurisprudence in the ambit of religious freedom and religious autonomy (III) compared to the jurisprudence of the Belgian Court of Cassation and Council of State (IV)

    Same-sex marriage beyond Charter dialogue: Charter cases and contestation within government

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    Money laundering countermeasures with primary focus upon terrorism and the USA Patriot Act 2001

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    Meaning - Making

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