2 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Serbuk Limbah Keramik Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Halus Dan Penambahan Serat Seng Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Tarik Belah Beton

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    Hampir seluruh rumah dan gedung atau bangunan-bangunan lainnya terbuat dari beton karena beton sendiri memiliki banyak keunggulan dari bahan bangunan lainnya salah satunya keunggulannya adalah mudah dibentuk, bisa menahan beban berat, kuat terhadap suhu tinggi, biaya pemeliharan sangat ekonomis dan banyak lagi kelebihannya. Namun banyak juga bangunan dan gedung-gedung yang dinding, kolom, dan baloknya retak akibat kelebihan beban yang dipikul oleh balok ataupun kolom tersebut. Untuk solusi dari masalah tersebut haruslah dibuat beton yang lebih kuat dan bermutu tinggi. Bisa juga dengan menambahkan bahan-bahan variabel tambah seperti serat, zat kimia dan bahan tambah lainnya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini membuat penambahan variabel yakni untuk meningkatkan kuat tarik belah pada beton. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan tambah variabel pencampuran beton yaitu serbuk keramik sebagai pengganti agregat halus dan serat seng untuk mengganti agregat kasar. Persentase variasi serbuk keramik adalah 0%, 25%, 30%, dan 35% sebagai pengganti agregat halus. Sedangkan persentase serat seng adalah 0% 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, dan 1,5% sebagai pengganti agregat halus. Dalam penelitian ini serbuk keramik sangat signifikan untuk meningkatkan kuat tarik belah beton pada saat sampel diuji kuat tarik belah. Namun dalam pencampuran serat seng rata-rata kuat tarik belah saat sampel diuji menurun. Dari hasil analisis data pengujian sampel didapat nilai kuat tarik balah rata-rata yang diperoleh pada persentase serbuk keramik 0%, 25%, 30%, 35% diperoleh nilai rata-rata kuat tarik belah beton saat diuji adalah 2,3 MPa, 3,16 MPa, 1,93 MPa, 1,93 MPa pada pengujian umur 28 hari. Sedangakan pada persentase variabel campuran serat seng 0%, 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75%, 1%, 1,5% dan penetapan varian serbuk keramik 25% didapat nillai rata-rata kuat tarik belah 1,86 MPa, 1,73 MPa, 1,7 MPa, 1,73 MPa, 1,83 MPa, 2 MPa pada pengujian umur 28 hari./ Almost all houses and buildings or other buildings are made of concrete because concrete itself has many advantages over other building materials, one of which is that it is easy to form, can withstand heavy loads, is strong against high temperatures, very economical maintenance costs and many other advantages. Therefore, this study made the addition of a variable, namely to increase the split tensile strength of the concrete. This study uses a variable-added concrete mix, namely ceramic powder as a substitute for fine aggregate and zinc fiber to replace coarse aggregate. The percentage variation of ceramic powder is 0%, 25%, 30%, and 35% as a substitute for fine aggregate. While the percentage of zinc fiber is 0% 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and 1.5% as a substitute for fine aggregate. In this study, ceramic powder was very significant for increasing the split tensile strength of concrete when the sample was tested for split tensile strength. However, in the mixing of zinc fibers the average split tensile strength when the sample was tested decreased. From the results of the analysis of the sample test data, the average tensile strength value obtained at the percentage of ceramic powder 0%, 25%, 30%, 35% obtained the average value of the split tensile strength of concrete when tested was 2,3 MPa, 3, 16 MPa, 1.93 MPa, 1.93 MPa at 28 days of age testing. While the variable percentage of zinc fiber mixture 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.5% and the determination of the ceramic powder variant of 25%, the average value of split tensile strength is 1.86 MPa, 1.73 MPa, 1.7 MPa, 1.73 MPa, 1.83 MPa, 2 MPa at 28 days of age testing

    Utilization of waste ceramic powder as a substitute of fine aggregate and addition of zinc fibre to increase the split tensile strength of concrete

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    Almost all buildings and buildings made of concrete have many advantages such as being easy to form, withstanding heavy loads, relatively low cost, and many other advantages concrete. However, there are still many buildings whose columns, walls, and beams still have cracks; the concrete is not strong against tensile forces and because of the overload carried by the concrete. Therefore, this research was conducted to find a solution to this problem. In this study, making concrete by adding additional materials to increase the split tensile strength of the concrete, namely ceramic powder and zinc fibre. Ceramic powder uses percentages of 0%, 20%, 25%, 30% as a substitute for fine aggregate. While the percentage of zinc fibre is 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and 1.5% as a substitute for coarse aggregate. The results of data analysis and sample testing show the value of the tensile strength of mixing ceramic powder and mixing the ceramic powder with zinc fibre. The results of testing concrete with ceramic powder mixing have an average split tensile strength optimum value at the age of 28 days 2.3 MPa, 3.16 MPa, 1.93 MPa. While the optimum value of the test results of the split tensile strength of concrete by mixing 25% ceramic powder and zinc fibre at the age of 28 days was 1.86 MPa, 1.73 MPa, 1.7 MPa, 1.73 MPa, 1.83 MPa, 2 MP