36 research outputs found

    Structures in supercritical scale-free percolation

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    Scale-free percolation is a percolation model on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d which can be used to model real-world networks. We prove bounds for the graph distance in the regime where vertices have infinite degrees. We fully characterize transience vs. recurrence for dimension 1 and 2 and give sufficient conditions for transience in dimension 3 and higher. Finally, we show the existence of a hierarchical structure for parameters where vertices have degrees with infinite variance and obtain bounds on the cluster density.Comment: Revised Definition 2.5 and an argument in Section 6, results are unchanged. Correction of minor typos. 29 pages, 7 figure

    Connectivity Threshold for random subgraphs of the Hamming graph

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    We study the connectivity of random subgraphs of the dd-dimensional Hamming graph H(d,n)H(d, n), which is the Cartesian product of dd complete graphs on nn vertices. We sample the random subgraph with an i.i.d.\ Bernoulli bond percolation on H(d,n)H(d,n) with parameter pp. We identify the window of the transition: when nplogn np- \log n \to - \infty the probability that the graph is connected goes to 00, while when nplogn+ np- \log n \to + \infty it converges to 11. We also investigate the connectivity probability inside the critical window, namely when nplogntR np- \log n \to t \in \mathbb{R}. We find that the threshold does not depend on dd, unlike the phase transition of the giant connected component the Hamming graph (see [Bor et al, 2005]). Within the critical window, the connectivity probability does depend on d. We determine how.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Sharpness for Inhomogeneous Percolation on Quasi-Transitive Graphs

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    In this note we study the phase transition for percolation on quasi-transitive graphs with quasi-transitively inhomogeneous edge-retention probabilities. A quasi-transitive graph is an infinite graph with finitely many different "types" of edges and vertices. We prove that the transition is sharp almost everywhere, i.e., that in the subcritical regime the expected cluster size is finite, and that in the subcritical regime the probability of the one-arm event decays exponentially. Our proof extends the proof of sharpness of the phase transition for homogeneous percolation on vertex-transitive graphs by Duminil-Copin and Tassion [Comm. Math. Phys., 2016], and the result generalizes previous results of Antunovi\'c and Veseli\'c [J. Stat. Phys., 2008] and Menshikov [Dokl. Akad. Nauk 1986].Comment: 9 page

    Higher order corrections for anisotropic bootstrap percolation

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    We study the critical probability for the metastable phase transition of the two-dimensional anisotropic bootstrap percolation model with (1,2)(1,2)-neighbourhood and threshold r=3r = 3. The first order asymptotics for the critical probability were recently determined by the first and second authors. Here we determine the following sharp second and third order asymptotics: pc([L]2,N(1,2),3)  =  (loglogL)212logLloglogLlogloglogL3logL+(log92+1±o(1))loglogL6logL. p_c\big( [L]^2,\mathcal{N}_{(1,2)},3 \big) \; = \; \frac{(\log \log L)^2}{12\log L} \, - \, \frac{\log \log L \, \log \log \log L}{ 3\log L} + \frac{\left(\log \frac{9}{2} + 1 \pm o(1) \right)\log \log L}{6\log L}. We note that the second and third order terms are so large that the first order asymptotics fail to approximate pcp_c even for lattices of size well beyond 1010100010^{10^{1000}}.Comment: 46 page

    Expansion of percolation critical points for Hamming graphs

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    The Hamming graph H(d, n) is the Cartesian product of d complete graphs on n vertices. Let be the degree and be the number of vertices of H(d, n). Let be the critical point for bond percolation on H(d, n). We show that, for fixed and , which extends the asymptotics found in [10] by one order. The term is the width of the critical window. For we have , and so the above formula represents the full asymptotic expansion of . In [16] we show that this formula is a crucial ingredient in the study of critical bond percolation on H(d, n) for . The proof uses a lace expansion for the upper bound and a novel comparison with a branching random walk for the lower bound. The proof of the lower bound also yields a refined asymptotics for the susceptibility of a subcritical Erdös–Rényi random grap

    Finite-size effects for anisotropic bootstrap percolation: logarithmic corrections

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    In this note we analyze an anisotropic, two-dimensional bootstrap percolation model introduced by Gravner and Griffeath. We present upper and lower bounds on the finite-size effects. We discuss the similarities with the semi-oriented model introduced by Duarte.Comment: Key words: Bootstrap percolation, anisotropy, finite-size effect