5 research outputs found

    Exposure Science in the 21st Century: Advancing the Science and Technology of Environmental Sensors through Cooperation and Collaboration across U.S. Federal Agencies

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    The convergence of technological innovations in areas such as microelectronics, fabrication, the Internet-of-things (IoT), and smartphones, along with their associated “apps”, permeates many aspects of life. To that list we now can add environmental monitoring. Once the sole purview of governments and academics in research, this sector is currently experiencing a transformation that is democratizing monitoring with inexpensive, portable commodities available through online retailers. However, as with any emerging area, several challenges and infrastructural hurdles must be addressed before this technology can be fully adopted and its potential be realized. A unique aspect of environmental sensing that differentiates it from some other technology sectors is its strong intersection and overlap with governance, public policy, public health, and national security—all of which contain some element of inherent governmental function. This paper advocates for and addresses the role of sensors in exposure science and illustrates areas in which improved coordination and leveraging of investments by government have helped and would catalyze further development of this technology sector

    A Standard of Knowledge for the Professional Practice of Toxicology

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    Interpreting Mobile and Handheld Air Sensor Readings in Relation to Air Quality Standards and Health Effect Reference Values: Tackling the Challenges

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    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies face a number of challenges in interpreting and reconciling short-duration (seconds to minutes) readings from mobile and handheld air sensors with the longer duration averages (hours to days) associated with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the criteria pollutants-particulate matter (PM), ozone, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides. Similar issues are equally relevant to the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) where chemical-specific health effect reference values are the best indicators of exposure limits; values which are often based on a lifetime of continuous exposure. A multi-agency, staff-level Air Sensors Health Group (ASHG) was convened in 2013. ASHG represents a multi-institutional collaboration of Federal agencies devoted to discovery and discussion of sensor technologies, interpretation of sensor data, defining the state of sensor-related science across each institution, and provides consultation on how sensors might effectively be used to meet a wide range of research and decision support needs. ASHG focuses on several fronts: improving the understanding of what hand-held sensor technologies may be able to deliver; communicating what hand-held sensor readings can provide to a number of audiences; the challenges of how to integrate data generated by multiple entities using new and unproven technologies; and defining best practices in communicating health-related messages to various audiences. This review summarizes the challenges, successes, and promising tools of those initial ASHG efforts and Federal agency progress on crafting similar products for use with other NAAQS pollutants and the HAPs. NOTE: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessary represent the opinions of their Federal Agencies or the US Government. Mention of product names does not constitute endorsement