9 research outputs found

    Quality control stress test for deep learning-based diagnostic model in digital pathology

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    Digital pathology provides a possibility for computational analysis of histological slides and automatization of routine pathological tasks. Histological slides are very heterogeneous concerning staining, sections' thickness, and artifacts arising during tissue processing, cutting, staining, and digitization. In this study, we digitally reproduce major types of artifacts. Using six datasets from four different institutions digitized by different scanner systems, we systematically explore artifacts' influence on the accuracy of the pre-trained, validated, deep learning-based model for prostate cancer detection in histological slides. We provide evidence that any histological artifact dependent on severity can lead to a substantial loss in model performance. Strategies for the prevention of diagnostic model accuracy losses in the context of artifacts are warranted. Stress-testing of diagnostic models using synthetically generated artifacts might be an essential step during clinical validation of deep learning-based algorithms

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucagon-like peptide-2 regulation during human liver regeneration

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    Abstract Accumulating evidence suggests that metabolic demands of the regenerating liver are met via lipid metabolism and critical regulators of this process. As such, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) critically affect hepatic regeneration in rodent models. The present study aimed to evaluate potential alterations and dynamics of circulating GLP-1 and GLP-2 in patients undergoing liver resections, focusing on post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF). GLP-1, GLP-2, Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and parameters of lipid metabolism were determined perioperatively in fasting plasma of 46 patients, who underwent liver resection. GLP-1 and GLP-2 demonstrated a rapid and consistently inverse time course during hepatic regeneration with a significant decrease of GLP-1 and increase of GLP-2 on POD1. Importantly, these postoperative dynamics were significantly more pronounced when PHLF occurred. Of note, the extent of resection or development of complications were not associated with these alterations. IL-6 mirrored the time course of GLP-2. Assessing the main degradation protein dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) no significant association with either GLP-1 or -2 could be found. Additionally, in PHLF distinct postoperative declines in plasma lipid parameters were present and correlated with GLP-2 dynamics. Our data suggest dynamic inverse regulation of GLP-1 and GLP-2 during liver regeneration, rather caused by an increase in expression/release than by changes in degradation capacity and might be associated with inflammatory responses. Their close association with circulating markers of lipid metabolism and insufficient hepatic regeneration after liver surgery suggest a critical involvement during these processes in humans

    Artificial intelligence for tumour tissue detection and histological regression grading in oesophageal adenocarcinomas: a retrospective algorithm development and validation study

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    Background: Oesophageal adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction are among the most common malignant epithelial tumours. Most patients receive neoadjuvant therapy before complete tumour resection. Histological assessment after resection includes identification of residual tumour tissue and areas of regressive tumour, data which are used to calculate a clinically relevant regression score. We developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for tumour tissue detection and tumour regression grading in surgical specimens from patients with oesophageal adenocarcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction. Methods: We used one training cohort and four independent test cohorts to develop, train, and validate a deep learning tool. The material consisted of histological slides from surgically resected specimens from patients with oesophageal adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction from three pathology institutes (two in Germany, one in Austria) and oesophageal cancer cohort of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). All slides were from neoadjuvantly treated patients except for those from the TCGA cohort, who were neoadjuvant-therapy naive. Data from training cohort and test cohort cases were extensively manually annotated for 11 tissue classes. A convolutional neural network was trained on the data using a supervised principle. First, the tool was formally validated using manually annotated test datasets. Next, tumour regression grading was assessed in a retrospective cohort of post-neoadjuvant therapy surgical specimens. The grading of the algorithm was compared with that of a group of 12 board-certified pathologists from one department. To further validate the tool, three pathologists processed whole resection cases with and without AI assistance. Findings: Of the four test cohorts, one included 22 manually annotated histological slides (n=20 patients), one included 62 sides (n=15), one included 214 slides (n=69), and the final one included 22 manually annotated histological slides (n=22). In the independent test cohorts the AI tool had high patch-level accuracy for identifying both tumour and regression tissue. When we validated the concordance of the AI tool against analyses by a group of pathologists (n=12), agreement was 63·6% (quadratic kappa 0·749; p<0·0001) at case level. The AI-based regression grading triggered true reclassification of resected tumour slides in seven cases (including six cases who had small tumour regions that were initially missed by pathologists). Use of the AI tool by three pathologists increased interobserver agreement and substantially reduced diagnostic time per case compared with working without AI assistance. Interpretation: Use of our AI tool in the diagnostics of oesophageal adenocarcinoma resection specimens by pathologists increased diagnostic accuracy, interobserver concordance, and significantly reduced assessment time. Prospective validation of the tool is required. Funding: North Rhine-Westphalia state, Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, and the Wilhelm Sander Foundation

    An international multi-institutional validation study of the algorithm for prostate cancer detection and Gleason grading

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    Abstract Pathologic examination of prostate biopsies is time consuming due to the large number of slides per case. In this retrospective study, we validate a deep learning-based classifier for prostate cancer (PCA) detection and Gleason grading (AI tool) in biopsy samples. Five external cohorts of patients with multifocal prostate biopsy were analyzed from high-volume pathology institutes. A total of 5922 H&E sections representing 7473 biopsy cores from 423 patient cases (digitized using three scanners) were assessed concerning tumor detection. Two tumor-bearing datasets (core n = 227 and 159) were graded by an international group of pathologists including expert urologic pathologists (n = 11) to validate the Gleason grading classifier. The sensitivity, specificity, and NPV for the detection of tumor-bearing biopsies was in a range of 0.971–1.000, 0.875–0.976, and 0.988–1.000, respectively, across the different test cohorts. In several biopsy slides tumor tissue was correctly detected by the AI tool that was initially missed by pathologists. Most false positive misclassifications represented lesions suspicious for carcinoma or cancer mimickers. The quadratically weighted kappa levels for Gleason grading agreement for single pathologists was 0.62–0.80 (0.77 for AI tool) and 0.64–0.76 (0.72 for AI tool) for the two grading datasets, respectively. In cases where consensus for grading was reached among pathologists, kappa levels for AI tool were 0.903 and 0.855. The PCA detection classifier showed high accuracy for PCA detection in biopsy cases during external validation, independent of the institute and scanner used. High levels of agreement for Gleason grading were indistinguishable between experienced genitourinary pathologists and the AI tool