6,326 research outputs found

    New Gauged N=8, D=4 Supergravities

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    New gaugings of four dimensional N=8 supergravity are constructed, including one which has a Minkowski space vacuum that preserves N=2 supersymmetry and in which the gauge group is broken to SU(3)xU(1)2SU(3)xU(1)^2. Previous gaugings used the form of the ungauged action which is invariant under a rigid SL(8,R)SL(8,R) symmetry and promoted a 28-dimensional subgroup (SO(8),SO(p,8−p)SO(8),SO(p,8-p) or the non-semi-simple contraction CSO(p,q,8−p−q)CSO(p,q,8-p-q)) to a local gauge group. Here, a dual form of the ungauged action is used which is invariant under SU∗(8)SU^*(8) instead of SL(8,R)SL(8,R) and new theories are obtained by gauging 28-dimensional subgroups of SU∗(8)SU^*(8). The gauge groups are non-semi-simple and are different real forms of the CSO(2p,8−2p)CSO(2p,8-2p) groups, denoted CSO∗(2p,8−2p)CSO^*(2p,8-2p), and the new theories have a rigid SU(2) symmetry. The five dimensional gauged N=8 supergravities are dimensionally reduced to D=4. The D=5,SO(p,6−p)D=5,SO(p,6-p) gauge theories reduce, after a duality transformation, to the D=4,CSO(p,6−p,2)D=4,CSO(p,6-p,2) gauging while the SO∗(6)SO^*(6) gauge theory reduces to the D=4,CSO∗(6,2)D=4, CSO^*(6,2) gauge theory. The new theories are related to the old ones via an analytic continuation. The non-semi-simple gaugings can be dualised to forms with different gauge groups.Comment: 33 pages. Reference adde

    Frame-like Geometry of Double Field Theory

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    We relate two formulations of the recently constructed double field theory to a frame-like geometrical formalism developed by Siegel. A self-contained presentation of this formalism is given, including a discussion of the constraints and its solutions, and of the resulting Riemann tensor, Ricci tensor and curvature scalar. This curvature scalar can be used to define an action, and it is shown that this action is equivalent to that of double field theory.Comment: 35 pages, v2: minor corrections, to appear in J. Phys.

    Invariances and Equations of Motion in Double Field Theory

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    We investigate the full set of equations of motion in double field theory and discuss their O(D,D) symmetry and gauge transformation properties. We obtain a Ricci-like tensor, its associated Bianchi identities, and relate our results to those with a generalized metric formulation.Comment: 24 page

    Background independent action for double field theory

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    Double field theory describes a massless subsector of closed string theory with both momentum and winding excitations. The gauge algebra is governed by the Courant bracket in certain subsectors of this double field theory. We construct the associated nonlinear background-independent action that is T-duality invariant and realizes the Courant gauge algebra. The action is the sum of a standard action for gravity, antisymmetric tensor, and dilaton fields written with ordinary derivatives, a similar action for dual fields with dual derivatives, and a mixed term that is needed for gauge invariance.Comment: 45 pages, v2: minor corrections, refs. added, to appear in JHE

    Timelike Hopf Duality and Type IIA^* String Solutions

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    The usual T-duality that relates the type IIA and IIB theories compactified on circles of inversely-related radii does not operate if the dimensional reduction is performed on the time direction rather than a spatial one. This observation led to the recent proposal that there might exist two further ten-dimensional theories, namely type IIA^* and type IIB^*, related to type IIB and type IIA respectively by a timelike dimensional reduction. In this paper we explore such dimensional reductions in cases where time is the coordinate of a non-trivial U(1) fibre bundle. We focus in particular on situations where there is an odd-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime AdS_{2n+1}, which can be described as a U(1) bundle over \widetilde{CP}^n, a non-compact version of CP^n corresponding to the coset manifold SU(n,1)/U(n). In particular, we study the AdS_5\times S^5 and AdS_7\times S^4 solutions of type IIB supergravity and eleven-dimensional supergravity. Applying a timelike Hopf T-duality transformation to the former provides a new solution of the type IIA^* theory, of the form \widetilde{CP}^2\times S^1\times S^5. We show how the Hopf-reduced solutions provide further examples of ``supersymmetry without supersymmetry.'' We also present a detailed discussion of the geometrical structure of the Hopf-fibred metric on AdS_{2n+1}, and its relation to the horospherical metric that arises in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: Latex, 26 page

    Yes-go cross-couplings in collections of tensor fields with mixed symmetries of the type (3,1) and (2,2)

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    Under the hypotheses of analyticity, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interaction vertices contain at most two space-time derivatives of the fields, we investigate the consistent cross-couplings between two collections of tensor fields with the mixed symmetries of the type (3,1) and (2,2). The computations are done with the help of the deformation theory based on a cohomological approach in the context of the antifield-BRST formalism. Our results can be synthesized in: 1. there appear consistent cross-couplings between the two types of field collections at order one and two in the coupling constant such that some of the gauge generators and of the reducibility functions are deformed, and 2. the existence or not of cross-couplings among different fields with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor depends on the indefinite or respectively positive-definite behaviour of the quadratic form defined by the kinetic terms from the free Lagrangian.Comment: 35 page

    A Double Sigma Model for Double Field Theory

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    We define a sigma model with doubled target space and calculate its background field equations. These coincide with generalised metric equation of motion of double field theory, thus the double field theory is the effective field theory for the sigma model.Comment: 26 pages, v1: 37 pages, v2: references added, v3: updated to match published version - background and detail of calculations substantially condensed, motivation expanded, refs added, results unchange

    The many faces of OSp(1|32)

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    We show that the complete superalgebra of symmetries, including central charges, that underlies F-theories, M-theories and type II string theories in dimensions 12, 11 and 10 of various signatures correspond to rewriting of the same OSp(1|32) algebra in different covariant ways. One only has to distinguish the complex and the unique real algebra. We develop a common framework to discuss all signatures theories by starting from the complex form of OSp(1|32). Theories are distinguished by the choice of basis for this algebra. We formulate dimensional reductions and dualities as changes of basis of the algebra. A second ingredient is the choice of a real form corresponding to a specific signature. The existence of the real form of the algebra selects preferred spacetime signatures. In particular, we show how the real d=10 IIA and IIB superalgebras for various signatures are related by generalized T-duality transformations that not only involve spacelike but also timelike directions. A third essential ingredient is that the translation generator in one theory plays the role of a central charge operator in the other theory. The identification of the translation generator in these algebras leads to the star algebras of Hull, which are characterized by the fact that the positive definite energy operator is not part of the translation generators. We apply our results to discuss different T-dual pictures of the D-instanton solution of Euclidean IIB supergravity.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, using lscape.st

    Harmonic superpositions of non-extremal p-branes

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    The plot of allowed p and D values for p-brane solitons in D-dimensional supergravity is the same whether the solitons are extremal or non-extremal. One of the useful tools for relating different points on the plot is vertical dimensional reduction, which is possible if periodic arrays of p-brane solitons can be constructed. This is straightforward for extremal p-branes, since the no-force condition allows arbitrary multi-centre solutions to be constructed in terms of a general harmonic function on the transverse space. This has also been shown to be possible in the special case of non-extremal black holes in D=4 arrayed along an axis. In this paper, we extend previous results to include multi-scalar black holes, and dyonic black holes. We also consider their oxidation to higher dimensions, and we discuss general procedures for constructing the solutions, and studying their symmetries.Comment: Latex, 23 page

    Scaling Cosmologies from Duality Twisted Compactifications

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    Oscillating moduli fields can support a cosmological scaling solution in the presence of a perfect fluid when the scalar field potential satisfies appropriate conditions. We examine when such conditions arise in higher-dimensional, non-linear sigma-models that are reduced to four dimensions under a generalized Scherk-Schwarz compactification. We show explicitly that scaling behaviour is possible when the higher-dimensional action exhibits a global SL(n,R) or O(2,2) symmetry. These underlying symmetries can be exploited to generate non-trivial scaling solutions when the moduli fields have non-canonical kinetic energy. We also consider the compactification of eleven-dimensional vacuum Einstein gravity on an elliptic twisted torus.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure
