537,952 research outputs found

    An hierarchical approach to hull form design

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    As ship design tools become more integrated and more advanced analysis tools are introduced, the ability to rapidly develop and modify hull forms becomes essential. Modern hull design applications give an experienced user the ability to create almost any shape of hull. However, the direct manipulation of hull surface representations is laborious and may limit the exploration of design concept to the fullest extent. Transformation of parent forms and parametric hull generation tools can provide a quick solution, but neither method is conducive for innovative design. A hull design tool is required that can integrate the separate techniques creating a fair hull form surface that can be modified easily throughout the design process. This paper explores the concept of separating the hull surface into global and local features by establishing a hierarchical definition structure and introduces some of the benefits of this approach

    Optimization of Catamaran Demihull Form in Early Stages of the Design Process

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    The amounts of research about catamaran have generated a practical formula to simplify the calculations of catamaran resistance. Ship designer will calculate the predictions of catamaran resistance rapidly. The aim of this research is focused to search the optimal demihull form where the hull form has the lowest resistance compared to other hull form models with the same displacement. To generate the different hull form, the initial hull form (parent hull) is transformed so that become some models by changing the parameter of coefficient block (Cb) in range ±10% with Lwl, T, H, volume and displacement are constant. The transformed hull form are calculated their total resistance from Froude number (Fr) 0,2 to 0,65 with spacing hull to length ratio (S/L) 0,2 to 0,4. The results of calculation show that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 where the initial hull form Cb +5%. The model has the lowest resistance compared to other models. The comparisons of resistance Model 4 with the configurations of S/L shows that the lowest resistance is S/L 0,4, so that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 with S/L 0,4

    Note on the Complexity of the Mixed-Integer Hull of a Polyhedron

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    We study the complexity of computing the mixed-integer hull conv(PZn×Rd)\operatorname{conv}(P\cap\mathbb{Z}^n\times\mathbb{R}^d) of a polyhedron PP. Given an inequality description, with one integer variable, the mixed-integer hull can have exponentially many vertices and facets in dd. For n,dn,d fixed, we give an algorithm to find the mixed integer hull in polynomial time. Given P=conv(V)P=\operatorname{conv}(V) and nn fixed, we compute a vertex description of the mixed-integer hull in polynomial time and give bounds on the number of vertices of the mixed integer hull

    The effect of lift on the wave-making resistance of multi-hull craft

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    A potential based panel method is presented to estimate the wave-making characteristics of multi-hull craft. In order to simulate the lifting potential flow around the sub-hulls, the method adopts mixed source/doublet distributions on the sub-hulls and their wake surface, while sources are distributed on the main hull and the free surface. In this way, the asymmetric flow characteristics of the sub-hull are properly simulated, i.e., a Kutta condition is satisfied at the trailing edge of the sub-hull. Comparison is made between the numerical and model experimental measurements, and a good correlation has been found. The wave-making characteristics and pressure distributions on the sub-hull predicted by the present method can differ from those based on a distribution of sources alone, especially the pressure distributions at the stern of the sub-hulls