454 research outputs found

    Very Extended E8E_8 and A8A_8 at low levels, Gravity and Supergravity

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    We define a level for a large class of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. Using this we find the representation content of very extended AD3A_{D-3} and E8E_8 (i.e. E11E_{11}) at low levels in terms of AD1A_{D-1} and A10A_{10} representations respectively. The results are consistent with the conjectured very extended A8A_8 and E11E_{11} symmetries of gravity and maximal supergravity theories given respectively in hep-th/0104081 and hep-th/0107209. We explain how these results provided further evidence for these conjectures.Comment: 16 pages, plain tex (equation 3.3 modified and one reference expanded

    Membrane Sigma-Models and Quantization of Non-Geometric Flux Backgrounds

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    We develop quantization techniques for describing the nonassociative geometry probed by closed strings in flat non-geometric R-flux backgrounds M. Starting from a suitable Courant sigma-model on an open membrane with target space M, regarded as a topological sector of closed string dynamics in R-space, we derive a twisted Poisson sigma-model on the boundary of the membrane whose target space is the cotangent bundle T^*M and whose quasi-Poisson structure coincides with those previously proposed. We argue that from the membrane perspective the path integral over multivalued closed string fields in Q-space is equivalent to integrating over open strings in R-space. The corresponding boundary correlation functions reproduce Kontsevich's deformation quantization formula for the twisted Poisson manifolds. For constant R-flux, we derive closed formulas for the corresponding nonassociative star product and its associator, and compare them with previous proposals for a 3-product of fields on R-space. We develop various versions of the Seiberg-Witten map which relate our nonassociative star products to associative ones and add fluctuations to the R-flux background. We show that the Kontsevich formula coincides with the star product obtained by quantizing the dual of a Lie 2-algebra via convolution in an integrating Lie 2-group associated to the T-dual doubled geometry, and hence clarify the relation to the twisted convolution products for topological nonassociative torus bundles. We further demonstrate how our approach leads to a consistent quantization of Nambu-Poisson 3-brackets.Comment: 52 pages; v2: references adde

    Type 2 diabetes: a cohort study of treatment, ethnic and social group influences on glycated haemoglobin.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether in people with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (HbA1c>7.5%) improvement in HbA1c varies by ethnic and social group. DESIGN: Prospective 2-year cohort of type 2 diabetes treated in general practice. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All patients with type 2 diabetes in 100 of the 101 general practices in two London boroughs. The sample consisted of an ethnically diverse group with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes aged 37-71 years in 2007 and with HbA1c recording in 2008-2009. OUTCOME MEASURE: Change from baseline HbA1c in 2007 and achievement of HbA1c control in 2008 and 2009 were estimated for each ethnic, social and treatment group using multilevel modelling. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 6104 people; 18% were white, 63% south Asian, 16% black African/Caribbean and 3% other ethnic groups. HbA1c was lower after 1 and 2 years in all ethnic groups but south Asian people received significantly less benefit from each diabetes treatment. After adjustment, south Asian people were found to have 0.14% less reduction in HbA1c compared to white people (95% CI 0.04% to 0.24%) and white people were 1.6 (95% CI 1.2 to 2.0) times more likely to achieve HbA1c controlled to 7.5% or less relative to south Asian people. HbA1c reduction and control in black African/Caribbean and white people did not differ significantly. There was no evidence that social deprivation influenced HbA1c reduction or control in this cohort. CONCLUSIONS: In all treatment groups, south Asian people with poorly controlled diabetes are less likely to achieve controlled HbA1c, with less reduction in mean HbA1c than white or black African/Caribbean people

    A ten-dimensional action for non-geometric fluxes

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    The NSNS Lagrangian of ten-dimensional supergravity is rewritten via a change of field variables inspired by Generalized Complex Geometry. We obtain a new metric and dilaton, together with an antisymmetric bivector field which leads to a ten-dimensional version of the non-geometric Q-flux. Given the involved global aspects of non-geometric situations, we prescribe to use this new Lagrangian, whose associated action is well-defined in some examples investigated here. This allows us to perform a standard dimensional reduction and to recover the usual contribution of the Q-flux to the four-dimensional scalar potential. An extension of this work to include the R-flux is discussed. The paper also contains a brief review on non-geometry.Comment: 47 pages; v2: minor modifications, references added, version to be published in JHE

    T-Duality as a Duality of Loop Group Bundles

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    Representing the data of a string compactified on a circle in the background of H-flux in terms of the geometric data of a principal loop group bundle, we show that T-duality in type II string theory can be understood as the interchange of the momentum and winding homomorphisms of the principal loop group bundle, thus giving rise to a new interpretation of T-duality.Comment: 8 pages, latex 2e, new reference added, J.Phys.A: Fast Track Publications (to appear

    Duality Invariant Actions and Generalised Geometry

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    We construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E(11) and its first fundamental representation at lowest order and appropriate to spacetime dimensions four to seven. This leads to a non-linear realisation of the duality groups and introduces fields that depend on a generalised space which possess a generalised vielbein. We focus on the part of the generalised space on which the duality groups alone act and construct an invariant action.Comment: 59 pages (typos fixed and added comments

    Sexual vulnerability and HIV seroprevalence among the deaf and hearing impaired in Cameroon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This quantitative cross-sectional study examines sexual behaviour of a target group of hearing-impaired persons in Yaounde, the capital city of the Republic of Cameroon. It measures their HIV prevalence to enable assessment of their sexual vulnerability and to help reduce the gap in existing HIV serology data among people with disabilities in general and the deaf in particular.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The snowball sampling procedure was adopted as an adequate approach to meet this hard-to-reach group. A total of 118 deaf participants were interviewed for the behavioural component, using sign language as a means of data collection, while 101 participants underwent HIV serology testing. Descriptive analyses were done for behavioural data with Epi info software, while sera were tested by health personnel, using rapid and confirmation test reagents.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the results, it was clear that the hearing impaired were highly involved in risky sexual practices, as observed through major sexual indicators, such as: age at first sexual intercourse; condom use; and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and AIDS. Furthermore, it was noted that the HIV prevalence rate of the hearing impaired in the capital of Cameroon was 4%, close to the prevalence in the city's general population (4.7%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Such results suggest that there is a need for in-depth behavioural research and serological studies in this domain to better understand the determinants of risky sexual behaviour among the hearing impaired, and to propose operational prevention approaches for this group.</p