51 research outputs found

    Oncolytic adenovirus: strategies and insights for vector design and immuno-oncolytic applications

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    Adenoviruses (Ad) are commonly used both experimentally and clinically, including oncolytic virotherapy applications. In the clinical area, efficacy is frequently hampered by the high rates of neutralizing immunity, estimated as high as 90% in some populations that promote vector clearance and limit bioavailability for tumor targeting following systemic delivery. Active tumor targeting is also hampered by the ubiquitous nature of the Ad5 receptor, hCAR, as well as the lack of highly tumor-selective targeting ligands and suitable targeting strategies. Furthermore, significant off-target interactions between the viral vector and cellular and proteinaceous components of the bloodstream have been documented that promote uptake into non-target cells and determine dose-limiting toxicities. Novel strategies are therefore needed to overcome the obstacles that prevent efficacious Ad deployment for wider clinical applications. The use of less seroprevalent Ad serotypes, non-human serotypes, capsid pseudotyping, chemical shielding and genetic masking by heterologous peptide incorporation are all potential strategies to achieve efficient vector escape from humoral immune recognition. Conversely, selective vector arming with immunostimulatory agents can be utilized to enhance their oncolytic potential by activation of cancer-specific immune responses against the malignant tissues. This review presents recent advantages and pitfalls occurring in the field of adenoviral oncolytic therapies

    Protein kinase Cα (PKCα) Regulates Bone Architecture and Osteoblast Activity*

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    Bones' strength is achieved and maintained through adaptation to load bearing. The role of the protein kinase PKCα in this process has not been previously reported. However, we observed a phenotype in the long bones of Prkca−/− female but not male mice, in which bone tissue progressively invades the medullary cavity in the mid-diaphysis. This bone deposition progresses with age and is prevented by disuse but unaffected by ovariectomy. Castration of male Prkca−/− but not WT mice results in the formation of small amounts of intramedullary bone. Osteoblast differentiation markers and Wnt target gene expression were up-regulated in osteoblast-like cells derived from cortical bone of female Prkca−/− mice compared with WT. Additionally, although osteoblastic cells derived from WT proliferate following exposure to estradiol or mechanical strain, those from Prkca−/− mice do not. Female Prkca−/− mice develop splenomegaly and reduced marrow GBA1 expression reminiscent of Gaucher disease, in which PKC involvement has been suggested previously. From these data, we infer that in female mice, PKCα normally serves to prevent endosteal bone formation stimulated by load bearing. This phenotype appears to be suppressed by testicular hormones in male Prkca−/− mice. Within osteoblastic cells, PKCα enhances proliferation and suppresses differentiation, and this regulation involves the Wnt pathway. These findings implicate PKCα as a target gene for therapeutic approaches in low bone mass conditions

    Identification of folate receptor α (FRα) binding oligopeptides and their evaluation for targeted virotherapy applications

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    Oncolytic virotherapies (OV) based on human adenoviral (HAdV) vectors hold significant promise for the treatment of advanced ovarian cancers where local, intraperitoneal delivery to tumour metastases is feasible, bypassing many complexities associated with intravascular delivery. The efficacy of HAdV-C5-based OV is hampered by a lack of tumour selectivity, where the primary receptor, hCAR, is commonly downregulated during malignant transformation. Conversely, folate receptor alpha (FRα) is highly expressed on ovarian cancer cells, providing a compelling target for tumour selective delivery of virotherapies. Here, we identify high-affinity FRα-binding oligopeptides for genetic incorporation into HAdV-C5 vectors. Biopanning identified a 12-mer linear peptide, DWSSWVYRDPQT, and two 7-mer cysteine-constrained peptides, CIGNSNTLC and CTVRTSAEC that bound FRα in the context of the phage particle. Synthesised lead peptide, CTVRTSAEC, bound specifically to FRα and could be competitively inhibited with folic acid. To assess the capacity of the elucidated FRα-binding oligopeptides to target OV to FRα, we genetically incorporated the peptides into the HAdV-C5 fiber-knob HI loop including in vectors genetically ablated for hCAR interactions. Unfortunately, the recombinant vectors failed to efficiently target transduction via FRα due to defective intracellular trafficking following entry via FRα, indicating that whilst the peptides identified may have potential for applications for targeted drug delivery, they require additional refinement for targeted virotherapy applications

    Histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A sensitises cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells to oncolytic adenovirus

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    Ovarian cancer is often termed a silent killer due to the late onset of symptoms. Whilst patients initially respond to chemotherapy, they rapidly develop chemo-resistance. Oncolytic adenoviruses (OAds) are promising anti-cancer agents engineered to “hijack” the unique molecular machinery of cancer cells enabling tumour-selective viral replication. This allows spread to adjacent cells and amplification of oncolysis within the tumour. OAds represent an excellent opportunity for ovarian cancer therapy via intra-peritoneal delivery, however the efficacy of OAds thus far is limited. Here, we evaluate chromatin (histone) modification in chemo-resistant cells and its relationship to Ad efficacy (wild-type or oncolytic Ad). In contrast to cisplatin-sensitive A2780 cells that show an efficient reduction of cell viability by Ad in the presence of cisplatin, cisplatin-resistant A2780/cp70 cells show diminishing Ad-mediated reduction of cell viability with escalating doses of cisplatin. Histone deacetylase (HDAC)-2 and to a lesser extent HDAC1 were up-regulated in cisplatin-resistant but not cisplatin-sensitive cells. Cisplatin-resistant cells treated with a pan-HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TsA) significantly enhanced Ad-mediated reduction of cell viability in the presence of cisplatin. Cells treated with TsA alone did not reduce cell viability suggesting these findings are Ad-dependent. Thus, we identify HDAC inhibition as a potential means to sensitise cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells to virotherapies, an observation that may offer improved outcomes for patients with late stage, chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer

    CD4 + T cells recognize conserved influenza A epitopes through shared patterns of V-Gene usage and complementary biochemical features

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    T cell recognition of peptides presented by human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) is mediated by the highly variable T cell receptor (TCR). Despite this built-in TCR variability, individuals can mount immune responses against viral epitopes by using identical or highly related TCRs expressed on CD8+ T cells. Characterization of these TCRs has extended our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern the recognition of peptide-HLA. However, few examples exist for CD4+ T cells. Here, we investigate CD4+ T cell responses to the internal proteins of the influenza A virus that correlate with protective immunity. We identify five internal epitopes that are commonly recognized by CD4+ T cells in five HLA-DR1+ subjects and show conservation across viral strains and zoonotic reservoirs. TCR repertoire analysis demonstrates several shared gene usage biases underpinned by complementary biochemical features evident in a structural comparison. These epitopes are attractive targets for vaccination and other T cell therapies

    A pseudotyped adenovirus serotype 5 vector with serotype 49 fiber knob is an effective vector for vaccine and gene therapy applications

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    Adenoviruses (Ads) have demonstrated significant success as replication-deficient (RD) viral vectored vaccines, as well as broad potential across gene therapy and cancer therapy. Ad vectors transduce human cells via direct interactions between the viral fiber knob and cell surface receptors, with secondary cellular integrin interactions. Ad receptor usage is diverse across the extensive phylogeny. Commonly studied human Ad serotype 5 (Ad5), and chimpanzee Ad-derived vector “ChAdOx1” in licensed ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, both form primary interactions with the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), which is expressed on human epithelial cells and erythrocytes. CAR usage is suboptimal for targeted gene delivery to cells with low/negative CAR expression, including human dendritic cells (DCs) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). We evaluated the performance of an RD Ad5 vector pseudotyped with the fiber knob of human Ad serotype 49, termed Ad5/49K vector. Ad5/49K demonstrated superior transduction of murine and human DCs over Ad5, which translated into significantly increased T cell immunogenicity when evaluated in a mouse cancer vaccine model using 5T4 tumor-associated antigen. Additionally, Ad5/49K exhibited enhanced transduction of primary human VSMCs. These data highlight the potential of Ad5/49K vector for both vascular gene therapy applications and as a potent vaccine vector

    Cancer antigen discovery is enabled by RNA-sequencing of highly purified malignant and non-malignant cells

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    Purpose: Broadly expressed, highly differentiated tumor-associated antigens (TAA) can elicit anti-tumor immunity. However, vaccines targeting TAAs have demonstrated disappointing clinical results, reflecting poor antigen selection and/or immunosuppressive mechanisms. Experimental design: Here, a panel of widely expressed, novel colorectal TAAs were identified by performing RNA sequencing of highly purified colorectal tumor cells in comparison to patient-matched colonic epithelial cells; tumor cell purification was essential to reveal these genes. Candidate TAA protein expression was confirmed by immunohistochemistry, and pre-existing T cell immunogenicity towards these antigens tested. Results: The most promising candidate for further development is DNAJB7 [DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B7], identified here as a novel cancer-testis antigen. It is expressed in many tumors and is strongly immunogenic in patients with cancers originating from a variety of sites. DNAJB7-specific T cells were capable of killing colorectal tumor lines in vitro, and the IFN-gamma+ response was markedly magnified by control of immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide in cancer patients. Conclusion: This study highlights how prior methods that sequence whole tumor fractions (i.e. inclusive of alive/dead stromal cells) for antigen identification may have limitations. Through tumor cell purification and sequencing, novel candidate TAAs have been identified for future immunotherapeutic targeting

    T cell phenotypes in COVID-19 - a living review

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    COVID-19 is characterized by profound lymphopenia in the peripheral blood, and the remaining T cells display altered phenotypes, characterized by a spectrum of activation and exhaustion. However, antigen-specific T cell responses are emerging as a crucial mechanism for both clearance of the virus and as the most likely route to long-lasting immune memory that would protect against re-infection. Therefore, T cell responses are also of considerable interest in vaccine development. Furthermore, persistent alterations in T cell subset composition and function post-infection have important implications for patients’ long-term immune function. In this review, we examine T cell phenotypes, including those of innate T cells, in both peripheral blood and lungs, and consider how key markers of activation and exhaustion correlate with, and may be able to predict, disease severity. We focus on SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells to elucidate markers that may indicate formation of antigen-specific T cell memory. We also examine peripheral T cell phenotypes in recovery and the likelihood of long-lasting immune disruption. Finally, we discuss T cell phenotypes in the lung as important drivers of both virus clearance and tissue damage. As our knowledge of the adaptive immune response to COVID-19 rapidly evolves, it has become clear that while some areas of the T cell response have been investigated in some detail, others, such as the T cell response in children remain largely unexplored. Therefore, this review will also highlight areas where T cell phenotypes require urgent characterisation

    The role and uses of antibodies in COVID-19 infections: a living review

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 has generated a rapidly evolving field of research, with the global scientific community striving for solutions to the current pandemic. Characterizing humoral responses towards SARS-CoV-2, as well as closely related strains, will help determine whether antibodies are central to infection control, and aid the design of therapeutics and vaccine candidates. This review outlines the major aspects of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody research to date, with a focus on the various prophylactic and therapeutic uses of antibodies to alleviate disease in addition to the potential of cross-reactive therapies and the implications of long-term immunity

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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