165 research outputs found

    A Series of Smooth Irregular Varieties in Projective Space

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    One of the simplest examples of a smooth, non degenerate surface in P^4 is the quintic elliptic scroll. It can be constructed from an elliptic normal curve E by joining every point on E with the translation of this point by a non-zero 2-torsion point. The same construction can be applied when E is replaced by a (lineaerly normally embedded) abelian variety A. In this paper we ask the question when the resulting scroll Y is smooth. If A is an abelian surface embedded by a line bundle L of type (d_1,d_2) and r=d_1d_2, then we prove that for general A the scroll Y is smooth if r is at least 7 with the one exception where r=8 and the 2-torsion point is in the kernel K(L) of L. In this case Y is singular.The case r=7 is particularly interesting, since then Y is a smooth threefold in P^6 with irregularity 2. The existence of this variety seems not to have been noticed before. One can also show that the case of the quintic elliptic scroll and the above case are the only possibilities where Y is smooth and the codimension of Y is at most half the dimension of the surrounding projective space.Comment: 23 pages, Plain Tex. Some corrections made. To appear: Annali Sc. Norm. Sup. di Pis

    The Modular Form of the Barth-Nieto Quintic

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    Barth and Nieto have found a remarkable quintic threefold which parametrizes Heisenberg invariant Kummer surfaces which belong to abelian surfaces with a (1,3)-polarization and a lecel 2 structure. A double cover of this quintic, which is also a Calabi-Yau variety, is birationally equivalent to the moduli space {\cal A}_3(2) of abelian surfaces with a (1,3)-polarization and a level 2 structure. As a consequence the corresponding paramodular group \Gamma_3(2) has a unique cusp form of weight 3. In this paper we find this cusp form which is \Delta_1^3. The form \Delta_1 is a remarkable weight 1 cusp form with a character with respect to the paramodular group \Gamma_3. It has several interesting properties. One is that it admits an infinite product representation, the other is that it vanishes of order 1 along the diagonal in Siegel space. In fact \Delta_1 is an element of a short series of modular forms with this last property. Using the fact that \Delta_1 is a weight 3 cusp form with respect to the group \Gamma_3(2) we give an independent construction of a smooth projective Calabi-Yau model of the moduli space {\cal A}_3(2).Comment: 20 pages, Latex2e RIMS Preprint 120

    Moduli spaces of polarised symplectic O'Grady varieties and Borcherds products

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    We study moduli spaces of O'Grady's ten-dimensional irreducible symplectic manifolds. These moduli spaces are covers of modular varieties of dimension 21, namely quotients of hermitian symmetric domains by a suitable arithmetic group. The interesting and new aspect of this case is that the group in question is strictly bigger than the stable orthogonal group. This makes it different from both the K3 and the K3^[n] case, which are of dimension 19 and 20 respectively

    Abelianisation of orthogonal groups and the fundamental group of modular varieties

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    We study the commutator subgroup of integral orthogonal groups belonging to indefinite quadratic forms. We show that the index of this commutator is 2 for many groups that occur in the construction of moduli spaces in algebraic geometry, in particular the moduli of K3 surfaces. We give applications to modular forms and to computing the fundamental groups of some moduli spaces