7 research outputs found

    The heading-date of the mutant and wild type for different photoperiod and temperature treatments.

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    <p><i>lf1132</i> and wild type plants were planted in the CNRRI experimental fields, and two week old seedlings were transferred to phytotrons with different photoperiod and temperature treatments. The heading-date for each treatment was observed and recorded for at least 10 plants. Four phytotrons were used: LD, 27°C phytotron; LD, 23°C phytotron; SD, 27°C phytotron; SD, 23°C phytotron; A: the heading-date under different photoperiods and temperatures; B: The velocity ratio of leaf growth (VRL) for the mutant and wild type under different photoperiods (SD and LD) and temperatures (27°C, 23°C). LD treatment: 14.5 h light and 9.5 h dark; SD treatment: 11.5 h light and 12.5 h dark.</p

    Sequence analysis of <i>Hd1</i> in <i>lf1132</i> and wild type.

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    <p>A: The sequence differences between wild type and <i>lf1132</i>. The black triangle represents insertion; vertical lines represent single-base substitutions; blue vertical lines and numbers are relative positions in <i>hd1-3</i>. SEF and SER shown by arrows are primers to detect the 315 bp insertion. B: PCR detection of the 315 bp insertion on the <i>hd1-3</i> locus for <i>lf1132</i>. C: The expression of <i>Hd1</i> in the wild type and mutant. Leaves were harvested from 30 day old seedlings at the indicated times (once every 3 h for 24 h) in natural fields (day-length is about 14 h light and 10 h dark) and RT-PCR was carried out for the analysis of <i>Hd1</i> expression. Primer pairs HD1F and HD1R were used for the analysis of <i>Hd1</i> expression in RT-PCR. D: Deduced amino acid sequence of the Hd1 and deduced lf1132 proteins. The black line indicates the zinc-finger domain; asterisks are amino acid substitutions between the Nipponbare Hd1 protein and the deduced lf1132 protein. E: the linkage analysis of the mutant and <i>Hd1</i> locus. P<sub>1</sub> is Zhonghua 11; P<sub>2</sub> is <i>lf1132</i>.</p

    <i>Hd1</i> expression under different photoperiods and temperatures.

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    <p>Leaves were harvested from 33 day old plants at the indicated times (once every 4 h for 24 h) in phytotrons, and real-time PCR was carried out for analysis of <i>Hd1</i>. M is <i>lf1132</i>; WT is Zhonghua 11.</p

    <i>Hd3a</i> expression under different photoperiods and temperatures.

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    <p>Leaves were harvested from 33 day old plants at the indicated times (once every 4 h for 24 h) in phytotrons, and real-time PCR was carried out for the analysis of <i>Hd3a</i> expression. M is <i>lf1132</i>; WT is Zhonghua 11. A, B, C, D are the <i>Hd3a</i> expression profiles under high temperature and low temperature; A: wild type under LD condition; B: wild type under SD condition; C: mutant under LD condition; D: mutant under SD condition. E and F are the <i>Hd3a</i> expression profiles for the wild type and mutant under different photoperiods at high temperature; E: wild type; F: mutant. G presents the <i>Hd3a</i> expression profile of the mutant and wild type under LD conditions.</p

    The phenotype of the mutant.

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    <p>A: the phenotype of the mutant and wild type, M is mutant <i>lf1132</i>; WT is Zhonghua 11. B: the panicle length and internode length for mutants and wild type. 15 total plants were investigated from five repeats containing three individuals. C: The heading-date of the wild type and mutant on different sowing-dates. Wild type and mutant were planted in the CNRRI experimental field, Zhejiang province on six sowing-dates from 15, May to 21, July 2007. D: The change in photoperiod during different sowing-dates. E: The change in temperature (mean value of everyday temperature) during different sowing-dates. Red box indicates the temperature of the heading period at the last sowing-date, 21, July.</p

    The effect of different photoperiods and temperatures on heading-date.

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    <p>Notes: Zhonghua 11 and <i>lf1132</i> were grown in phytotrons with four different treatments. Heading-date was investigated at least 10 plants for each treatment.</p

    Leaf number of mutant and wild type in different photoperiod treatments and temperature treatments.

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    <p>Notes: Zhonghua 11(wild type) and <i>lf1132</i> (mutant) were grown in phytotrons with four different treatments. The main-stem leaf number was investigated at least 10 plants for each treatment in four phytotrons.</p