631 research outputs found

    El Arte como Medio para Facilitar el Bilingüismo y Biculturalismo: Sugerencias desde una Revisión de la Literatura

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    This review of the literature critically explores the avenues to learning that visual art offers teachers and especially those with second language learners in their classrooms. The article is divided into seven sections in which the authors present research findings supporting the premise that learners’ cognitive processes are facilitated by images. Research cited strongly suggests visual art in instructional design helps students learn about world cultures, is an effective pre-writing activity, facilitates second language acquisition, and promotes biliteracy.Esta revisión de la literatura explora críticamente los caminos al aprendizaje que el arte visual provee a  los maestros,  especialmente a  los que tienen estudiantes que están aprendiendo  un segundo idioma en sus aulas. El artículo está dividido en siete secciones, en las cuales el autor presenta resultados de investigaciones previas que apoyan la premisa de que las imágenes visuales facilitan los procesos cognitivos de los estudiantes.  Las investigaciones citadas indican claramente que a los estudiantes les beneficia  dibujar e involucrarse en actividades visuales antes de redactar,  lo cual facilita la adquisición de un segundo idioma y  promueve  la alfabetización en la primera y segunda lengua

    Fluid-rock interaction during high-grade metamorphism: instructive examples from the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex, South Africa

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    The Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex documents strong evidence that CO2-rich (XCO2=0.7–0.9, XH2O= 0.1–0.3) and brine fluids of greatly reduced water activity interacted with cooling metapelitic granulite during the thrust-controlled emplacement at 2.69–2.62 Ga onto the granite-greenstone terrain of the northern Kaapvaal Craton. Interaction of cooling metapelitic granulite with CO2-rich fluids at T 900°C, P > 7.5 kbar. Interaction of hot melt with metapelitic granulite continued until final emplacement in the middle crust (P = 6 kbar, T = 630°C). Brine fluids also initiated shear zone-hosted metasomatism of quartzo-feldspathic gneisses at T between 600 and 900°C and amphibolite-facies lode-gold mineralization. Available data implicate devolatilization of underthrusted greenstone material as the dominant deep crustal source for infiltrating CO2-rich and brine fluids

    A Method to Determine the In-Air Spatial Spread of Clinical Electron Beams

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    We propose and analyze in detail a method to measure the in-air spatial spread parameter of clinical electron beams. Measurements are performed at the center of the beam and below the adjustable collimators sited in asymmetrical configuration in order to avoid the distortions due to the presence of the applicator. The main advantage of our procedure lies in the fact that the dose profiles are fitted by means of a function which includes, additionally to the Gaussian step usually considered, a background which takes care of the dose produced by different mechanisms that the Gaussian model does not account for. As a result, the spatial spread is obtained directly from the fitting procedure and the accuracy permits a good determination of the angular spread. The way the analysis is done is alternative to that followed by the usual methods based on the evaluation of the penumbra width. Besides, the spatial spread found shows the quadratic-cubic dependence with the distance to the source predicted by the Fermi-Eyges theory. However, the corresponding values obtained for the scattering power are differing from those quoted by ICRU nr. 35 by a factor ~2 or larger, what requires of a more detailed investigation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 Postscript figures, to be published in Medical Physic

    Deformation effects in the 28^{28}Si+12^{12}C and 28^{28}Si+28^{28}Si reaction Search

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    The possible occurence of highly deformed configurations is investigated in the 40^{40}Ca and 56^{56}Ni di-nuclear systems as formed in the 28^{28}Si+12^{12}C,28^{28}Si reactions by using the properties of emitted light charged particles. Inclusive as well as exclusive data of the heavy fragments and their associated light charged particles have been collected by using the {\sc ICARE} charged particle multidetector array. The data are analysed by Monte Carlo CASCADE statistical-model calculations using a consistent set of parameters with spin-dependent level densities. Significant deformation effects at high spin are observed as well as an unexpected large 8^{8}Be cluster emission of a binary nature.Comment: 3 pages latex, 2 eps figures, paper presented in "wokshop on physics with multidetector array (pmda2000)Calcutta, India (to be published at PRAMANA, journal of Physics, India
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