2 research outputs found

    Crosscaps, Boundaries and T-duality

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    Open descendants with boundaries and crosscaps of non-trivial automorphism type are studied. We focus on the case where the bulk symmetry is broken to a Z 2 orbifold subalgebra. By requiring positivity and integrality for the open sector, we derive a unique crosscap of automorphism type g 2 Z 2 and a corresponding g-twisted Klein bottle for a charge conjugation invariant. As a specic example, we use T-duality to construct the descendants of the true diagonal invariant with symmetry preserving crosscaps and boundaries. 1 Introduction The general prescription to construct open unoriented strings from closed oriented ones is known as the method of open descendants [1]. It is not limited to circle compactications and orbifolds of circles, as orientifolds are. In short, one has to nd a set of crosscap and boundary coecients from which one can calculate the Klein bottle, annulus and M\u7fobius strip partition function that together with the torus generate the full spectrum of the ope..


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    textabstractThe Assessment of Daily Activity Performance (ADAP) test has been developed to measure the physical capacity of older adults to carry out instrumental activities of daily living (ADL). The present study explores the option to create a less time-consuming short version of the ADAP that can be completed in the individual's home environment and that imposes less of a physical burden. Data from 141 independently living women aged 70 and older were analyzed using principal components analysis (PCA). PCA identified two factors, on which 10 of the original 21 items had loaded sufficiently to be eligible for inclusion in a short version. The ADAP short version is considerably shorter than the original test and provides a good representation of the constructs being measured. More research is necessary to develop a short version of the ADAP that is easily applicable in the home environment of older adult