73 research outputs found

    De binding aan bevoegdhedenovereenkomsten in het ruimtelijke ordeningsrecht

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    Air cavities at the inner cylinder of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow

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    Air cavities, i.e. air layers developed behind cavitators, are seen as a promising drag reducing method in the maritime industry. Here we utilize the Taylor-Couette (TC) geometry, i.e. the flow between two concentric, independently rotating cylinders, to study the effect of air cavities in this closed setup, which is well-accessible for drag measurements and optical flow visualizations. We show that stable air cavities can be formed, and that the cavity size increases with Reynolds number and void fraction. The streamwise cavity length strongly depends on the axial position due to buoyancy forces acting on the air. Strong secondary flows, which are introduced by a counter-rotating outer cylinder, clearly decrease the stability of the cavities, as air is captured in the Taylor rolls rather than in the cavity. Surprisingly, we observed that local air injection is not necessary to sustain the air cavities; as long as air is present in the system it is found to be captured in the cavity. We show that the drag is decreased significantly as compared to the case without air, but with the geometric modifications imposed on the TC system by the cavitators. As the void fraction increases, the drag of the system is decreased. However, the cavitators itself significantly increase the drag due to their hydrodynamic resistance (pressure drag): In fact, a net drag increase is found when compared to the standard smooth-wall TC case. Therefore, one must first overcome the added drag created by the cavitators before one obtains a net drag reduction.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    The influence of wall roughness on bubble drag reduction in Taylor-Couette turbulence

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    We experimentally study the influence of wall roughness on bubble drag reduction in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow, i.e.\ the flow between two concentric, independently rotating cylinders. We measure the drag in the system for the cases with and without air, and add roughness by installing transverse ribs on either one or both of the cylinders. For the smooth wall case (no ribs) and the case of ribs on the inner cylinder only, we observe strong drag reduction up to DR=33%DR=33\% and DR=23%DR=23\%, respectively, for a void fraction of α=6%\alpha=6\%. However, with ribs mounted on both cylinders or on the outer cylinder only, the drag reduction is weak, less than DR=11%DR=11\%, and thus quite close to the trivial effect of reduced effective density. Flow visualizations show that stable turbulent Taylor vortices --- large scale vortical structures --- are induced in these two cases, i.e. the cases with ribs on the outer cylinder. These strong secondary flows move the bubbles away from the boundary layer, making the bubbles less effective than what had previously been observed for the smooth-wall case. Measurements with counter-rotating smooth cylinders, a regime in which pronounced Taylor rolls are also induced, confirm that it is really the Taylor vortices that weaken the bubble drag reduction mechanism. Our findings show that, although bubble drag reduction can indeed be effective for smooth walls, its effect can be spoiled by e.g.\ biofouling and omnipresent wall roughness, as the roughness can induce strong secondary flows.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Enhancing thermal mixing in turbulent bubbly flow by adding salt

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    The presence of bubbles in a turbulent flow changes the flow drastically and enhances the mixing. Adding salt to the bubbly aqueous flow changes the bubble coalescence properties as compared to pure water. Here we provide direct experimental evidence that also the turbulent thermal energy spectra are strongly changed. Experiments were performed in the Twente Mass and Heat Transfer water tunnel,in which we can measure the thermal spectra in bubbly turbulence in salty water. We find that the mean bubble diameter decreases with increasing concentration of salt (NaCl), due to the inhibition of bubble coalescence. With increasing salinity, the transition frequency from the classical −5/3-5/3 scaling of the thermal energy spectrum to the bubble induced −3-3 scaling shifts to higher frequencies, thus enhancing the overall thermal energy. We relate this frequency shift to the smaller size of the bubbles for the salty bubbly flow. Finally we measure the heat transport in the bubbly flow, and show how it varies with changing void fraction and salinity: Increases in both result into increases in the number of extreme events.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to International Journal of Multiphase Flo

    Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden 19 november 2019, AB 2020/116 (Overheidsverkoop, mededinging, gelijke kansen)

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    Vordering om Gemeente te verbieden de gemeentehuislocatie te leveren zonder appellant en andere gegadigden ook in de gelegenheid te stellen deze locatie te verwerven. Verplichting tot het bieden van mededingingsruimte? Schaars recht? Gelijkheidsbeginsel. Zorgvuldigheidsbeginsel. Algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur. Geen aanbestedingsplichtige opdracht. Geen staatssteun

    Enhancing thermal mixing in turbulent bubbly flow by inhibiting bubble coalescence

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    The presence of bubbles in a turbulent flow changes the flow drastically and enhances the mixing. Adding salt to the bubbly aqueous flow changes the bubble coalescence properties as compared to regular demineralized water. Here we provide direct experimental evidence that also the turbulent thermal energy spectra are strongly changed. Experiments were performed in the Twente Mass and Heat Transfer water tunnel, in which we can measure the thermal spectra in bubbly turbulence in salty water. We find that the mean bubble diameter decreases with increasing concentration of salt (NaCl), due to the inhibition of bubble coalescence. With increasing salinity, the transition frequency from the classical −5/3 scaling of the thermal energy spectrum to the bubble induced −3 scaling shifts to higher frequencies, thus enhancing the overall thermal energy. We relate this frequency shift to the smaller size of the bubbles for the salty bubbly flow. Finally we measure the heat transport in the bubbly flow, and show how it varies with changing void fraction and salinity: Increases in both result into increases in the number of extreme events.</p
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