7 research outputs found

    "A continuous awaking movement". Note sul choreocinema di Maya Deren

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    Maya Deren ha prodotto tra gli anni quaranta e la metà degli anni cinquanta del secolo scorso un cinema visionario in cui la danza e i danzatori diventano i protagonisti della trasfigurazione del reale in arte, del viaggio dal mondo visibile a quello invisibile delle forme sottili dell’inconscio e della mente. Il saggio si incentra sul ciclo di film di Maya Deren che John Martin, critico di danza del New York Times e teorico di punta della modern dance, definì come choreocinema: >, soffermandosi principalmente su A Study in Choreography for Camera del 1945 che Deren creò collaborando con il danzatore afro-americano Talley Beatty

    Impact of anti-<i>C</i>. <i>sinensis</i> treatment on antiviral therapies in co-infected patients.

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    <p>Elevated liver transaminases (including AST, ALT and TB) and HBV DNA copies in the plasma of co-infected patients were detected after receiving combination treatment ETV and PZQ or not. (A) AST and (B) ALT and (C) TB were measured in plasma. (D) HBV DNA levels were measured by RT-PCR. Symbols show individual measurements within the patient groups, and the graphs show the means ± SD. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between NONPZQ and PZQ groups, as measured by paired, two-tailed Student's t-test (*<i>p</i> <0.05, ** <i>p</i> <0.01)</p

    Detection of HBV-DNA copies in PBMC culture supernatant.

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    <p>HBV DNA was detected by FQ-PCR in the supernatant of the PBMCs incubated with mixtures of ESP and HBV positive serum or HBV positive serum only, or ESPs only. Medium alone served as a control. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between HBV positive sera only and mixtures of HBV positive sera and ESPs, as measured by paired, two-tailed Student's t-test (** <i>p</i> <0.01).</p

    mRNA levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokines secreted by stimulated PBMCs.

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    <p>Total RNAs from PBMCs stimulated by mixtures of ESP and HBV positive serum, HBV positive serum only, or ESPs only were extracted for reverse transcription using cytokine gene-specific primers for Th1 cytokine (A) including IL-2 and IFN-γ and Th2 cytokines (B) including IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 and human β-actin. The relative expression of each cytokine was detected by quantitative real-time RT-PCR and normalized relative to β-actin expression. Medium only served as a control. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM (*<i>p</i> <0.05, ** <i>p</i> <0.01, *** <i>p</i> <0.001).</p

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Sequence analysis and characterization of pyruvate kinase from Clonorchis sinensis, a 53.1-kDa homopentamer, implicated immune protective efficacy against clonorchiasis

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    Putative tertiary modelling of CsPK. K+ and Mg2+ ions are shown as grey and black spheres, respectively. The N-terminal domain is shown in black. a Ribbon drawing of superposed structure models of CsHK (darker tone) and truncated TgPK1 (lighter tone). The A, B, and C domains of CsHK are shown in blue, red and green, respectively. The catalytic site at the interface of domains A and B and the allosteric site in domain C are highlighted. b Ribbon representation of F16BP (red stick) binding sites of human PK-M2 (lighter tone). S434, S437 (yellow stick), W482 (magenta stick), and R489 (orange stick), which interact with the phosphate moieties, are indicated. The putative corresponding structure of CsPK (darker tone) is shown in panel c. In the active site signature of PK, I267 and S269 (dark red sticks) are replaced by L205 and A207 (blue-violet sticks) in CsHK. Oxalate is indicated as a ball model. d Ribbon representation of the K+-PK-MgIIoxalate-MgIIATP complex closed active site (rabbit PK-M1). ATP, oxalate, and significant residues are shown as red, magenta, and yellow sticks, respectively. e Ribbon drawing of the superposition between the A domains of CsPK with the closed rabbit PK-M1 in complex with ATP and oxalate (dark and lighter tones, respectively). The corresponding significant residues of CsPK are shown in orange (stick). K+ and Mg2+ ions, ATP and oxalate, are shown for reference, with their positions derived from a superposition with 1A49. f Ribbon drawing of superposed structural models of CsPK (darker tone) and LmPYK-suramin (lighter tone) complexed with glycerol (magenta stick) and suramin (an inhibitor of T. brucei glycolytic enzymes, red stick). g Enlargement of the active site of the LmPYK-suramin structure. Significant residues are coloured yellow (stick). The putative corresponding structure of CsPK is shown in panel h. The corresponding significant residues of CsPK are coloured orange (stick). (TIFF 2964 kb