364 research outputs found

    Role of androgen and gonadotrophins in the development and function of the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells: data from mutant and genetically modified mice

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    Development and maintenance of the male phenotype and establishment of fertility are all dependent upon the activity of the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells of the testis. This review examines the regulation and function of these cell during fetal and post-natal development. Fetal Leydig cells are sensitive to both luteinising hormone (LH) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) but Leydig cell function appears normal in fetal mice lacking both hormones or their receptors. Post-natally, the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells are reliant upon the pituitary gonadotrophins. Leydig cells are critically dependent on LH but follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), presumably acting through the Sertoli cell, can also affect Leydig cell function. Testosterone secreted by the Leydig cells acts with FSH to stimulate Sertoli cell activity and spermatogenesis. Study of animals lacking FSH-receptors and androgen-receptors shows that both hormones can act to maintain the meiotic germ cell population but that androgens are critical for completion of meiosis

    Temporal reprogramming of calcium signalling via crosstalk of gonadotrophin receptors that associate as functionally asymmetric heteromers.

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    Signal crosstalk between distinct G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is one mechanism that underlies pleiotropic signalling. Such crosstalk is also pertinent for GPCRs activated by gonadotrophic hormones; follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), with specific relevance to female reproduction. Here, we demonstrate that gonadotrophin receptor crosstalk alters LH-induced Gαq/11-calcium profiles. LH-induced calcium signals in both heterologous and primary human granulosa cells were prolonged by FSHR coexpression via influx of extracellular calcium in a receptor specific manner. LHR/FSHR crosstalk involves Gαq/11 activation as a Gαq/11 inhibitor abolished calcium responses. Interestingly, the enhanced LH-mediated calcium signalling induced by FSHR co-expression was dependent on intracellular calcium store release and involved Gβγ. Biophysical analysis of receptor and Gαq interactions indicated that ligand-dependent association between LHR and Gαq was rearranged in the presence of FSHR, enabling FSHR to closely associate with Gαq following LHR activation. This suggests that crosstalk may occur via close associations as heteromers. Super-resolution imaging revealed that LHR and FSHR formed constitutive heteromers at the plasma membrane. Intriguingly, the ratio of LHR:FSHR in heterotetramers was specifically altered following LH treatment. We propose that functionally significant FSHR/LHR crosstalk reprograms LH-mediated calcium signalling at the interface of receptor-G protein via formation of asymmetric complexes

    Targeted expression of human FSH receptor Asp567Gly mutant mRNA in testis of transgenic mice: role of the human FSH receptor promoter.

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    AIM: To specifically express the Asp567Gly human follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) under the control of its promoter to evaluate the phenotypic consequences in the presence of normal pituitary function. METHODS: We produced transgenic mice overexpressing the Asp567Gly human FSHR under the control of a 1.5kb 5'-flanking region fragment of its promoter. RESULTS: Mice were phenotypically normal and fertile. In males, mRNA could be detected in the testis and the brain, indicating that the 1.5kb promoter fragment drives expression not only in the gonads. The testis weight/body weight ratio and the testosterone levels in transgenic and non-transgenic littermates were similar. By in situ hybridisation we found that the transgenic FSHR was highly expressed in Sertoli cells, spermatocytes and round spermatids. However, a radioligand receptor assay failed to show a significant difference in total FSHR binding sites in testis homogenates of transgenic and wild type animals, suggesting that the transgenic FSHR is probably not translated into functional receptor protein. CONCLUSION: A 1.5kb 5'-region of the human FSHR drives mRNA expression of the transgene in the testis but leads to ectopic expression in germ cells and in the brain. No phenotypic consequences could be documented due to the lack of protein expression

    CANDLES Assay for monitoring GPCR induced cAMP generation in cell cultures

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    Background: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a physiologically and pharmacologically important family of receptors that upon coupling to GαS stimulate cAMP production catalyzed by adenylyl cyclase. Thus, developing assays to monitor cAMP production is crucial to screen for ligands in studies of GPCR signaling. Primary cell cultures represent a more robust model than cell lines to study GPCR signaling since they physiologically resemble the parent tissue. Current cAMP assays have two fundamental limitations: 1) absence of cAMP kinetics as competition-based assays require cell lysis and measure only a single time-point, and 2) high variation with separate samples needed to measure consecutive time points. The utility of real-time cAMP biosensors is also limited in primary cell cultures due to their poor transfection efficiency, variable expression levels and inability to select stable clones. We therefore, decided to develop an assay that can measure cAMP not only at a single time-point but the entire cAMP kinetics after GPCR activation in untransfected primary cells.Results: CANDLES (C yclic A MP iN direct D etection by L ight E mission from S ensor cells) assay for monitoring cAMP kinetics in cell cultures, particularly in primary cultures was developed. The assay requires co-culturing of primary cells with sensor cells that stably express a luminescent cAMP sensor. Upon GPCR activation in primary cells, cAMP is transferred to sensor cells via gap junction channels, thereby evoking a luminescent read-out. GPCR activation using primary cultures of rat cortical neurons and mouse granulosa cells was measured. Kinetic responses of different agonists to adrenergic receptors were also compared using rat cortical neurons. The assay optimization was done by varying sensor-test cell ratio, using phosphodiesterase inhibitors and testing cell-cell contact requirement.Conclusions: Here we present CANDLES assay based on co-culturing test cells with cAMP-detecting sensor cells. This co-culture setup allows kinetic measurements, eliminates primary cell transfections and reduces variability. A variety of cell types (rat cortical neurons, mouse granulosa cells and established cell lines) and receptors (adrenergic, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptors) were tested for use with CANDLES. The assay is best applied while comparing cAMP generation curves upon different drug treatments to untransfected primary cells.</p

    Revisiting the expression and function of follicle-stimulation hormone receptor in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

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    Expression of follicle-stimulation hormone receptor (FSHR) is confined to gonads and at low levels to some extragonadal tissues like human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). FSH-FSHR signaling was shown to promote HUVEC angiogenesis and thereafter suggested to have an influential role in pregnancy. We revisited hereby the expression and functionality of FSHR in HUVECs angiogenesis, and were unable to reproduce the FSHR expression in human umbilical cord, HUVECs or immortalized HUVECs (HUV-ST). Positive controls as granulosa cells and HEK293 cells stably transfected with human FSHR cDNA expressed FSHR signal. In contrast to positive control VEGF, FSH treatment showed no effects on tube formation, nitric oxide production, wound healing or cell proliferation in HUVEC/HUV-ST. Thus, it remains open whether the FSH-FSHR activation has a direct regulatory role in the angiogenesis of HUVECs.</p

    Serum MĂĽllerian inhibiting substance levels are lower in premenopausal women with breast precancer and cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In preclinical studies, mĂĽllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) has a protective affect against breast cancer. Our objective was to determine whether serum MIS concentrations were associated with cancerous or precancerous lesions. Blood from 30 premenopausal women was collected and serum extracted prior to their undergoing breast biopsy to assess a suspicious lesion found on imaging or physical examination. Based on biopsy results, the serum specimens were grouped as cancer (invasive or ductal carcinoma <it>in situ</it>), precancer (atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma <it>in situ</it>), or benign.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Serum from women with cancer and precancer (p = .0009) had lower MIS levels than serum from women with benign disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings provide preliminary evidence for MIS being associated with current breast cancer risk, which should be validated in a larger population.</p

    Mouse models of adrenal tumors responsive to gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropins

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    In recent years, several mouse models have been established for characterization of the molecular pathways involved in adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Adrenal tumors develop in genetically susceptible mouse strains after prepubertal gonadectomy, in mice transgenic with oncogenes (simian virus 40 T antigen), several gene knockouts (such as inhibin or conditional Gata6F/F), and in mice overexpressing transcription factor GATA binding protein 4. The gonadal rest-type adrenal tumor phenotype is regulated by gonadotropins, mainly luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone/chorionic hormone receptor and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor expression has been found in human adrenocortical carcinoma, as well as in several mouse adrenal tumor/adrenocarcinoma models. This mini-review will address recent advancements in this research topic with respect to the molecular basis of adrenocortical tumorigenesis, the clinical relevance of these tumor models, and the potential for future targeted treatment strategies. Furthermore, the ectopic expression of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic hormone receptor or gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor may open up options for targeted therapy approaches. </p

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells endogenously expressing follicle-stimulating hormone receptors : modeling the function of an inactivating receptor mutation

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is crucial in the development and regulation of reproductive functions. The actions of human FSH and its receptor (FSHR) and mutations therein have mainly been studied using in vivo models, primary cells, cancer cells and cell lines ectopically expressing the FSHR. To allow studies of endogenous FSHR function in vitro, we differentiated FSHR-expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells. FSH stimulation of the wild-type (WT), but not the inactivating Finnish founder mutant (A189V) receptor, activated the canonical cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent signaling pathway and downstream mediators. To investigate protein-protein interaction partners of FSHR at resting state and upon FSH stimulation, we expressed FSHR in HEK293 cells followed by affinity purification mass spectrometry analyses. We found 19 specific high-confidence interacting proteins for WT FSHR and 14 for A189V FSHR, several of which have been linked to infertility. Interestingly, while only WT FSHR interacted with FSH, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), for example, interacted with both WT and A189V FSHR upon FSH stimulation. In conclusion, our protocol allows detailed studies of FSH action and disease modeling in human cells endogenously expressing FSHR.Peer reviewe
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